Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1052: Commander Song will not die

Before Wei Zihua could finish speaking, the mysterious man interrupted him: "Just recognize me."

Wei Zihua stared at him, and was silent for a while, as if he understood something: "Why is this happening?"

"Accident." The mysterious man was concise and did not explain much.

But Wei Zihua already knew what was going on, and sighed: "Then you can talk about it, why are you making such a fuss? He took He Jun and others away quietly, Xiaochen hates you now. It's gone!"

"I hate it, I can't tell him."


"..." The mysterious man seemed a little speechless, and murmured: "Oh, you came down a little earlier than me. Regarding the 'Tianpo' plan, Tianzun didn't explain it to you, did he..."

The mysterious man bowed his head and said a few words in Wei Zihua's ear.

Wei Zihua's face was shocked at first, then gritted his teeth, then sad, and finally fell silent.

"That's why I want him to quit." The mysterious man said, "He might as well go home with his dad!"

Wei Zihua still did not speak.

"Think about it for yourself, anyway, I don't want him to get involved." The mysterious man turned his head and walked aside.

Wei Zihua was silent for a long time, watching the clouds in the sky, watching the cars on the roadside, watching the flowers and plants on the hillside, watching the flocks of cattle and sheep in the distance, the breeze gently brushed the ends of his hair, and his mind was full of Wang Qianchen's thoughts Bit by bit.

The young man was faithful, dependable, never flinched, always enthusiastic, always cheerful, as if nothing could knock him down.

He said something that impressed Wei Zihua deeply: "I just want to protect the people around me, have a small family and live a small life."

Thinking of this, Wei Zihua sighed, took out his mobile phone and called Wang Qianchen.

"Xiaochen, don't, don't, don't be the deputy commander of [Monster Slayer]!"


Wang Qianchen is of course full of confusion. He is not too obsessed with this position, but Wei Zihua's sudden and sudden attitude makes him suspicious.

"Don't ask why, just do what I say!" Wei Zihua said solemnly.

"...Okay." Wang Qianchen still didn't understand what happened, but he knew that Wei Zihua would not harm him.

What's more, Huo Li's words and deeds and the revelation of his true feelings had made him dispel the idea of ​​competing for the deputy commander-in-chief.

"Well, you haven't been the deputy commander, have you?"


"Then you go to resign first, and then I will talk to you in detail!"

Wei Zihua hung up the phone and walked to the mysterious man.

"It's done." Wei Zihua said.

"Well." The mysterious man nodded.

"He Jun and the others are with you?" Wei Zihua asked again.

"Here, the evil gods don't know what spells are used, and those gods can sense their positions. I set a restriction and temporarily hid them."

"Do you know the origin of this evil god?"

"I don't know, it seems to be very strong, and the strength should not be inferior to the Emperor of Heaven!" The mysterious man said with narrowed eyes.

"Heroes see the same thing...Take me to see He Jun and the others first." Wei Zihua said.

"Yes." The mysterious man flew out first, followed by Wei Zihua.


Shangjing, the entrance of the Si'an Courtyard.

After hanging up Wei Zihua's call, Wang Qianchen first fell into contemplation, then stepped into the courtyard.

After informing the guards, Wang Qianchen walked into the office and saw the dignified boss again.

The boss was sitting behind his desk with two documents in his hands, one left and one right. Wang Qianchen looked at it at a glance, and found that it was his and Huo Li's information. He didn't know if the boss could understand it, but he was trying to read it anyway.

Seeing Wang Qianchen come in, the boss put down the document in his hand, pointed to a seat next to him and said, "Sit."

Wang Qianchen sat down.

"I have carefully studied the information of the two of you. Although I don't understand a lot of things, I can sense that your achievements are greater than that of Huo Li. But it is limited to this. In other respects, you are not as good as him." The boss made a preliminary judgment and analysis.

Wang Qianchen nodded in approval.

"What's the matter with you?" the boss asked.

"I quit the competition for deputy commander-in-chief." Wang Qianchen said seriously.

"Oh." The boss was expressionless.

"I support Huo Li as the deputy commander, but he wants to come back." Wang Qianchen said: "He can't fight the demon ancestor, I don't want to see him die in vain."

"If you can't kill Yaozu, how will Song Cepeng come back?" the boss asked back.

"Commander Song won't die..." Wang Qianchen finally had time to talk to the boss about the heaven and the underworld.

This talk took more than half an hour, and he finally clarified the stakes for him.

"So, they won't kill Commander Song. All the conditions given are just to use our hands to do something! Even if it is done, they won't let them go. It's better to waste time on this. Unleash our strength and find out where those divine envoys are." Finally, Wang Qianchen gave his proposal.

The boss himself is a layman, and it is only a helpless move to temporarily take the position of Song epee. Naturally, he must listen to the opinions of other demon slayers and make a decision.

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