Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 525: dragon and snake

   Chapter 525 Dragon and Snake Mixed

The two people behind Liu Chudong were from the old Liujiadi group, and now they actually got together with Chen Fei and others from the Central Defence Bureau. Naturally, they were extremely eye-catching, which also made them live in this mixed capital. The four younger generations have received much attention in the region. Only soon, someone recognized Liu Chudong's identity, and then they were a little surprised and throbbing in their expressions and eyes.

   It turns out that Liu Chudong's enchanting talent was not inferior to that of Yan Zhen more than ten years ago! Overwhelmed by a generation! And they have a common feature, that is, they suddenly disappear in a certain period of time, and they don't know where they went! And this situation is not just the two of them, these two cases, but there are some other than them!

   Naturally, one has to wonder if there is actually a more mysterious and higher-ranked special unit in this republic, above the four divisions of their capital! Only highly talented people such as Yan Zhen and Liu Chudong are qualified to go there, just like joining the army! Stay there long enough to come back.

   And thanks to Liu Chudong, some people with sensitive ears not far away heard part of the conversation between him and Fade Chen, followed by whispers, and what you passed me and I passed you gradually leaked out. Even Chen Fei, the main force of the Central Guard Bureau, was dug up, which surprised everyone present.

   "That kid is really the trump card of the True Central Security Bureau this time? Just kidding? Just rely on him?"

"Hehe, I didn't expect the Central Guard Bureau to be at the bottom of the fourth in our capital for so many years, and their eyesight and vision are getting better and better! What kind of skills can such a 20-something-year-old boy have? That's enough for Luo Qinghai and Zhou. Did Xuan or Sui Mingqi squeeze it with one hand? It's really funny."

"Don't talk too much about this. I seem to know that kid, so he should be Fade Chen? I've heard of him. He seems to have killed a peak powerhouse in the early days of the innate in the Lingnan Mountains before! And he was killed. The person is said to be the elder of an ancient Wuzongmen."

"Killed a peak in the early days of the innate? Isn't that S+? No, that kid seems to be less than thirty years old at most. Could it be that you want to say that his strength has reached the SS level? Otherwise, how could he do it? "

"That's why I told you not to talk too much. Also, do you think those high-level officials of the Central Guard Bureau are like idiots? If they don't have a trump card or a certainty, they dare to do this with only one Cao Qiguo? I think this time the Central Committee The guard's backhand and trump card, no surprise, should be that kid."

   "At that time, we'll have to take a good look at what that kid is capable of. And to be able to talk and laugh like Liu Chudong, he must have some real skills in his hands!"


   There were a lot of discussions in this area, with mixed praise and criticism.

   While those discussions were still continuing, not far away, under a tree that seemed to be lush and leafy, some sights shot to Fade Chen's area from time to time. And the owners of these sights are obviously not ordinary people, because even after their eyes fell on Liu Chudong, they did not show any palpitation, but rather pondering.

"It's Liu Chudong, he's back? Oh, by the way, it will be Mr. Liu's 100th birthday soon! He should be back for the birthday banquet, right?" The man in the gray coat leaned against the tree trunk and smiled faintly while playing with the tail ring in his hand. His fingers looked very delicate, and even the delicate ones felt a little weird. When they swayed gently, there seemed to be shadows moving on them.

"That boy is lucky. If he hadn't intervened, it would have been Brother Liu you who came back from there." Next to the man in the gray coat sat a man wearing a yellow long-sleeved t-shirt. I saw Qi pouted, as if he had any opinion on Liu Chudong.

"It's not like he stepped in. After all, although we were equal in strength at the beginning, she was always a year younger than me in terms of age, so she must have an advantage over me. This is something that can't be helped." Instead, it was the gray one. The man in the jacket shook his head lightly and smiled when he heard the words, and then his eyes fell on Fade Chen, playing with his taste: "Did you hear? That kid seems to be the trump card of the Central Guard Bureau this time. Very young."

   "I guess so. He looks quite young, but he just doesn't know what he can handle in his hands."

The man in the yellow long-sleeved t-shirt also followed the topic of the man in the gray coat, his eyes fell on Fade Chen, and suddenly the corner of his mouth twitched: "What? Brother Liu, you don't like him? Yes, it seems that the kid was killed before. The Sun family is alone, and your dragon group and the Sun family are of the same spirit. Now that you see the real person, it is definitely impossible to say that you can see it in your heart."

   "Haha, I'm a little unhappy." Hearing that, the man in the gray coat smiled lightly, his eyes flickering slightly.

   His full name is Liu Jinyun, and he is one of the four most important figures in the younger generation of the Dragon Group! Just like Cao Qiguo's position in the Central Guard Bureau.

   Speaking of which, he knew about Sun Long before, and he and Sun Long knew each other. Even if they didn't have much friendship with each other, but now, people were slaughtered by Fade Chen, and he was naturally a little unhappy in his heart!

   Not to mention now that he has seen the real "murderer", of course it is even more difficult to turn a blind eye.

   "Since you're not feeling well, or Brother Liu, you'd better teach him a lesson here first. A hairy boy under 30 years old, how capable can he be?" The yellow long-sleeved sympathetic man said with a smile.

