Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 519: old man playing chess

   Chapter 519 The old man playing chess

   "What does this mean?" Chen Zhenjun murmured, as if he wanted to catch something, but couldn't. Although he is also somewhat aware of his father's words, the meaning it represents is likely to be amazing, but it is still difficult for him to have an accurate judgment on that concept in his heart.

Because he is in the position he is now, and he grew up very smoothly from childhood to most of the time, although he has heard of it, he, Chen Zhenjun, is indeed very separated from the world where the dark forces like Hubaotang live. Far away, as if not in a world. This is also the real reason why he seems a little stunned at this moment.

As if he had guessed what his son was thinking, Mr. Chen Bingzhang's eyes fell on Chen Zhenjun, he first shook his head, then suddenly sighed and said, "None of your generation has experienced the war years, so only You can recognize the importance of power and wealth, but you don’t know that in the face of absolute force, wealth and power will both be flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water.”

Speaking of this, the old man paused suddenly, and then he couldn't help but continue: "You must have had contact with people from the four departments of the capital before, right? They are all typical representatives... With a wave of your hand, you can avoid the hail of bullets, even missiles. You can't even threaten them, don't you think this kind of person is scary?"

   "Surely scary. Just…"

   Hearing this, Chen Zhenjun couldn't help being a little stunned. He didn't expect the old man to be so emotional all of a sudden. But then he couldn't help but ask: "But Dad, Chen Fei...is he really that powerful? After all, people's energy can't be infinite, and they don't have that much time. After all, his achievements in medicine are already so amazing. , No matter how talented and evil you are, you can't really do two things with one heart, right? Besides, how old is he now? Is he thirty years old?"

   Obviously he really can't believe that someone can be so powerful! For more than 20 years, even if he started learning from his mother's womb, it is already extremely, extremely, extremely amazing that he can have a skill that is amazing! How can it be possible to keep pace with both medical skills and ancient martial arts, and at the same time to reach the peak? This is not a movie!

   "However, this is the most terrifying!"

Chen Bingzhang, Mr. Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Let's not talk about Chen Fei, let's talk about Huang Xing Huang Lao, he was the first director of the Central Guard Bureau, and during his reign, the Central Guard Bureau has always been the fourth department in the capital. The first name! Unceremoniously suppressing the other three. This situation has been going on for more than 20 years, and it has never been subverted once, can you imagine it?"

   "This..." Chen Zhenjun's hand holding the cigarette trembled, his face showing an unbelievable look.

   He is not from that era, so in the end, he still knows very little about the old man Huang Xing Huang Lao, who has now retreated behind the scenes and is taking care of his old age.

   But when he listened to her father's words now, the original cognition in his heart seemed to be washed away by the torrent. How terrifying, what a person with excellent skills, can achieve that level! ?

  In that era, who could be the leader of the four ministries in the capital, who was not the greatest talent in the republic, and his ambition was higher than the sky? And it is impossible for such a person to be convinced that he has been suppressed from beginning to end, let alone for more than 20 years. What is that concept?

"So I can tell you clearly now that even Mr. Xu, he can't easily force Mr. Huang Xing Huang to do something unless he voluntarily. Do you understand what I'm talking about? Mr. Huang Xing and Huang are voluntary for the sake of If that kid is in his early days, but if that's the case..." Speaking of this, the helplessness and emotion in Old Man Chen's eyes deepened.

   was able to get the appreciation of Huang Xing Huang Lao, not because he owed the life-saving grace and friendship like Mr. Xu, to a certain extent, that kid was even better than him, Chen Bingzhang, and even more outstanding. After all, even if he was Chen Bingzhang back then, he only got the word "okay" from the other side.

   It is still a long way from the appreciation that he is willing to stand up for himself as he is now.

   Hearing this, Chen Zhenjun didn't speak, because he was so shocked that he couldn't say anything. Yes, if this is the case, Huang Xing Huang Lao voluntarily came forward to stand up for that kid in person, what does that mean? Just thinking about it is enough to shock people into disbelief, can't close their jaws.


   Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh, and blurted out: "It's also too deep a misunderstanding, otherwise, if Chen Fei is willing to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors..."

"If that kid is willing to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestry, our old Chen family will have no worries for at least a hundred years, and even the other two families will have to continue to be suppressed by us! But unfortunately..." Chen Bingzhang, the old man Chen, used extreme He spoke in a positive tone, but in the end he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

  If there were no conflicts between them, perhaps their old Chen family would not need to worry about the coming storm and the decadence that the family gradually showed, right? Speaking of which, the deadline doesn't seem to have a few days left, right?

