Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4534: Wang Xuanzhi vs Old Star God!

   Chapter 4534 Wang Xuanzhi vs Old Star God!

   Out of the sky, the land of the edge abyss,

  This is an extremely vast and vast terracotta!

  Looking around, it seems that there is no end here, and it seems that there is not even a little bit of anger and people. Some, it's just an endless barrenness, and there are all kinds of black holes and voids that are completely distorted and shattered!

   Logically speaking, there should be no sound in such a place. It should be a dead silence... But at this moment, here, there is a very terrifying peak battle taking place!

   In this terracotta void at this time, a short and thin old man wearing a light blue robe was confronting a rather young-looking gray short-haired man!

   I saw the short and thin old man, and at this moment, an extremely terrifying verve was blooming all over his body. This verve was constantly evolving, manifesting, and then materializing! materialization! In the end, it came together completely...

   After that, it turned into a sea of ​​stars that was incomparably vast, but it actually looked very small on his body! Looking from a distance, such a picture also seems to give people the feeling that there is an illusion,

   That is the old man is not a human,

   is God! The all-powerful, unmatched God! Rao is the sea of ​​stars, and on him, they are all very small, as if they are clouds, with a great sense of dislocation and gap!

   What's even scarier is that,

   At this time, on the head of the short and thin old man,

   There is still a mirror floating quietly,

   The front of this mirror is full of white clouds and thousands of galaxies. It is incomparably sacred, but the back is as black as ink, like purgatory, flowing with two completely different extreme forces, ups and downs on his head! Truly terrifying! Shocking.

   What's more, if there are people from the Eternal Immortal Realm here at this time, after seeing that mirror, they will definitely be shocked, and even exclaimed. "Daozu weapon?!"

   That's right,

   The mirror hanging above the head of the short and thin old man,

   is a Taoist weapon!

  Although this mirror should be far less powerful than the Gorefiend Furnace that Ye Kuangxue used to be, it is just this ancestral weapon! These four words, in fact, have already explained everything!

   This is the heritage of a Taoist ancestor!

   is also the combat power of a Taoist ancestor!

   More importantly, this is just the mirror. Don't forget, the short and thin old man is still there. Since he can come up with such a Taoist weapon, how could his true strength be so poor?

  So, this short and thin old man, he is no one else,

   He is a strong Taoist ancestor,

   At the same time, he is also the master of the Star God Mansion on the ancestral land and the heroic side—Old Star God!

   And the identity of the gray short-haired man standing opposite him,

   Naturally, it will come out!

   Wang Xuanzhi!

  The descendant of Haiyi Chaotian Pavilion,

   The first evildoer of the ancient Shenmeng, Wang Xuanzhi!

   At this moment, the old Star God and Wang Xuanzhi were both looking at each other. Especially in the deep pupils of the old Star God, at this time it was extremely cold and murderous! Staring at Wang Xuanzhi...that kind of feeling, as if he couldn't help tearing him alive and crushing him into ashes! Very infiltrating.

   But Wang Xuanzhi's expression at this time was very calm and calm. At this time, he was like a young invincible true **** who was still awakening to the world, and there was an extremely terrifying and surging general trend lingering all over his body!

   His whole body seemed to be on fire,

   Even the hair was dyed with golden brilliance,

   At a glance, at this time, his attitude and attitude are also extremely amazing.

   seems to be a very blooming and unstoppable potential!

   gives people a feeling of unfathomable depth, like a deep sea, and it is also very amazing!

   At this time, one of them floated in the void, and the other stopped directly above the sky, with countless distorted black hole spaces, chaotic airflow, different dimension space worlds... Silently opposite!

   Such a battle,

   As if the whole world was tense, the momentum fluctuations were extremely huge, extremely terrifying, and suffocating.

   And this is the peak confrontation between an ancient **** who slashes thousands of Taos and a strong Taoist ancestor!

   Ceiling level super battle,

  Even if it is so silent and the ancient well has no waves, it is enough to shake the sky and crack the sky!

   "I thought you were just an ant earlier, but I didn't expect you to have such strength!"

   The old man of the Star God looked down at Wang Xuanzhi and said lightly.

   But there was a strange color in his eyes. "You just entered the cultivation realm of the ancient **** of slaying thousands of Taos, and you can actually move your arms with me. It seems that your potential talent is indeed very powerful..."

   "Are you complimenting me by saying this, but there is no need for you to praise me like that for our relationship." Wang Xuanzhi looked at the old Star God with a calm expression, and said softly.

   "I am indeed complimenting you, but I am also expounding the fact that your potential talent is indeed good, but you should also know it? In this case, it also means that you are already a bit of a threat to us!"

   Old Star God said softly,

   "Threats? Hehe, so what?"

   Wang Xuanzhi stared at each other and smiled indifferently. "You said you wanted to tell me that since it is a threat, it must be eliminated early, so you will die here today, right?"

"You are very smart!"

The old man    Star God nodded calmly, but the killing intent in his eyes at this time was already in full bloom, as if it was a blade, extremely sharp! Very compelling!

   "Since it's a threat, we have to get rid of it early! Besides, you little thing, you dare to set up a game to harm the people of my Star God Palace... Then of course I'll keep you even more!"

   "This place today is where your bones are buried!"

   "Haha..." Wang Xuanzhi smiled indifferently and said softly. "Old Star God, if you really have this ability, you can come and try! I will definitely stay with you to the end!"

   "Come on then!" The old man of the Star God said softly, and then he immediately shot, almost as soon as the voice fell, it was already in front of that Wang Xuanzhi in an instant, and it was almost unbelievable.


   And at the same time,

The old man of the Star God also spread his five fingers together, and slapped Wang Xuanzhi with a slap in the face... At that moment, the sky was crowded with vast coercion. Destroying the sky and destroying the earth, like the masters of the Gaidai reigning in the heavens and the world, it is already terrifying and shocking when it appears!


   Today's Wang Xuanzhi,

  Since he has become a powerful ancient **** who slashes thousands of ways,

   Naturally, it is not so easy to defeat it...

   "Bang!" Wang Xuanzhi spit out a piece of white light, and then the light swelled and shot out, blooming a trace of the Great Way, shrouding himself, and turning into a body-protecting divine light...


   That slap slammed **** the protective body divine light, and actually pierced it immediately, smashing it to pieces, and then with all his strength, he quickly and straightly smashed it towards Wang Xuanzhi...

   (end of this chapter)

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