Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 575: Notify the embassy?

  Chapter 575 Notify the embassy?

Sure enough, as Yuan Kai expected, it was about the owner of the 'King of the World's Black Card', even that American Express didn't dare to delay at all. Contact the US Foreign Office as quickly as possible, and in the most direct and powerful way, began to test pressure on the British side. And the latter is naturally inexplicable and fiery.

  So, so soon, a call went to the afro white man. And when the latter saw the caller number at this time, he couldn't help trembling instantly, his face panicked and confused.

   "Rivado, do you know..." Then when he picked up the phone, there was a chattering rant from the receiver!

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm sorry, sorry, I, I know..." This call was made directly from the royal family. Naturally, the explosive white man didn't even have the courage to interrupt. Mian Xing was fortunate to have Fade Chen make that call just now, otherwise, if Fade Chen was really caught, he probably wouldn't even know how he died.

After a while, the exploding white man was finally reprimanded, and hung up the phone with sweat and a wry smile on his face, turned his head and bowed to Chen Fei and said: "Sorry, honorable sir, I really didn't know your identity before. .please forgive me…"

   He is naturally regretting death in his heart now. In fact, he should have understood long ago that the person who dares not look at Mr. Yuan Kai of the Soria Group must be a very powerful person! A big man of that level has contradictions. Why does a small character like him follow along blindly? Want to die? Fortunately, he reacted quickly this time, otherwise, it would really...

   "It's alright, alright. But if you officers have nothing else to do, can you leave here first? I want to have a chat with this Mr. Yuan Kaiyuan alone." Fade Chen waved his hand, squinting and smiling.

"Of course, let's go now, let's go now. Mr. Yuan, I'm really sorry, it was a direct call from the royal family, and we can't do anything about it... Then the few of us will go first, the two of you will talk alone, alone Let's chat." As he said this, the afro-headed white man walked away with one of his subordinates, without any hesitation or pause.

And after seeing the exploding white police officer with a ticket to get out of the way, Chen Fei turned his head again with a smile on his face, his eyes fell on Yuan Kai's ugly face, and grinned: "I said , it doesn't seem to work for you to find these helpers... Could it be that you really think that you can find a few little policemen and you can do anything to me? Are you stupid, or do you think I'm stupid!?"

"you you…"

Although our Fade Chen and Da Shao Chen's mouth is still very poisonous this time, Yuan Kai actually didn't scold Fade Chen anymore, but had a gloomy face and said with fear: "I tell you, don't think you have a centurion from American Express. With a long black gold card, you can act recklessly and arrogantly! Even this level is nothing in the eyes of our Soria group."

  The threshold for the Centurion Black Gold Card launched by American Express is at least one billion US dollars in wealth, but the wealth owned by the Soria Group is more than one billion? I'm afraid billions, tens of billions! So naturally, he will not be afraid of the owner of the Centurion Black Gold Card.

   But although he seems to think that way in his heart now and says the same thing, he still doesn't dare to be as careless as before. After all, the Soria Group is not afraid, but it does not mean that Yuan Kai is not afraid either! Even to say something ugly, but with self-knowledge, he Yuan Kai dare not even have the idea of ​​​​having the centurion black gold card, how can he be qualified, or dare to wrestle with Fade Chen who has successfully held the card? Isn't that looking for death?

   At this time, he seemed to finally understand why the other party dared to reject their Soria group. It's really not scary!

"I don't actually think there is a broken card, there is nothing. I just simply don't want to go to the doctor with you. It's as simple as that." Can't help but feel a little boring and pouted, said lightly.

   "You... I'll go back and report to Mr. Liu Junyi truthfully. I hope you don't regret it then." Yuan Kai still made his last struggle, gritted his teeth, and said the name of their eldest son, Mr. Liu Junyi.

   "Tell him just tell him. If you don't have any other nonsense, go away first, can you not disturb my meal?" Fade Chen smiled indifferently, and then impatiently 'chasing people'.

   "You... let's go!" This time, Yuan Kai didn't even dare to say harsh words, so he just walked away in despair. No way, Fade Chen took out the centurion black gold card, how could he have the right to speak harshly? This matter can only be reported back to Mr. Liu Junyi and let him handle it himself.


   In a room in a five-star hotel under the Soria Group, which is the closest to Mr. Liu Huazheng and Mr. Liu in London, the two brothers Liu Junyi and Liu Qianshan were sitting in it, their faces extremely ugly! In front of them, it was none other than Yuan Kai who just returned from Chen Fei's defeat.

   "What did you say!? He ma..."