   "Master, you..." Chen Zhenjun didn't expect his father to value Chen Fei so much, but he couldn't help shaking his head helplessly.

  Because Chen Fei and his mother and son were abandoned by their family back then, and even nearly lost their lives... So even a generous person would still complain and hold grudges, right?

   Besides, Chen Fei doesn't seem like a generous person.

   Thinking of this, Chen Zhenjun couldn't help but ask again: "Dad, what should we do now?"

   "Let's wait and see what happens? But I still have to visit that person." Mr. Chen Bingzhang shook his head and sighed, and then his eyes flashed.


   At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Fei was going to go to the Central Defence Bureau and asked Huang Xing Huang to conspire to invite the Zhantian team to 'discuss', but he was called by Mr. Xu's inexplicable call to the Xu family courtyard. Say something you want to talk to him about.

   However, when he came to the backyard of the Xu family's courtyard, he saw that in front of the stone table under the shade of the tree, two gray-haired old men were holding chess and chess in their hands. One of the two gray-haired old men was Mrs. Xu, while Chen Fei didn't know the other.

   It was just that when he stepped into the backyard of this courtyard a second ago, the old man he didn't know glanced at him sideways without leaving any traces, which made Fade Chen slightly frowned.

   Does this old man know him? But he doesn't know each other.

"Come here? Come and sit, wait for the two of us to finish this game first. If you understand, you can come and watch the battle." At this moment, Mrs. Xu found that Chen Fei was coming, and greeted him casually without raising his head. , like a family member, making the other old man's eyes clear and complicated, a bit more intense, and even some inexplicable sighs.

   "Play chess?" Fade Chen was not interested when he heard this, because he didn't know this at all. But he still moved a small bench casually according to his words, walked to Mr. Xu, sat down, and watched quietly.

   At this time, the other old man seemed to finally have a chance to stare at Fade Chen justifiably. His old, cloudy eyes flashed, and he suddenly laughed, saying, "Master Xu, who is this young man? No introduction?" Hearing this, Master Xu, who was still observing the chess game, smiled.

"You talk about him, he's just a boy with the surname Chen. He's only in his twenties. He's no big or small, and he has nothing to introduce. Let's continue, continue, I'm leaving, the next move is up to you. ." Immediately after, I saw him laugh softly.

It's just a boy named Chen, there's nothing to introduce... As soon as he heard the obvious words of Mr. Xu, the other old man's expression didn't fluctuate at all, but he still smiled bitterly in his heart, and shook his head helplessly. . This old man Xu really didn't give him a 'little chance'.

   When he thought of this, he glanced over Chen Fei's face without leaving a trace, lowered his head and stared at the chessboard, as if he was staring at the chess path seriously. His fingers tapped lightly on the stone table again, making a clear sound, very orderly, so that Fade Chen couldn't help squinting and staring at the past.

   At this moment, the other old man suddenly laughed, shook his head and said, "As expected of Mr. Xu, he is as solid as a mountain, and he is as calm as a mountain. This way really makes me a little embarrassed."

"Don't hold me up, kid. I still know how good I am at chess. Anyway, compared to you, it's far worse. Hurry up and play, I know you must have a way to break my hand." And that old man Xu Hearing this, he smiled.

   fortified? He just said that casually, and he hasn't really started to work hard. Otherwise, how can this person be so good to see?

  Hey, even if you let that kid know the truth of the matter, I don't know if he will complain that the old man is nosy. It seems that everything is easy to do these days, that is, a good person who likes to meddle in his own business, it is really difficult to do.

  He himself is too, what is he doing with such an idle mind when he has nothing to do? Really nosy, nosy.

   "Is there a way to break your hand? Mr. Xu, you really look down on me."

Hearing that, the other old man smiled helplessly, and suddenly turned his head to Fade Chen who was sitting beside Mr. Xu, with a kind smile and said: "Young man, you should know a little bit about this game, right? Can you help the old man with me? Come up with an idea, how can we save the current defeat?"


Fade Chen was a little stunned when he heard the other party's words, and then shook his head a little embarrassedly: "Old man, you have read it wrong. I don't understand this chess at all, so you are really asking the wrong person when you ask me. I'm done." And upon hearing this, the squinting smile on Old Man Xu's face seemed to be a little more prosperous.

   Even, his eyes moved away from the chess game and landed on the other old man with a smile. Want to see what method he will use to crack his own hand?

  Speaking of which, since the old man Chen left, this kid seems to have become much calmer than before!

   It seems that the burden on his shoulders recently is really big.

   (end of this chapter)

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