   "Sui Mingqi, why are you thinking about it with me?"

Hearing that, Liu Jinyun tickled the corner of his mouth, and said bluntly, "This is your group's business, and it has nothing to do with me. Besides, I'm not stupid. Even if the Central Security Bureau has been weak over the years, who would dare to be small? Look at them? Can they be regarded as the trump card to challenge you this time, how can it be simple? I think it's better for you to worry about yourself, and don't make a fool of yourself. "

   It turns out that the yellow long-sleeved sympathetic man is actually the generation of the Tian group. Sui Mingqi, one of the best in the younger generation, is as famous as the other two Luo Qinghai and Zhou Xuan! Second only to Yan Zhen who just came back over there.

  Although they can laugh at the fact that the Central Guard Bureau has been at the bottom of the rankings for so many years, they are actually very clear in their hearts that even if such a behemoth accumulates weakness and declines, it is not something that can be underestimated! Otherwise it would be a very, very stupid thing.

   Besides, even if that kid kills Sun Long, what does it have to do with him? Anyway, based on his friendship with Sun Long, it is far from being willing to avenge him. So he, Liu Jinyun, is not a showy head anymore, why is he wading in this muddy water?

   He is just here to watch the fun today! By the way, meet Yan Zhen who has never met in the 'previous generation'.

   Apart from that, he is not at all and will not be like any other.

   "Make a fool of yourself? That shouldn't be the case. And I guess it shouldn't be my turn to worry about this today."

Sui Mingqi shrugged indifferently, and then a faint strange color flashed in the depths of his eyes in vain, and said, "I'm thinking, even if that kid is really the trump card of the Central Guard Bureau this time, and he can beat me, Luo Qinghai, and Zhou Xuan. They were all defeated, but did they really forget Yan Zhen? Or do they think he won't shoot? That guy came back this time, and I feel that his strength has at least reached SS+."


Hearing this, Liu Jinyun couldn't help but his eyes shrank suddenly, and then a palpitation penetrated deep into his eyes, and he muttered: "As expected, I have been there for more than ten years. ss+ who is less than forty years old. , if it spreads out, I'm afraid it will make a lot of people drop their jaws. This level is not a joke... It's really enviable."

   Hearing that, Sui Mingqi shrugged and smiled, envious? Who doesn't envy? Maybe the number of places to go there is too precious, too few! They can't get it!


   At this moment, the expression on his face suddenly changed slightly, because he was feeling a familiar and heart-pounding breath, which appeared at this time! And to that extent, it was a little different from what he was familiar with before.

   "Huh? This is..."

Even that Liu Jinyun's eyes froze, he turned his head, looked not far away, then his expression became meaningful, and said, "Sui Mingqi, is that Luo Qinghai from your Heavenly Group? It seems that he has already reached the You went ahead, the ancient martial artist innate middle stage, that is, ss level! It's a bit surprising."


   But this time that Sui Mingqi didn't speak, he just snorted coldly, and then his eyes stared deeply at the burly and sturdy figure not far away! His eyes flickered, not knowing what was going on in his mind.


   The burly man named Luo Qinghai appeared, and the originally noisy area immediately became inexplicably quiet. I saw that it was covered with bloodshots, and the ferocious eyes looked around the scene like a bullfight, and finally found it in the area where some people were. Then he saw that he seemed to sneer.

   Immediately, everyone seemed to have been struck by something inexplicably on their hearts, giving them a mad shock. Immediately, fear and even fear appeared in their eyes.

"Step aside!"

   Following him, he actually stretched out his hand to push the person blocking the front of him away, stepped out, and the route split immediately along the way, and finally extended to the area where Fade Chen and the others were.

"Hehe, Cao Qiguo? You people from the Central Defence Bureau are quite courageous, and dare to come to our heavenly group to be wild. Believe it or not, I can let you go home now, and then completely become the laughing stock of these four and nine cities?" That Luo Qinghai's figure It was extremely tall and burly, like a bullfight. When he came up, he was blood-red and his savage eyes stared at Cao Qiguo, which was extremely humane.

   "Luo Qinghai, you..." Feeling that powerful aura that was completely different from before, how could Cao Qiguo not understand that this guy has actually broken through and reached the middle stage of the ancient martial artist! Suddenly, there was a deep fear in his eyes, and he was a little unwilling. I was actually surpassed by that guy! ?

"Go away, don't chatter here, or don't blame me for directly knocking you down from your current state. If you regret it at that time, it will be too late, and don't blame me for not reminding you beforehand." But at this moment, Chen Fei But he suddenly opened his mouth, his dark eyes that were as clear as glazed glass cooled down, as cold as the blade of a cold snow.


   Suddenly, there were bursts of screams in that area, and then it spread.

   Many people looked strange, and even looked at Fade Chen in disbelief. Obviously, he never expected that he would dare to speak to Luo Qinghai after his breakthrough in such a tone.

   You must know that it is the middle stage of the ancient martial artist!

   Dignified SS level!

   (end of this chapter)

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