Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1010: Dog King Cave

"That's my father, not your father!" Wang Qianchen couldn't hold back his anger.

"If you ask Song Chongjian to come over, I can just leave. You don't even have a chance to talk to me." The mysterious man's eyes suddenly turned, and he stared straight at Wang Qianchen's hand that stretched into his pocket.

In his pocket, Wang Qianchen's hand froze, and he was indeed about to call Song Cepeng.

"What do you want to do? Where did you take He Jun and the others?" Wang Qianchen immediately asked as he felt that the other party wanted to chat with him.

"I said it, they're fine...but it's hard to say what will happen in the future." The mysterious man still looked lazy: "As for what I want to do, I can't tell you."

"Who are you and why did you become like me?" Wang Qianchen asked again.

"This is what I look like." The mysterious figure said a nonsense, and then said: "Listen to my advice, don't meddle in those bad things, and give me the map of mountains and rivers and the seal of Taiji... With you now Your strength, what can you do better than you are now? You have a father to serve, and..."

He originally wanted to say that Qi Yan was also waiting for you, but considering Qi Yan's identity, he closed his mouth.

Wang Qianchen didn't realize that there was something in his words, and said directly: "It's okay if you want the map of mountains and rivers and the seal of Taiji, you tell me everything!"

"Hey, even if I don't tell you, the map of Shanhe Sheji and Taiji talisman are mine!" After saying this, the mysterious man's eyes suddenly narrowed, and the world around Wang Qianchen suddenly changed.

No longer a hospital, high-rise buildings, streets and pedestrians, it became a desert filled with yellow sand, and several tornadoes with amazing power attacked him.

[Marriage Dream] The illusion created!

Knowing that Wang Qianchen has a Tai Chi talisman, the mysterious man directly used a mental attack.

The Tai Chi talisman is invalid under the illusion. In the face of the illusion created by the peak of the top realm, Wang Qianchen was completely powerless to resist. Even if he took out the mountain and river, the other party still had Qingyun Sword, Sword of Immortal Slaying, Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover and Hunyuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman waiting.

There is no chance at all!

He has the so-called seventy-two transformations, others have them, and they are more skilled and more comfortable than him.

"Are you going to pay?" Several tornadoes approached Wang Qianchen. Seeing that he was about to be torn to pieces, the mysterious man asked gloomily again.

"Come and get it if you have the ability!" Wang Qianchen smiled contemptuously, and then his body disappeared into a breeze.

"Clone?!" The mysterious man was taken aback for a moment, and then he took back the illusion.

Seeing that Wang Qianchen was indeed not in the building, the mysterious man smiled bitterly: "This guy is quite cunning!"

Determined that there is no hope, the mysterious talent flew away in stealth.

What he didn't know was that not long after he left, Wang Qianchen's real body followed.

Follow the smell, keep a short distance, and this time I will follow him to his lair no matter what.

He was prepared before, and he followed up several times to no avail. This time, without his knowledge, it should not fail again, right? Wang Qianchen followed him out of the city, passed through layers of mountains, and finally came to the edge of a lake.

"Do you have to guard against this?" The smell of the mysterious man disappeared suddenly, and Wang Qianchen looked speechless.

"It should be his behavior, regardless of whether anyone is following him, he likes to do it." Brick came out and analyzed it seriously.

"Who?!" At this moment, Wang Qianchen turned back suddenly and looked at a nearby wood.

A few figures gradually walked out, all of which were strange and ugly. Some had hair on their faces, and some had tails on their butts. It turned out to be a group of monsters with extremely low realms.

"North... Lord Beihuang!" The monsters shivered, and awkwardly placed their right fists in front of their chests.

"You know me?" Wang Qianchen looked surprised.

"Well, Lord Langling repaired the cave for you recently, and found a lot of monsters to help you, and even hung your photo above the cave, so we all know you..." The monsters were still trembling.

Wang Qianchen was about to say something when the phone suddenly rang, and it was Lang Baibai who called.

"Master Beihuang, are you busy?" Lang Baibai asked cautiously.

"Don't be busy, Brother Lang, say it!" Wang Qianchen was very serious.

"Your cave is almost finished, come take a look if you have time?" Lang Baibai was still very careful.

Wang Qianchen became the Queen of the Northern Demon, and indeed entrusted Lang Baibai to help him find the cave. It's okay now, so go take a look. After asking about the address of the cave, Wang Qianchen flew out.

After a while, Wang Qianchen landed in a valley deep in the Taihang Mountains.

This was originally a dense forest. After a period of reclamation, a large open space has been opened up. Under a cliff about a thousand feet high, several caves of different sizes have been dug out. The middle one is the largest and most spacious, and there are three big characters engraved on it: Dog Emperor Cave.

These three characters are all written in official script, and they look quite atmospheric and heavy. There are also cultural people in the monsters!

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