Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1057: Wang Qianchen's face

Liao is a practitioner of the "knife technique", and he is almost superb in playing with knives and can change at will!

And Bao Chenming was even more amazing. With a slight wave of the Demon Slayer Sword in his hand, a phantom of a monster with the same height of nearly 100 meters appeared. The nose and half-open mouth, the body is covered with countless moss and tentacles, how disgusting and disgusting.

This monster is not an illusion, but a sword soul stationed in Bao Chenming's Demon Slaying Sword. He can be summoned by him to fight together, and his strength is only slightly lower than his.

In this way, Feng Jiujiu is equivalent to a pair of four!

Facing the dazzling attacks from all around, Feng Jiujiu was not ready to hide any more, suddenly opened her mouth and spit out a cyan ball from her mouth. This ball is the same spiritual weapon that she refined, it is earlier than Feiyushang, and it is generally not used.

The power of the cyan ball is extremely strong, and it can explode nearly a thousand tons of power when hit. The real face is Feng Jiujiu, who is facing the sky. The advantage is that he is light and fast, but the damage is not high, so he trained a more powerful ball and named it according to its characteristics.

Wang Qianchen knew about this, and asked her at the time, "So this ball is called a power ball?"

Feng Jiujiu said, "No, it's called Stronger Ball."

Wang Qianchen: "..."

Feng Jiujiu released the feathers that covered the sky and the moon, disturbing the sight of Huo Li and others, and then suddenly spit out the stronger ball when they were not prepared.

Huo Li was caught off guard and was hit in the chest by the ball.


Huo Li was directly smashed into a big hole in the chest, and a mouthful of blood that was almost pouring out of the pool water spurted out, and the huge figure quickly swept back, and hit the ground with a "bang", directly giving half of the snack street to him. smashed.

Fortunately, this is a clear and bright space, otherwise, I don't know how many people will die!

With one move, Huo Li was defeated, and Feng Jiujiu concentrated her energy again, aiming the sky-filled feathers at Liao Zheng, Bao Chenming and the ugly soul of the sword.


Without Huo Li's containment and frontal attraction of firepower, Liao Zheng and others were not Feng Jiujiu's opponents at all. They were directly pierced with holes, and the soul of the sword was directly defeated, while Liao Zheng and Bao Chenming were covered in blood. out.

Feng Jiujiu looked down at the injury on her body.

——During the melee just now, she also had a lot of scars on her body.

If it wasn't for the stronger ball, it would be hard to say who would win this battle.

Huo Li, Liao Zheng, and Bao Chenming were not dead yet. With Feng Jiujiu's current state, it would be no problem to kill them while they were victorious. But considering Wang Qianchen's position, Feng Jiujiu decided to forget it - after all, he heard from the demon ancestor that Wang Qianchen was going to be the deputy commander of [Demon Slayer].

Feng Jiujiu let out a breath, flew to the sky quickly, and called out the stronger ball again. After a few "bang bang bang", she smashed a hole at the top of [Qingming Space], and then flapped her wings and flew away quickly.

"Can you still fight?!" Huo Li stood up staggeringly, his chest was already bloody.

"Yes!" Liao Zheng and Bao Chenming responded.

"Let's go then!" Holly growled.

Liao Zheng and Bao Chenming endured the pain and jumped onto Huo Li's shoulders.

Huo Li kicked his feet sharply, his body sprang out like an arrow from the string, and chased in the direction Feng Jiujiu flew away.

——When he went to the South China Sea to besiege the Dragon of the Red River, Huo Li used this method to bring all the mountain people there.

Feng Jiujiu's flying speed is not slow, and Huo Li's bouncing power is not too much, and the distance between Feng Jiujiu and Feng Jiujiu is almost the same after a few ups and downs.

In an endless mountain range.

Feng Jiujiu finally couldn't bear it anymore, she turned around suddenly, and let out a sharp Feng Ming.

"The battle isn't over yet, what are you running for?" Huo Li also stood still, standing between his legs between the hills, panting heavily, the injury on his chest almost made him unsteady.

Liao Zheng and Bao Chenming, who were standing on his shoulders respectively, with pain and blood all over their bodies, pulled out the Demon Slayer Sword with difficulty.

"In your current state, might you fight me?" Feng Jiujiu gritted her teeth and said, "If it wasn't for Wang Qianchen's face, I would have killed a few of you already!"

Wang Qianchen's face?

Huo Li and the others were slightly taken aback, they thought that the reason why Feng Jiujiu escaped was simply because they were afraid of [Monster Slayer]...

"Follow up again, I'm welcome!" Feng Jiujiu shouted again, and spit out the stronger ball in her mouth.


A nearby mountain was directly cut off by the middle!

This scene really made Huo Li and others speechless.

Feng Jiujiu snorted, took back the stronger ball, spread her wings, and disappeared quickly.

Huo Li stopped chasing him, standing among the mountains, with a solemn face and countless sadness in his eyes.

Liao Zheng and Bao Chenming didn't say a word, they couldn't stand still, they fell one after another and fell into the dense forest.

The moon is bright and the earth is desolate.


At this moment, a wild wave of laughter suddenly sounded!

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