Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4545: Lose both? Ning Feilong's chance!

   Chapter 4545 Both sides suffer? Ning Feilong's chance!


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

   At that moment, the overwhelming amount of violent violence erupted, and I saw that countless beams of light erupted directly in the void world! Through the hole, countless power erupted suddenly!

   was directly bombarded, on the seal of the Emperor of War,

   That moment,

   It seems that even time has stopped!

   Both Ouyang Chengze and Ning Feilong, their pupils shrank completely, and their expressions changed greatly, because they were surprised to find that some of this power actually existed, the prototype of the fusion of chaotic time and space reincarnation power!

  Why do they feel that time is stopped!

   It is because this power contains the power of the way of time!

   Their thinking was not affected,

   But the space where they exist was slowed down by the intervention of the way of time! And more importantly, this power is not even the power of the way of time!

  The space is split!

  Click, click, click!

   The space around them was completely sealed,

   is completely blocked here,

   There is no escape!

   The power of chaos roars!

   has actually evolved into a chaotic dragon that is enough to support the sky and the ground. It is full of energy and rushes to the chaotic world outside the territory. From the chaotic world, it attracts the law power of the chaotic world!



   In an instant, the heavens and the earth trembled, and the seal of the Emperor of War was blown away!

   This also made that Ouyang Chengze tremble all over, his face turned pale,

   I almost spit out a mouthful of blood!



   forcibly pressed down the wounds in the body,

   Ouyang Chengze couldn't help but gritted his teeth and cursed! At this moment, he obviously understands that although Chen Fei's avenue was created for the real, but now, it has already taken shape!

   And the most hateful and unacceptable thing is!

   Chen Fei is still using the pressure of their battle to forcibly perfect and create and evolve his own way! In other words, Chen Fei was actually sharpening the knife with the two of them. when they are stepping stones.

   With his status and strength,

  How have you ever been so humiliated? !

   It made him tremble with anger, unable to speak,

   But having said that, the pressure and suffocation in his heart are getting stronger and stronger at this time!

  Because Fade Chen is actually in front of them now, it is visible to the naked eye that he is still getting stronger!

   As long as Chen Fei becomes stronger by one point, then they will be weaker by one point, and under this condition, the gap between them will become smaller and smaller, or even be overtaken and smoothed out, and become larger and larger! Once so, then...

   Ouyang Chengze trembled,

   Then the killing intent in his eyes erupted again!

he knows,

   He can't wait!

   "Roar!" Ouyang Chengze stomped abruptly, only to see that the celestial body of war intent directly opened its huge mouth and roared! The sound waves visible to the naked eye raged like a storm.

   "God is angry!"

   The terrifying sound wave burst wildly and attacked Chen Fei, but it was easily blocked by Chen Fei's rune, but at this moment, in the void, the power of the War Emperor Seal, which had just been knocked out,

   was already in the air,

   Straight down to him!

   "Nine-turn Blood Curse! Battle Emperor Seal!"

   Ouyang Chengze roared!

   This is the second forbidden technique outbreak,

   However, it was even half a point better than the first time!

   Chen Fei squinted his eyes and did not retreat, but burst out his own power again and launched a peerless attack!

"Boom! Boom! Boom..." The endless blasting sound resounded through the void, the power of the runes overwhelmed the sky, smashed the ground, broke out the peerless energy, poured into the front, and then directly turned into countless sword beams, peerless. Sharp, beheaded! Such as the heaven splitting down! Violently collided with Ouyang Chengze's War Emperor Seal!




   This is the sound of destruction!

Unparalleled terrifying explosions kept appearing, and countless shock waves that were extremely terrifying were also directly between Chen Fei's power and that of Ouyang Chengze's seal of the war emperor. generally. ,

   Next, the power between the two continued to explode, collided, and fought each other. Every attack could even kill Guihun Daozun! The strength is outrageous, and it completely shocks people's bones!

   is chilling!


   In the end, Ouyang Chengze was also ruthless. He took the first peerless blow, paid a huge price, and forcibly raised the power of the Battle Emperor Seal to a higher half level!

   Then came to Fade Chen to kill!


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble!"

  The terrifying blood-colored brand appeared, and on the War Emperor's seal, even a blood-like red light appeared at this time, and it was also full of runaway, violent, and the light spread out, extremely dazzling! It was brighter than countless suns, so that the world outside the sky that day was almost on fire, filled with terrifying fluctuations like the ocean.

"Come on, Chen Xukong, let me see how powerful you are!" Ouyang Chengze's face was covered in blood, very ferocious, and at the same time, the extremely terrifying peerless forbidden technique attack was already aimed at Fade Chen kills,

   slammed into the void world of Chen Fei,


  The multi-dimensional space seems to be crushed,

  It became a place of destruction, a dead silence, and nothing more...



   And at the same time,

   Whether it was Chen Fei or Ouyang Chengze, his face suddenly changed drastically, he spit out a large mouthful of blood, and there were many cracks all over his body, and the blood sputtered out, like an injection!

  Obviously...At this point, the two of them were both injured at the moment, almost all suffered serious injuries, and no one could gain any advantage!

   But at this moment, someone couldn't help but sneer!

   That is Ning Feilong!

   But although he did sneer, he still didn't delay the slightest chance! Almost at the moment when Chen Fei and Ouyang Chengze were both injured, he, who had been dormant for a long time, had already seized this opportunity,

   is directly shot,

   Kill Fade Chen!


   At this moment, an extremely powerful force erupted!

Another dragon roar came out, and I saw an ancient bell flew away, hovering over the head of Ning Feilong's War Emperor Celestial Elephant Dharma, and the terrifying pressure spread out, as if it could shake the heavens. Has unparalleled attack power!

On this ancient bell, there is a lifelike nine-headed real dragon carved with the dragon's head as a bell, the nine-clawed bell wall, and the dragon's tail turned into a base. Brilliant.

   Daojun's weapon!


   This is definitely a Taoist weapon!

   is also the trump card that Ning Feilong has hidden for a long time!

   (end of this chapter)

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