Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1019: brick kids

After saying this, the slabs suddenly sprang out from behind Wang Qianchen's waist.

"What are you doing?!" Wang Qianchen was taken aback.

Banzhuan ignored him and ran straight out.

Wang Qianchen suddenly got into the ground, and suddenly jumped out of the ground. Several divine envoys were always in pursuit, blasting the entire sandy ground into chaos and dust. Not far away is the Flame Mountain. It is not high, but it is very long, and it is impossible to see the head at a glance. For many years, it has exuded energy around the clock.

Several gods also felt that the heat was getting hotter and hotter, and the heat was almost unbearable, but the task was at hand, and they could not easily escape unless it was really life-threatening. In this situation now, it is obvious that they have the upper hand, so no one backs down.

At this moment, a azure-colored object suddenly came up.

Not human, looks like a brick.

No matter what, several divine envoys did not let go, and Qi Qi aimed the golden cicada lantern in his hand at it.


Thousands of golden lights shot out in salvo, and the bricks did not dare to be hard-connected. Although it would definitely not die, it would faint if hit by such a powerful divine weapon. It dodged left and right, shuttled through the narrow gap, and shouted at the same time: "Children, come out and help me!"


The voice fell, and the flame mountain not far away actually collapsed, and then a dozen bricks full of fire flew out, "huhuhu" rushed towards several gods, and the speed was extremely fast, almost instantly. to.

The expressions of several gods changed, and they raised the golden cicada lanterns in their hands.


Countless golden lights shot out again, hitting the furnace bricks with a "ding ding ding". However, even such a powerful divine weapon only blocked their way, did not shoot them down or chop them up, and even those who were not even fainted, still dragged a long flame, swiftly and incomparably fast. rushed towards a few angels.

"Hahaha, after so many years of burning, it's only a ghost if you can win it!" Banzhuan laughed, and his tone was smug.

"What the **** are these?!" The Scorpio envoy stared at him.

"These are the bricks in the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun. They are carrying the true fire of Samadhi! Go! If you don't go, you will die!" Bai Feiyang saw what was going on at a glance, and immediately raised his alarm.

He came out of Daxia, and naturally he is very familiar with these things.

"What is the alchemy furnace, what is the real fire of Samadhi, it's just a few broken bricks, what's there to be afraid of! Rush with me!" The Scorpion God Envoy obviously didn't care about it, and still rushed over ahead, holding the golden cicada lantern at those The furnace bricks attacked.

The golden light burst out, and more than a dozen furnace bricks were still only blocked, and then quickly rushed to the front of the Scorpion God Envoy and attacked together.

"Hahaha, some small flames, can they hurt me?!" The Scorpio God Envoy was obviously extremely confident in his own strength, and even plucked the burning bricks with his hands.

But the next second, the true fire of Samadhi drilled into his palm.

He didn't see any injuries to the Scorpio God Envoy, but he screamed "Ah", and his entire arm fell quickly, like a snake with a sudden myocardial infarction, unable to move any longer.

Seeing that the other burning furnace bricks were about to come up again, the Scorpio God Envoy finally knew that he was afraid, and turned around abruptly and ran away.

"Go!" Bai Feiyang no longer cared about the others, and flew in the opposite direction first.

The Taurus God Envoy and the Lion God Envoy were also shocked and quickly followed his footsteps and flew out together.

More than a dozen furnace bricks still have to chase, and the bricks shouted: "Don't go! If you burn like this, it will be bad if you set other places on fire! Besides...you can't catch up!"

The furnace bricks listened to it very much, and really stopped chasing, and returned obediently, and gathered in front of the bricks again.

Although the slab is a brick and has no facial features, everyone can see that he is very proud at the moment. The body is slightly raised, and there is no hand, otherwise it must be behind his back.

"Have you all been obedient during the years I've been away?" Banzhuan asked slowly.

These furnace bricks can't speak, not even a monster, at most they are a little wise, but they also nodded.

"Well, it's good, let's all go back... It's not your fault that it's burning, but you should try your best to restrain yourself, don't be too reckless, especially don't harm the people around you!" Banzhuan looked at the fires one by one like a leader's instructions. furnace bricks.

These furnace bricks have not receded, and they are looking at it one by one.

"I want to ask when you can go back?" Banzhuan sighed and smacked his lips: "I don't know about this, and then I met Laojun, let me ask you guys... But don't hold out too much hope, he There's no shortage of you there, right?"

These furnace bricks are all looking downcast.

"Come on, let's go back, isn't it good to be here, at least no one cares about it freely!" Brick comforted the furnace bricks.

Only then did a dozen furnace bricks nod their heads, then flew towards the Flame Mountain and returned to the mountain again.

The envoy disappeared, the furnace bricks returned, and the whole area around the Flaming Mountain calmed down again.

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