Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4497: Alliance reached! The Three Ways to Become an Ancient God

   Chapter 4497 ​​The alliance is reached! The three necessary ways to become an ancient god!

   "Reason? Is one enough?!"

  "If it's not enough, two, three, or four! It's okay! Haha, hahaha..." Ye Kuangxue sneered, then raised his hand and stretched out a finger.

"First of all, that little beast slaughtered the descendants of your ancestral land, don't you care about these old people? Killing is a matter of course, and it is still this kind of **** vengeance. If you don't kill him, you won't take revenge. Are you willing? !"

   As soon as these words come out,

   That Dragon and Phoenix Ancient Ancestor's face sank directly,


"Ha ha…"

   Ye Kuangxue sneered and continued to speak. "Secondly, he destroyed the Daojun Emperor sword that you fought in the ancestral land. Is that forgot? The dog was robbed of food, and he knew how to bite. What about you? Is that enough?!"

   The voice fell, this time he didn't even wait for the Dragon and Phoenix Ancient Ancestor and Chengze Daojun to answer, he just spoke again and sneered. "Thirdly, that little beast is a character and a top genius, but he is from the Celestial Realm! Do you understand? If you really want to leave him alone like this, no matter what, is it possible that you still want the original Daozu Weiluo? Do you want to repeat the story again?!"

"What did you say?!"

  Longfeng Guzu was stunned for a moment, and then immediately burst into anger. He glared at Ye Kuangxue.

   But Ye Kuangxue still didn't care. said indifferently.

   "Longfeng old man, are those little beasts as powerful as Shentiandu and Nanli Fengzu? I don't know, but I know you are definitely not as strong as Wei Luoqiang! Am I right?!"

   As soon as these words come out,

  Longfeng Ancient Ancestor glared at Ye Kuangxue again,

   Then he suppressed his anger and said coldly.

"anything else?"

   "Also?" Ye Kuangxue paused, then looked directly at the Dragon and Phoenix Ancient Ancestor, and said with a cold smile. "If you help me this time, how about I, Ye Kuangxue, owe you a favor?"

   As soon as these words come out,

   That Dragon and Phoenix Ancient Ancestor was silent,

   Even Daojun Chengze was a little nervous at this time.

  Humanity? The favor of a dignified top Taoist ancestor, this value is really not small!

   "Okay, that's it, I promise you, what exactly do you want us to do?"

   At this moment, the Dragon and Phoenix Ancient Ancestor suddenly spoke,

   also actually agreed!

   Ye Kuangxue immediately laughed, his face full of suffocation, said. "It's very simple! I want to attack the Bianyuan Emperor City in the Celestial Realm. Come and help me, it's that simple!"

"it is good!"

  The Dragon and Phoenix Ancient Ancestor agreed immediately,

   As if this was a very inconspicuous little thing,

   But when Daojun Chengze was on the side, his scalp was numb and he was terrified!

   Attack Bianyuan Emperor City?

What does this mean?

   Is this the prelude to the war between the two immortal worlds? ! That thing, that is a real giant meat grinder! Once the battle begins, even a top Taoist powerhouse like him will be in danger...

   In other words,

   Even he will die!

   For a while, Daojun Chengze was a little confused! But the Dragon and Phoenix Ancient Ancestor and the Mad Blood Dao Patriarch Ye Kuang Xue have already decided on things, so even he... is not qualified to oppose it! Just accept it silently.

soon! The giant war machine in the ancestral land,

   also began to run like Na Yingliu, crazy!

Countless powerhouses were assigned to the major legions, countless golden horses and iron horses, and the torrent of war, all quickly rushed out of the battlefield, and went straight to the border between the two battlefields. land!

   So the wind of this fairy world war,

   also began to officially blow bigger and bigger, more and more fierce and violent!


   Just when the immortal war between the Eternal Immortal Realm and the Azure Sky Immortal Realm was already extremely tense and imminent, Chen Fei, who was in the outer world that day, in the Great Array of God King Fei Xian, was unaware of this!

   And more importantly,

   At this time, if he was compared to when he first entered the battle,

   has also completely changed!

If at the beginning, he was a complete person, a complete body, then now, he has become a body that is still melting and disintegrating. body!

   At this time, he was only the size of half a thumb left, which was even one percent or one thousandth of his normal normal condition. Neither.

   But that's not the point,

   The point is,

  Even so, this trend of melting and disintegration is still going on in an orderly fashion! Such a scene feels like it really must be completely turned into nothingness... that's the end!


   More importantly,

   This trend of continuous melting and disintegration is actually not limited to the physical body, but even the 'immortal soul at the level of soul power' is still the same!

   In other words,

   At this moment, Chen Fei,

   Actually, whether it is the physical body or the immortal soul at the soul level, they are still in a state of...'continuous melting and disintegration'! This is undoubtedly a very scary thing.

   After all, if you really want to let this trend be ignored, then there must be only one final result. That's a dead end! Ashes. Not even the last bit of ash...will be left!

  But, why is it, why is Chen Fei in such a situation now? This is actually quite simple. This is actually because this is one of the 'three necessary roads' for him to reach the realm of the ancient gods... That's all!

   That's right!

After experiencing the heavy baptism and scouring of the power of the God King Feixian Great Array, now Chen Fei has successfully broken through the peak of the Eighth Heavenly Heaven, the Nine Heavens, and even the Nine Heavens. The ceiling of the realm of cultivation at the peak of the sky, thus standing in front of the threshold of the realm of the ancient gods,

it's here,

  If he can go further,

   Then he can get his wish to completely break the limit of the immortal realm in the Celestial Realm... and become an ancient **** who truly surpasses the limit of the immortal realm! But before that, he still has three sure ways...

   In other words, three necessary tests!

   One is to cut off the true self,

  The second is to reshape chaos!

   The third is to destroy the thunder tribulation!

   Let’s talk about this cut off the real me first. Everyone knows that any existence, any creature, any species born in a certain fairyland will be branded with the fairyland!

   At the beginning, this brand is actually not bad, but it will be a status symbol. Represents its indigenous identity.

But when his cultivation realm becomes stronger and stronger, and at the same time, he also chooses to follow the path of the ancient gods, which is the opposite of the heavenly will of the immortal world... This imprint will hinder you from moving forward. the biggest obstacle,

   It will even be the biggest limit, preventing you from becoming an ancient **** in all directions!

   (end of this chapter)

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