Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1006: a sense of positivity

Wang Qianchen nodded and said, "If they can find my dad, they will find you sooner or later... For safety's sake, let's go together!"

Wang Qianchen and Qi Yan have never been together at all, and they were strangled in the bud when their love just started. Unless it is a very perverted person, it is impossible to find Qi Yan's head.


"I don't need your protection either."

Qi Yan muttered something in her heart, but didn't say it, she nodded obediently: "Okay, I'll go with my uncle. Just because I wronged my father and my mother, I have to follow me around again!"

"Living up and down" is an exaggerated statement. From Luzhou City to Dayuan City, it can definitely be regarded as "people walking to high places". If you change places, you will only go to a bigger city, at least not worse than Ohara City.

But Wang Qianchen was still ashamed: "Qi Yan, I'm sorry, I made you suffer with me..."

Qi Yan laughed: "Why, you are really out of breath when you say you are fat? You really asked me to follow you once!"

"Yes, it will, sooner or later..." Wang Qianchen clenched his fists. He remembered that Li Qianqiu, Zhou Weiguo and others had told him a long time ago that when he became strong enough, he would be able to marry like Song Cepeng. Have a child and have a happy life of your own.

"It's okay, don't put too much pressure on yourself, we are still very young..." Qi Yan gently held Wang Qianchen's hand and smiled: "Didn't you say it at the beginning, I can do it before I turn thirty Don't get married!"

Qi Yan was on the night shift tonight, and Wang Qianchen asked her to go back to the nursing station to rest.

But she refused, saying that she finally met once, and of course she had to speak well. So the two held the lights and talked at night. Except for occasionally visiting other wards, Qi Yan came to accompany Wang Qianchen at the rest of the time.

Somewhere, in the night sky.

Chen Wanhe stepped on the rain sword under his feet, panting for breath, and his body swayed, as if he was about to fall down at any moment. There were countless wounds on his body, and blood was almost all over his body, but he still held his head high, and a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

Not far from him on both sides, stood the Gemini Angel and the Cancer Angel.

The two men in black robes each held a gleaming golden cicada lantern. They also had quite a few injuries on their bodies, but they were definitely much lighter than Chen Wanhe.

Even so, they were shocked enough, they were both at the peak of the state, and the two were still holding the divine weapon, yet they hadn't taken him down for so long!

"We have to speed up, we wasted too much time on him." The twin gods said solemnly.

"Okay, take him down quickly!" The Cancer Angel nodded.

Immediately, the golden cicada lanterns in their hands became brighter and brighter.

"Come on!" Chen Wanhe gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes slightly. Countless raindrops fell from the sky again, surrounding him around him, like rows of bullets ready to be fired.

Although his momentum is still unabated, he knows that he is really going to lose this time.

"Two peaks, two artifacts... Well, even though I lost, I'm still the strongest in the world!" The corner of Chen Wanhe's mouth rose slightly, his long black hair fluttered in the air, and his arrogance never changed.


The golden light and the raindrops converged again, and there was a rubbing sound like the collision of gold and stone, followed by a rumbling explosion. After a shocking entanglement, the Gemini Angel and the Cancer Angel had more injuries.

But Chen Wanhe's injury was more serious.

He finally couldn't hold it anymore, and even simple raindrops couldn't condense, the rain sword under his feet quickly fell apart, and the man fell to the ground with a "swoosh".

"Okay, he doesn't have the strength to fight back, go and get him back!" The two divine envoys flew towards Chen Wanhe quickly, their black robes rattling in the air.

"call out-"

But a figure flashed by quickly, hugging Chen Wanhe by the waist before them.

"Huh?!" The two divine envoys stopped and looked at the man.

With thick eyebrows, big eyes, wide body and broad body, just standing there, there is a sense of righteousness gathered in the heaven and earth!

"It's Song Epee, the commander-in-chief of [Monster Slayer]!" The twin gods said immediately.

"He is also one of the targets of our operation. I thought it would not be easy to catch him before, but I didn't expect it to appear!" The voice of the Cancer Angel was faintly excited.

"Get ready!" The twin gods raised the golden cicada lantern in their hands.

It was indeed Song Cepeng who came.

Wang Qianchen said that Chen Wanhe didn't go to Mengshan at all, so he felt that something was wrong. He called again, but no one answered. He was even more suspicious and immediately searched for it along the way.

There is a distance from Xijiang to Dayuan City, but Song Epee has a soul-eating pen, so he searched for it piece by piece, listened to the sound and watched the sky, and finally found it here, and at the critical moment, he rescued Chen Wanhe.

"How are you?" Song Chongjian hugged Chen Wanhe and looked down at the wound on his body.

Full of holes and bloodstains.

He had never seen Chen Wanhe suffer such a serious injury, and there was some distress in his eyes.

"Grass, I don't have anything at all, don't look at me like that!" Chen Wanhe was angry, but still scolded.

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