Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4518: The situation is reversed! Space exile!

   Chapter 4518 The situation is reversed! Space exile!

   "Since you still have such self-confidence, let me see what your self-confidence is!"

  Xiong Hu Daojun's eyes were as cold as mysterious ice, staring at Fade Chen, and then he saw his one-handed seal, and the cracked Xiong Hu Zun seal in the void immediately turned into a ray of light!

   shot at Chen Fei instantly,


   At the same time, the self-exploding power in the seal of the Bear and Tiger is directly like a volcanic eruption, a galaxy burst, and the universe is disintegrated, and it explodes like a complete destruction!

   At that moment, a surging and cheerful smile appeared directly in the eyes of Shendu Daojun and others! Obviously, in their opinion, here, all this is about to end!

   Fade Chen,

   will surely die under the self-destruction of the bear and tiger seal!

   But just to be on the safe side,

   They even attacked together again,

   used their killer method to kill Chen Fei!

   At that moment, the Xeon attacks of the overwhelming Five Dao Monarchs were already as fast as the speed of light, completely submerging and sweeping the void space where Chen Fei was located!

   And seeing this scene, the powerhouses of the Fifth Emperor City, such as Weeping Youyou, Li Beihuo, Huanglong Yaozu, Tiangong Jianzu, also trembled fiercely. Then, their eyes also solidified!

   is full of rage and helplessness!

   It's not that they are now watching Fade Chen get killed, but because they had lost the chance to rescue Fade Chen after they missed the first opportunity!

   Not to mention the peerless formation created by the four great masters of the Great Dao,

   It's not that they can break open in a short time!

   It is said that the self-destruction of the Xionghu Zun seal of Xionghu Daojun,

   also made them not dare to go to danger with Chen Fei at all!

   After all, if we want to talk about friendship, they really don't have much friendship. The reason why they stand up is because they are grasshoppers on a boat! But in this life-and-death juncture, they are naturally very clear! How to choose!

   "Hey, what a pity..."

   Tiangong Jianzu sighed,

   Na Huatian Xianzu also seemed to shake his head slightly,

   seems to be a little helpless, and also seems to be saying that there is no way, she has tried her best!

   However, this is now a dead end.

   Unless it is Tian Yuan Dao Zun, or the top ancient God of Slaying Ten Thousand Dao in person, otherwise, no one can solve it!

  So, they really did their best,

   That Chen Fei is probably already dead, right?

   But at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred!

   In the area that should have been full of destruction and destruction,

   But suddenly came Fade Chen's slightly sneering voice.

   "Do you really think you've already won?"

   "Sorry, I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time!"

   "The Art of Space Exile!"


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

   Time seems to stand still at this moment,

  Everything has also been suspended in place,

   And then, a huge black hole! With a buzzing sound, it directly expanded at an unimaginable speed, and then quickly swallowed the self-exploding fluctuations of the Xionghu Zunyan into it! Not only that, this black hole even covered the four great masters who joined hands to kill Chen Fei!

   "Not good! Run!" The faces of the Daojun strong men instantly changed, their faces turned pale, and then they turned around and ran without thinking about it! I want to rush out from the swallowing range of the space exile technique!

   The essence of this space banishing technique is that it can banish any enemy, any object, whether it is a void form or an actual physical constitution, into an unknown chaotic time and space!

   In other words, once they are involved, they will be exiled to an unknown time and space! It's no different than killing them.

and this,

   is also the reason why Fade Chen dared to stand there, take their attacks and take the self-destruction of the bear and tiger seal!

   This is because he is not afraid at all! Although the self-destruction power of this Bear and Tiger Zun Seal is terrifying, even if he is hit directly, he will feel very uncomfortable, but he does not need to be hard-connected at all!

   Just banish it!

   Even the power of the endless space can allow him to minimize damage! But why didn't he choose the endless space, but chose this space to be exiled? Nothing more than to kill two birds with one stone, nothing more than to make a game!

  When he was in the most dangerous moment,

   is the time when the other party will relax and relax the most vigilance!

   As long as he can find an opportunity, like now, to exile his space, then his purpose has been achieved! At least for their immortal world, once the space is exiled, it is no different from death.

   Because they will never be able to come back!

   Hope, very little!

   But there is also a flaw in this space exile technique, that is, the movement is too obvious. Once you make a move, you can easily be detected. As long as you are detected, you can easily escape with the power of those Daojun levels!


  To be successful, he must play the game first!

   And now, his game, of course, was a success!

"Do not…"

  The first one was the old man in the purple robe,

  Because he was too proud and careless, he rushed too deep. After reacting, he slowed down a step, so he was swallowed up on the spot by the power of the space banishing technique! He only left a very desperate and unwilling scream, and then disappeared directly into this world!

   And seeing this scene,

  People also have scalp tingling! Trembling all over! terrified...

   One, a strong Taoist,

   Was exiled like that? !

   What is this concept? Don't say it's spread out, I'm afraid no one will believe it! Even now, they are here to see it with their own eyes, witness it with their own eyes! Still unbelievable! Incredible!

   But having said that,

   The flaws of the space exile technique are indeed very obvious. After reacting, except for this unlucky bastard, the other three people have successfully escaped the space exile power range...

   The feeling of being born in a desperate situation,

   let them sweat and tremble all over,

   also made a flaw and neutrality in their mentality and state!


  sharp sound,

   Chen Fei appeared directly in front of the trembling God, Daojun. Facing the pair of trembling pupils that gradually enlarged, Chen Fei sneered and said coldly. "Didn't you ask me how to escape? Now I'll tell you..."

   "Isn't it enough to kill you all?!"

   "You, you dare?!"

  Shendu Daojun's pupils shrank,

  's face turned white, hysterical, trembling and roaring!


   But it's too late!

"Dang!" Fade Chen smashed into the sky and tried his best. This blow directly hit the fusion of the four transcendental forces of reincarnation, chaos, space, and time, and directly hit the god. There was a roar on Du Daojun's body, and the heaven and earth trembled suddenly, the world outside the sky shook, the stars were disillusioned, and the latter was directly knocked out!

   is then inertial,

   was brought directly to the power of the exile in that space!



  The world trembled! Loud noise!


"Boom rumble rumble..." The void and space were also distorted directly, and the ten directions were destroyed, turning into a black hole-like abyss restricted area. If you look closely, in the void, at this time, I don't know how many have appeared. Twisting the abyss, extending to different planes, there is no end, it is completely turbulent!

   (end of this chapter)

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