   Hearing that Yuan Kai had added fuel to the matter, the grumpy Liu Qianshan threw the teacup in his hand and smashed it on the wall, shattering it!

Then, seeing him stand up in anger, he roared angrily: "Damn, it's just a small doctor, how dare you use this attitude to our Liu family! Do you want to live? Brother, or we will directly Send someone to tie him up?"

   In his opinion, what level and level is the Liu family of their Soria Group in this UK? How many people are crying and trying to curry favor with them, but they have no chance, and they don't like it at all... But now, they have all sent someone to ask for it, and a small doctor on the other side still dares to refuse them and not see their father! This is simply outrageous, wanting to oppose their Soria group! ?

"Tie it up? It can be done like this, but it seems that it is easy for people to get caught. Yuan Kai, have you contacted the people at the police station? Just let the people from the police station arrest him, and bring him over, no. Is it alright?" Liu Junyi frowned first, then asked.

   "Contact is contact, it's just..." Wen Yan Yuan Kai's forehead was sweating.

   "Just what?" Liu Junyi frowned.

"Mr. Junyi, the boy surnamed Chen seems to have an unusual identity. I was going to call the police station to arrest him and bring him here, but the police station all went with me. , that kid made a phone call, just..." That Yuan Kai said hesitantly.

   "Unusual identity? Made a phone call?"

   Hearing this, Liu Junyi and Liu Qianshan frowned, and the latter was even more temperamental: "If you have something to say, hurry up and fart! Can you clarify the matter, what's going on!?"

"Yes Yes…"

Hearing the words, Yuan Kai's whole body was agitated, and he said, "That's it, that boy surnamed Chen seems to be the owner of the American Express Centurion Black Gold Card. When I called the police to arrest him, he directly gave the American Express made a call, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was in a mess, so they called directly to let them go! So, the card in his hand seems to be real..."

   "Centurion Black Gold Card?"

   Hearing that, the two brothers, Liu Junyi and Liu Qianshan, could not help but change their expressions slightly. I didn't expect such an 'accident'.

  The two brothers also have the Centurion Black Gold Card launched by American Express, but they never imagined that Chen Fei, who should have been just a little doctor in their eyes, could actually have a card king of that level.

   And if that's the case, then the other party is indeed qualified not to dump their Soria Group Liu family. There is no need to have to see their father a doctor...

   Thinking of this, the two brothers couldn't help but look awkward.

After a while, Liu Qianshan couldn't help it, and said, "Brother, what should we do now?" Now the world's top authoritative experts in the field of viscera, cardiovascular, and brain, Welther and George are all about their father's feelings The disease is helpless and clueless, and there is only hope for the surnamed Chen, but now...

   "What should I do... Immediately contact the embassy and let the people from the embassy come forward!" Liu Junyi was silent for a while when he heard the words, but then suddenly his eyes flashed, followed by a tone of voice.

   "Embassy? Big brother, you mean our Chinese embassy? But..." Then Liu Qianshan was puzzled and didn't understand what his big brother was doing. If that kid really has the Centurion Black Gold Card, even if it is an embassy, ​​there is no way to force him to do something, right?

   "Actually, most of us were scared by the boy Bena. The situation should not be what you imagined." That Liu Junyi smiled and said.

   "Scared? Brother, can you stop talking and just say half of it, what do you mean?" Liu Qianshan said anxiously.

   "It's actually very simple. You forgot what Dr. George said when you were in the ward?"

Liu Junyi's eyes were filled with the brilliance of 'wisdom', and said lightly: "If I guess correctly, his card should have been invited by Count Pearce of the Italian Saint Laurent Group as his super VIP of American Express. To repay the grace of saving his wife's life. Otherwise, how could a little doctor get that kind of card? Does he have that kind of qualifications?"

In his eyes, the profession of a doctor alone is already 'limited to death', and the young man surnamed Chen will never get the Centurion Black Gold Card launched by American Express by his own strength. . A mere little doctor, no matter how powerful he is, how much money can he make! ? Can you make one-tenth of a billion dollars in this lifetime?

   As soon as he thought of this, he felt that he had everything under control in his heart. Then I saw him sneer and said: "The embassy is all from our Liu family! As long as the surnamed Chen is still from China and has never thought about immigration, he will definitely be obedient and obedient! As for American Express... I'll make a phone call in person to talk about it later. I'm guessing that for the sake of an invited member, they won't lose face to the Soria Group, right?"

   As for Count Pearce of the Saint Laurent Group, the kindness has already been repaid, how could he possibly interfere in this kind of **** again! ? After all, the Soria Group is not a vegetarian, how could the other party not give face for a mere little doctor?

   (end of this chapter)

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