Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4516: One against three! Victory and defeat!

   Chapter 4516 One enemy three! Victory and defeat!

"Little guy, be careful!" The voice of Tiangong Jianzu came with a trace of anxiety and urgency. Obviously, one of the two top powerhouses who suddenly came to attack Chen Fei at this time was his opponent. !

   But even so,

   To be honest, it's not his fault,


   First of all, this is a melee. Naturally, any kind of scene can happen! Secondly, his opponent is a powerful Taoist! In other words, as long as the other party is willing, even if he wants to stop... he can't stop it! Just do your best!

   But at this moment,

   Chen Fei is about to start fighting back!


   a low growl,

   Chen Fei's body and body, and in the void behind him, actually began to rapidly appear countless innate visions of six reincarnations! With the appearance of this innate vision, Chen Fei's momentum is also skyrocketing!

   to the end,

   One after another picture,

   appears in that void!

   The innate vision of the six paths of reincarnation,

   has also been fused together,

   has become a picture scroll of the six realms of reincarnation that supports the heavens and the earth!




   Loud noise!

   The peerless qi machine appeared, shattered the sky, suppressed the world, made everyone's pupils shrink again, and their faces changed dramatically! Obviously, the appearance of this power made them all shudder, and even their souls trembled!

   "The way of reincarnation evolves, and the six reincarnations are lifelong!"

   The huge shock wave spread, and the endless power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth spread to the four directions, and it actually collided with the attack of the three great masters!

   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

   The big explosion that destroyed the sky and the earth appeared. The attack of the purple robed old man and the black magic light woman were first to be crushed, and then they were shocked and retreated, and even coughed up some blood!


   The people were horrified and gasped. After all, none of them thought that Chen Fei could fight three against one another, and even wounded two of the powerful Taoists! What is this concept?

   For them,

   is simply shocking... simply incredible and unbelievable! However, the Xionghu Zun Seal of the Xionghu Daojun is indeed much stronger than the power of the other two Daojun strongmen!


   At this moment, the roars of the bear tiger and the **** bear came out, and the nine heavens and ten earths seemed to be crushed by them, as if they could shatter the heavens, possessing unparalleled attack power!

  Then, Fade Chen's six reincarnation life-long powers...

   was also slowly suppressed by it!



   And almost at the same time,

   Chen Fei and that Xionghu Daojun coughed up blood at the same time!

   Obviously, they were all injured at the same time. Even though they were both powerful Daojuns, it was still impossible for them to be unscathed under this level of super duel!

   The power of fighting against each other and the power of anti-shock made them unbearable, and some were injured!

   But such a scene also shocked everyone... Especially the invincible picture of Chen Fei fighting against three and fighting against the three great masters, it made them feel terrified and horrified from the bottom of their hearts!

   Everyone was stunned by this scene!

   "How could his strength be so powerful? It was a joint blow of three Daojun powerhouses, and he couldn't take it down? What is this concept? It's incredible!"

"What's incredible? Obviously, his background is too deep. In terms of strength, I don't think he is much stronger than Xiong Hu Daojun, but because of his deep background, he is not afraid of group attacks at all! Unless those who come to participate in the siege Humans can be as powerful as that Xionghu Daojun! But this is simply impossible!"

   "I didn't expect his strength to be so powerful, no wonder he dared to ask Xionghu Daojun to stay... Today, it really opened my eyes!"

"This kid is obviously a super evildoer! I suspect that he and Wang Xuanzhi are in the same league! If he were to fight alone, maybe he could kill a Daojun! But this should be impossible, Qidaojun. The strong man face to face, let alone him, even if Tian Yuan Dao Zun comes in person, it will not help!"

   "Yeah, this is a melee! It's too difficult, almost impossible, to kill a strong Taoist in this situation! I don't think it will be long, this battle should be stopped, right?"

   "It's like this every time. In a group battle, it's easier for everyone to throw the mouse and avoid it. If the stalemate lasts for a long time, it will naturally stop, because even if the fight goes on, it's meaningless!"

"But it doesn't matter. It is our luck to be able to see a super battle of this level with our own eyes. After all, in normal times, it is really difficult to see a super battle of this level! Even almost Not too possible!"


  People are constantly talking about it, and they are shocked by the splendidness of this battle and the terrifying strength of the warring parties! Horrible! But at the same time, they also understand.

   This battle,

   I'm afraid it won't be long.

  The most taboo thing in group battles is stalemate!

   Unless it's really the kind of ultimate battle, where you die and don't stay alive, otherwise, what's the point of everyone being deadlocked here? It doesn't make any sense at all.

   So generally at times like this,

   They will also choose to stop each other and end the war!

   This is both to end the stalemate and to cut through the danger.

  What is danger? In fact, it is already a stalemate, which naturally means that it is uncontrollable! That is to say, from then on, every minute and every second, but there may also be accidents, or even accidental death!

   This unintelligible and uncontrollable accidental risk of death,

   Obviously, they don't want to see it, so at this time, no matter which of them is, they are more willing to choose to stop. I prefer to choose to control unexpected risks and fight again next time!

   But despite what he said, the battle between Chen Fei and that Xionghu Daojun was obviously getting more and more fierce and violent!

"Boom! Boom! Boom..." In the void, the loud noises of countless intersections and collisions continued to emerge, and I saw that Chen Fei and Xiong Hu Daojun had already fought hundreds of thousands in a very short time. times. At this time, they obviously did not hold back at all, and they all chose to use nearly 99% of their peak power!

   so and so to the end,

   Whether it is Chen Fei or that Xionghu Daojun, he is already covered in blood, and even the Xionghu Daojun's Xionghu Zun seal... was punched out by Chen Fei abruptly with many cracks!


   The real fight has come to this point,

   The victories and defeats between them are already somewhat clear at a glance.

  Strictly speaking, Chen Fei's strength is better than that of Xionghu Daojun, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to forcibly label the Xionghu Zunyan like that! but! To say the difference is huge? Neither did that.

   Therefore, it should be just the 'slightly superior strength gap'.

   Just the more so,

   The more red-eyed Xionghu Daojun became, it was difficult to accept!

   (end of this chapter)

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