Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1039: Black robe man, let's go again

"Commander Song, come to White Dog Cave, I'm in a hurry!" Wang Qianchen left a sentence and hung up the phone.

Song Cepeng didn't fight again, he walked out of the balcony quickly and said, "I'm going out to do some errands, you guys are at home!"

"Need help?" Chen Wanhe immediately stood up.

"No, just stay here, I'll call you if I have something!" Song Cepeng walked out of the door quickly, closing the door with a bang.

"I haven't eaten a few dumplings yet..." Chen Wanhe was speechless.

"I'm used to it." Bi Lin smiled bitterly, and the two children also looked accustomed to it.

"Just like this, I can't go back to [Monster Slayer]." Chen Wanhe gently rubbed the Yahuazi, recalling that he was conscientious and conscientious, but he was impeached by many mountain people, patriarchs, and leaders, and he was not angry. Make a call.

Song Cepeng was not at home. No matter how good the relationship between Chen Wanhe, Bi Lin and the child was, it was not convenient for him to continue to be in the same room, so he had a quick meal and found a reason to go back to the bedroom.

outside the door.

Song Chongjian took out the Soul Seducer with one hand and the Demon Slayer Sword with the other.

His movements were so light that he didn't even activate the voice-activated lights.

In an instant, it disappeared in place.


Shangjing, in a dark alley.

The six men in black robes gathered here quietly.

"This magic weapon given to us by Lord Heretic God is really effective, it actually avoided the defense system of Shangjing!" The divine envoy of Libra held the golden cicada lantern with joy on his face.

"That's for sure, Lord Heretic God has no plans. Knowing that there is a defense system in this place, he will definitely find a way for us! In this world, there is nothing that his old man can't do! However, this magic weapon can only support us to avoid it. The system takes one hour, so we must be fast! According to my perception, Song Epee has returned home, let's act together, the experts in the capital are like clouds, and it will be bad if they are besieged!" The Golden Bull God Envoy said cautiously.

As the head of the twelve divine envoys, the Evil God planted the identity information of Song Chongjian and others in his mind, and could sense where and when these people were, so the battle plan was always formulated by him.

Of course, it needs to consume a certain amount of spiritual power, and it cannot sense two people at the same time.

As for the missing He Jun, Siyao and others, it was as if they had disappeared completely, and they could not be sensed at all. When he called back and asked, the evil **** told him that he might have entered some kind of restriction.

"Hey, the six of us are dispatched together, what kind of expert can take us all down?" The archer angel lightly licked his lips, obviously not taking it seriously.

"Don't take it lightly, think about the brothers who died!" The Taurus God Envoy reminded kindly.

"Hurry up, take down the Song epee quickly, we need a victory!" The room goddess envoy said impatiently, she was the only woman among the divine envoys, and she was also the most grumpy.

"It's better to sense the position of Song epee again, so as not to miss it again, he has a soul-sucking pen." Bai Feiyang suddenly interjected.

"Okay, I'll take a look again... Hey, he's gone, and he went to... Luofu Mountain? Heaven, so far! The Soul Pencil is really terrifying, trying to catch him is as hard as going to the sky!" Grit your teeth.

"Since he's gone, let's leave here first, isn't it just an hour?" Bai Feiyang said with a frown.

In his heart, he didn't want to catch Song epee, and now he has a reason to quit.

The Taurus God Envoy thought about it for a moment, and then the Goddess Envoy said: "It's not easy to come to Beijing, so it's not good to leave like this! Since I know where his family is, I tied his family up, and we can still lead him out!"

"That's a good idea!"

"Yes, just do it!"

Several divine envoys agreed, and Bai Feiyang wanted to stop it, but he had no excuse, so he could only worry in secret.

"Okay, then go and tie his family! Go, Song Chong's house is not far ahead!" The Golden Bull God Envoy took the lead and rushed out, followed by several people in black robes.


Luofu Mountain, White Dog Cave.

In the empty cave, Song Epee suddenly appeared in one hand with the Soul Evocation Pen and the other with the Demon Slayer Sword.

"Xiaochen, where are you..."

Song Cepeng looked left and right, and before he finished speaking, the soul-hook pen in his hand seemed to be pulled by something, and flew out instantly!

Song Chongjian was taken aback, and was about to grab it, but it was too late, and he watched as the Ecstasy Pen entered someone's hand.

In the shadows, a person gradually walked out, it was Wei Zihua who was holding the pen.

"Hey, although you have confessed to the master with your blood, the real master of it is me..." Wei Zihua, who was holding the soul-sucking pen, had a different temperament, a little more mysterious and mysterious than before. Spooky and spooky.

"Xiaowei, are you alive?" Song Chongjian looked surprised.

In the next second, a figure suddenly appeared in the empty air, and a pitch-black Demon Slayer Sword was placed on his neck.

"What do you mean?" Song Chongjian frowned, looking at Wang Qianchen next to him.

"Commander Song, let me ask you something..." Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth and said, "Did you kill the ancestors of various schools and families?"

Song Chongjian was silent for a while and replied, "Yes."

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