Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1046: Become a **** in the future, with you

Bai Feiyang stopped talking, and the face covered by the black hat showed a trace of worry that others could not detect.

The Taurus divine envoy said very well, the five divine envoys are here, Song Cepeng can't be an opponent, and he has not left until now, which means that the soul-hook pen is not on him at all!

"Where did you get Chen Wanhe?" The golden bull envoy held up the golden cicada lantern, and the other divine envoys did the same.

"Want to know? Let's see if you have the skills!" Song Chongjian smiled wickedly, and slowly drew out the Demon Slayer Sword.

For a time, lightning flashed in the sky, fireballs rolled, and there was a sound of "kakaka" all around, and countless corpses crawled out of the soil. Even Song Heavy Sword was split into several!

An earth-shattering battle begins!


Luofu Mountain, White Dog Cave.

"Do you really believe him?" Wei Zihua asked solemnly.

"I believe." Wang Qianchen nodded without hesitation.

"No evidence needed?"


Wei Zihua turned his head to look at Yumaibai, who was gradually turning up in the sky, and muttered, "I hope you are right."

"Trust me, I'm right." Wang Qianchen said again.

The long night has passed, and the sky is about to dawn.

"After dawn, we will go to Beijing. I will be the deputy commander-in-chief, and you will be the general counselor." Wang Qianchen said seriously: "We will do two things, one is the Restoration Society, the other is the mysterious man, and finally the Tianpo plan will be implemented. , to rescue the imprisoned gods."

"...Okay." Wei Zihua finally agreed, Wang Qianchen believed in Song Epee, and he believed in Wang Qianchen.

"Haha, I feel like a hero who is about to save the world!" Wang Qianchen exercised his muscles. Although he didn't sleep all night, he was full of vigor and energy.

"You are." Wei Zihua smiled: "As an ordinary person, being able to get to this point in just a few years is not the first hero I disagree with! Just wait and see, you will definitely be one of the gods in the future."

"Then I didn't think about it, I just wanted to protect the people around me one day..." Wang Qianchen thought of his father and Qi Yan. This was his long-cherished wish. When he joined [Monster Slayer], Li Qianqiu When he was told, he was strong enough to protect the people around him, and even if he got ahead, he would be able to have his own small family like Song Cepeng.

"By the way, who did you learn the seventy-two transformations from?" Wei Zihua asked suddenly.

"Uh..." Wang Qianchen hesitated a bit. Theoretically, Wei Zihua was a god, and the one who taught him the [Seventy-two Transformation] was also a god. Knowing each other's identities was no big deal, but the **** in the dark space clearly warned against letting him He is rumored to...

"Can't tell?" Wei Zihua noticed Wang Qianchen's embarrassment.

"Well, he won't let..." Wang Qianchen apologized.

"In the sky and the ground, there are not many people who can [Seventy-two Transformations]..." Wei Zihua said with a smile: "It seems that he is not ready to show up, either his strength is still recovering, or he is still recuperating. It's alright, we'll meet you one day!"

The **** in the dark space should also come down from the sky. Brick said that he seemed very weak and was injured. Think of the battle in the sky, and you can understand it.

Since he didn't want to show up, Wei Zihua wouldn't force it. Anyway, everyone's goal is the same, and they will always meet one day.

The two chatted casually for a few words, and the sky was bright, and they immediately rushed to Shangjing together.

Wei Zihua has a ghost pen and can arrive in Beijing in an instant, but it's still early, and he and Wang Qianchen haven't talked enough, so they fly together and can talk on the road. After all, it's been so long.

In addition to the Restoration Society, they mentioned the mysterious man.

"He Jun, Du Hong, Tan Zuo, and Siyao were all arrested by him. To be honest, my hatred for him is almost more than the [Guangfuhui]." Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth.

"But from what you've described, he doesn't seem to be malicious, but he has helped you many times? The sudden appearance of the peak of the state will change seventy-two, which makes me suspect that he is also a **** who escaped! He collects heavenly selections. Is the man and the divine weapon for the purpose of Tianpo's plan?" Wei Zihua carefully analyzed.

"Then he said it well, why is he so rude?" Wang Qianchen was still upset.

"Hey, some gods are just like that, thinking that mortals are ignorant and too lazy to explain too much!" In the whole system of the gods, Wei Zihua belongs to the middle position, and he has seen all kinds of gods.

"If you see him, can you recognize who he is?" Wang Qianchen always felt that something was wrong with that guy. Even if he was a self-proclaimed god, why would he always look like himself?

"As long as he is in the 'awakened' state, I can recognize him!" Wei Zihua affirmed.

"Okay, that guy finds me every three or five times, and likes to be like me. Let's not be separated during this time. Look at who he is and what he wants to do!" Wang Qianchen was still gnashing his teeth.

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