Chapter 557 Ending

"No, no, Captain Gu, in fact, this matter is just a small misunderstanding, and we are also very sincere with Boss Hua now, and want to clear up this misunderstanding..." Upon seeing this, Huang Kai's fat body was almost paralyzed. On the ground, his face was extremely pale and he cast a pleading look at Hua Ming.

   Obviously, no matter how stupid he is now, he will definitely understand that he has smashed the sky with that mentally handicapped young master, and even Secretary Dong is personally alarmed. And at this time, unless Na Hua Ming is willing to give up, there will be some hope.

   "Yeah! Hua, Boss Hua, Captain Gu, Zheng Zhengbin is the mastermind in this matter, I'm just running errands, I really don't care about me!"

And the dog-headed strategist Zhou Zhengxu's reaction was even more outrageous, he almost knelt down directly to Hua Ming, his face was pale, snot and tears fell to Hua Ming's legs, begging for mercy: "Boss Hua, Grandpa Hua, you dude. Just do it, be merciful, and forgive me this time! I was really wrong, don't dare to take me to jail next time!"

"I don't think there is any misunderstanding in this matter. Officer Gu, do you need me to go to the police station to cooperate with the investigation? I will do my best to cooperate." But Hua Ming's reaction directly made Zheng Zhengbin Zheng Dashao and others desperate. . Now I know it's wrong, but what about before? Where did your arrogant energy, lawlessness and bullying go?

   As the saying goes, you can't live by committing sins!

"No, no, Gu, Captain Gu, don't listen to this old bastard. It's just a misunderstanding between us. Me, my father is Zheng Changhong, you can't arrest me!" Even that Zheng Zhengbin, Zheng Dashao, couldn't keep his composure any longer. While rubbing his forehead in cold sweat, he defended himself, while repeatedly emphasizing that he was the son of Zheng Changhong, the deputy director of the Provincial Administration of Industry and Commerce, and was struggling.


But after hearing that, Captain Gu sneered directly this time and said, "Whether it's a misunderstanding, and whether you're breaking the law or not, it will be clear after the investigation! Don't worry, our police will never frame it. Any good person will never let go of any bad person, understand? Take it away!"

   Hearing that, Zheng Zhengbin and the others were almost scared to the point that they lost three of their souls, and their faces were instantly pale to the point of no blood!

What is   , why is it like this?

   What did they do in private, and how many of them were against the law? How could they really not know?

   Thinking of this, the potbellied deputy director Huang Kai didn't catch his breath! After all, it was so straight and fainted!

   He knows that he is finished, this is really finished! If he woke up again, maybe he was already on his way to jail! ? It's the same sentence, you can't live by committing sins!

   "Take it away!" Immediately after, seeing Captain Gu wave his hand, he said extremely dignifiedly.

   "Yes!" Immediately, the police behind him surrounded him and took Zheng Zhengbin and others away.

After seeing his subordinates taking Zheng Zhengbin and others away, Captain Gu showed a friendly smile again, turned to Hua Ming and said, "Mr. Hua, in order to investigate the case clearly, I'm afraid I'll bother you to follow us. Back to the office."

   "Where, Captain Gu, you are so polite. This is what I should do. Thank you so much for this today." Hearing that, Hua Ming was flattered.

   "No hard work, no hard work, this is our duty." Captain Gu said modestly.

   Then I saw them walking towards the police car. Ready to go back to the city office.


   (end of this chapter)

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