Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1049: Song epee news

As you can imagine, it still cannot be connected.

"What the hell..." For some reason, Ding Jianjun had a bad premonition, because this was a phenomenon that had never happened before!

Except for Ding Jianjun, most of the people didn't realize the problem, and gathered together in groups of three or five to chat. The atmosphere in the Sianyuan was calm and peaceful. Wang Qianchen was talking to Lu Qiao, Zou Liang and others, while Huo Li, Liao Zheng, Bao Chenming and others also formed a small circle.

"I still don't understand, why let him be the deputy commander!" Liao Zheng glanced at Wang Qianchen and said to Huo Li a little indignantly.

"That can't be done. We have no right to interfere with Commander Song's decision." Huo Li's face was calm, and he even closed his eyes, an empty sleeve hanging down to one side, symbolizing his past glory and glory.

"When Commander Song arrives, let's try again for the last time! In terms of qualifications, age, strength, and merit, you are worse than him! You can't be the deputy commander-in-chief, and I will be the first to disagree!" Bao Chenming He couldn't hold back his fire.

Huo Li was silent for a while, and it would be impossible to say that he was completely convinced. But the publicity period has passed, and a few people can't catch Wang Qianchen's handle.

In the end, Huo Li still gritted his teeth: "Okay, let's try one last time! If it still doesn't work, let's give up our illusions, support Wang Qianchen steadily, and don't affect the unity of [Monster Slayer], I don't want to. Become a sinner of history!"

"it is good!"

"it is good……"

Liao Zheng and Bao Chenming nodded and agreed, of course they obeyed Song epee unconditionally, and they didn't want to cause internal disputes within [Monster Slayer].

Then try one last time.

Success or failure, will not be mentioned in the future!

Just then, there was a sudden commotion in the crowd.

Someone shouted: "Master Pan is here!"

People looked towards the door one after another, and saw an old man with white beard and hair, leaning on crutches, and about 1.2 meters tall, walked in.

"Master Pan, why are you here when you have time?"

"Master Pan, I have prepared a few discs, and I plan to take the time to send them to you..."

People greeted Master Pan one after another. He is the land **** of Linglong Mountain outside the city. Although his mana is weak, he is indeed a **** conferred by the heavenly court.

Wang Qianchen, Ding Jianjun and a group of mountain people also walked over to say hello to him.

Master Pan changed his usual gag attitude and said anxiously, "Something happened to Song epee!"

Wang Qianchen immediately asked, "What happened to Commander Song?"

Master Pan said, "In the early hours of this morning, there was an unprecedented battle on Linglong Mountain outside the city..."

As a witness, Master Pan talked about everything in detail, first Chen Wanhe, and then Song Epee.

"When Song Chongjian came, Chen Wanhe was dead, and he was beaten to the point of having only half of his life left! Song Chongjian found me first and said that he would lure those black-robed men away, and let me save Chen Wanhe while the chaos was happening!" Master Pan gasped. With a sigh, he continued: "Chen Wanhe is still recuperating at my place, he is too badly injured..."

Everyone was not interested in caring about Chen Wanhe, and had no time to question why Song Chongjian wanted to save him, so they asked anxiously, "Where is Commander Song, how is he?"

Master Pan replied, "He was besieged by five men in black robes, and he desperately killed one. He was seriously injured and was taken away by those men!"

"It's the divine envoy of the [Guangfuhui]!" Wang Qianchen, who had experience, answered immediately.

"That's right, they are divine envoys. I heard Song Chongjian call them that! I finally saved Chen Wanhe's life, so I'll hurry up and inform you. You should find a way to save Song Cepion!" He poked the crutches on the ground and wanted to jump on top of everyone's heads.

Song Cepian, the commander-in-chief of [Monster Slayer], was taken away!

This is a unique thing in history. Of course, everyone at the scene exploded in an instant. Some people asked where Song Chongjian was caught, some asked about the origins of those envoys, and some said they rushed to report to their superiors. The courtyard was in chaos. Noisy.

"Stop arguing!" Ding Jianjun suddenly shouted.

The mountain man who sits in the due north is also the head of the Ding family, the "first demon slayer family". He stays in Shangjing all year round, and accompanies Song Epee.

When he spoke, everyone fell silent.

Ding Jianjun looked at Master Pan and said, "Where did Commander Song go, do you know?"

Master Pan shook his head: "I don't know."

Everyone's heart is cold.

I don't even know where people are, how can I save them?

Ding Jianjun gritted his teeth and said, "Such a big thing must be reported to the superior first!"

"No need to report, I'm here!"

At this moment, another thick, low, and steady voice sounded, and everyone turned around to look, and saw a middle-aged man with a majestic face and a military uniform walking over.

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