Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1041: Night raid on the Song family

"kill me…"

This is a sentence jointly said by several ancestors after exhausting their spiritual power. Birth, old age, sickness and death are human nature, and everyone has to experience and bear it. But even they couldn't tolerate this pain!

Song Cepeng could only have red eyes as he raised the Demon Slayer Sword in his hand.

After the five ancestors passed away, Song Epee's spiritual power naturally deepened a lot. This is why after Yaozu stepped on Kyushu and issued a challenge letter, he dared to take on the challenge without hesitation, and said to others, "My strength is also diligent."

"That's it." After telling the whole story, Song Cepeng sat on the bed and looked at the two young people calmly.

Wang Qianchen didn't speak, he believed this statement.

In other words, he has been waiting for Song Chongjian to give a statement. As long as the statement is logical and self-consistent, he will choose to believe it without hesitation.

But Wei Zihua still maintained a skeptical attitude, frowning and said, "You are not the only ones who know about such a big thing... Are there any other witnesses?"

Song Cepeng said: "Master Puji, Yuan Tianpeng, Mao Jiujiu, Ge Ye and Ding Jianjun know about it, but the first four are already dead, and Ding Jianjun is a mountain man under my command. You may not believe what he said."

Wei Zihua said, "That's not the case. After all, it's the ancestor of his family. How he died, I shouldn't help you cover it up."

Song Chongjian nodded and said, "That makes sense, then you go ask."

Wei Zihua clenched his soul pen and was about to leave this place, but Wang Qianchen stopped him: "Don't ask, I believe it."

Wei Zihua looked at him strangely.

"I really believe it." Wang Qianchen said seriously: "I want an explanation, he gave it to me, that's enough."

"I don't need evidence?" Wei Zihua asked again.

"If one day, you are put on an unwarranted hat, as long as you tell me that you did not do it, I will believe you, without evidence." Wang Qianchen's expression did not change.

Wei Zihua understood what he meant.

For Wang Qianchen, Song Cepeng's words matter more than any evidence.

This trust is accumulated over time and has experienced many events together before it can be cultivated and completed little by little.

Indestructible, unbreakable.

"Then we can continue the next conversation?" Song Chongjian asked smoothly.

"Yes." Wang Qianchen nodded.

"How did Xiaowei come back to life? What happened in the past few days?" Song Chongjian asked in a row.

Wang Qianchen talked patiently, starting from his experience with Ta Jiuzhou in the Flaming Mountain, and then talking about the three large tiled houses in Zhongshan, Xiancheng, where he found Wei Zihua's head, and then met with several divine envoys. Fan battle...

Shangjing, in the courtyard of a residential area.

This community is very ordinary, but it is better because of its good location and basic green belt. It is silent at night.

In a certain grass, several people in black robes gathered again.

"Song Chongjian is still out of town, we don't have much time, hurry up and tie up his family and leave!" The Taurus God Envoy said in a low voice, then looked at a lighted window.

"It's just a woman and two children. I'll go alone. You guys can wait for me here!" The goddess of the house took the initiative to take on the heavy responsibility. Before she and her partner went to Maoshan, but she was empty, and her heart was always overwhelmed. breath.

"Okay, go and come back quickly!" It really didn't take too many people, the Taurus God Envoy nodded.

Although it was an inconspicuous task, the room goddess envoy was still very cautious. After observing the surrounding area, after finding nothing unusual, she flew into the sky with a bang.

Under the night sky, the man in black robe was lying outside the window, quietly observing the scene inside.

The two children were playing jigsaw puzzles in the small living room. Bi Lin walked out of the bathroom and said lazily, "Xiaocheng, Aqiu, get ready to sleep, and have class tomorrow!"

"Come on Mom!" The two children took the initiative to put away the toys and rushed towards Bi Lin one after the other.

Seeing this scene, the goddess of the house moved slightly in her heart, because she also had two children abroad, and they were about the same age. If she hadn't been chosen by the evil **** to be the envoy, at this time, she would be ready to put the child to sleep.

She also doesn't want to hurt other people's children.

But there is no way, if you don't complete the task, you can't go back to the child!

The room goddess gritted her teeth and prepared to wait until Bi Lin and the two children fell asleep before starting.

So she hid out the window, leaned against the wall, and watched Bi Lin walk into the bedroom with her two children. After a while, the voice of the storytelling came again: "Little Red Riding Hood is going to grandma's house today, and mother asked her to bring cake and wine..."

"Mom, why does Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother live in the forest?" Xiaocheng asked strangely.

"Brother, you are so stupid, I know it! There was no city before, and everyone lived in the forest..." A Qiu said seriously.

The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm have long been spread all over the world. The goddess of the house could not help but feel a pain in her heart. When she was coaxing her children to sleep at home, she often told the story of Little Red Riding Hood.

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