Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1073: He's fine, don't worry

Wang Qianchen sighed, looked back at the middle-aged couple who were still in a daze, and then bowed to them: "Uncle, auntie, thank you for taking care of my brother all these years."

This bow, Wang Qianchen is sincere, if it weren't for the poverty of the family, his father would definitely not have made such a choice. After a family visit later, Wang Qianchen was sure that Song Anping was doing well, and he was even more grateful to Song Xiujie and Zhuang Mei in his heart.

"Ah, don't thank him, he is also our son..." Song Xiujie was a little cautious, and he quickly waved his hands and said, "You... have met?"

Without waiting for Wang Qianchen to reply, Zhuang Mei said, "I must have seen it before, hasn't Aping been to Luzhou City?"

Song Xiujie nodded and said, "Yes...Yes...I forgot..."

"Has Aping been to Luzhou City? I really don't know..." Wang Qianchen asked casually.

Since Du Hong is all right, he has time to talk to Song Anping's adoptive parents.

"I've been there, just half a year ago... Didn't you meet at that time?" Song Xiujie asked strangely.

"No, I wasn't home at the time, we only met later... How could he go to Luzhou City so well?" Wang Qianchen asked again.

Song Xiujie looked a little embarrassed, but considering Wang Qianchen's identity, he still said bluntly: "A Ping is a smart child since he was a child. He found out that he is not me and Zhuang Mei early on through his blood type, appearance, and gossip around him. His child... He asked us many times, let's be honest, child, Zhuang Mei and I are still a little careful, we treat him like our own son, and we really don't want him to go back... "

Wang Qianchen nodded to express his understanding. It was quite normal for adoptive parents to have such thoughts.

A child raised by one hand, where would you be willing to give up again?

Song Xiujie continued: "That's why we kept pushing the blame. The elementary school said that I would tell you later in junior high school, and the junior high school said I would tell you later in high school... Until he went to college and got a job, we couldn't let it go. We told him that your hometown is in Luzhou City, your father's name is Wang De..."

Wang Qianchen calculated the time and said, "My dad and I were no longer in Luzhou at that time."

Song Xiujie said: "Really, then I don't know! After he came back from Luzhou, he didn't tell us anything. He only said that he would be very busy in the future, and he might go home less often. We didn't dare to ask, thinking that He's got a new family, so he doesn't take us very seriously. Then..."

"What happened later?" Wang Qianchen asked immediately.

Song Xiujie glanced at Zhuang Mei, then looked at the slabs floating in the air, and suddenly said, "Your family are not ordinary people, right?"

Wang Qianchen frowned and did not speak.

Song Xiujie seemed to have made up his mind, and continued: "Once, there was a monster in our county. Of course, some people believe in monsters, and some people don't. Zhuang Mei and I didn't believe it either, but the monster actually He broke into our house... Fortunately, A Ping arrived at the critical moment, beheaded the monster, and turned it into a centipede on the spot... A Ping said coldly at the time: 'You dare to be presumptuous in front of me in a mere peak!' The first time I saw A Ping, he was a good boy who loved learning since he was a child, and I never knew he had such a side..."

Hearing this, Zhuang Mei's body trembled a little, obviously still having lingering fears about what happened that day.

"Afterwards, A Ping knelt down in front of us and said that he was going to kill demons and slay demons, so he couldn't come back to accompany us often! Zhuang Mei and I hugged him and cried loudly, and asked him what was going on, but he didn't say anything. Later, he really rarely came home, and Zhuang Mei and I were worried about his safety, so we often came to Putuo Mountain to burn incense and pray for him..." Song Xiujie let out a long breath after telling the whole story.

That's why they didn't panic when they first saw Brick, but dared to rush up. The experience is still different.

When I saw Banzhuan calling Wang Qianchen the master, I guessed that he was the same as Song Anping.

Wang Qianchen fell silent.

It sounds like Song Anping's real transformation came after he went to Luzhou City. Before that, he was also an ordinary person. It seemed that he had experienced something in Luzhou City that had caused him to "awaken", and it was not as hard as Wang Qianchen, who was both demonic and searching for spiritual pills. It took several years to rise to the top. territory.

Song Anping, it seems that he has risen to the peak of the top realm without much effort!

This can no longer be described by talent, as if someone flipped a switch, and he "huh-" has reached the current level. Compared with Wang Qianchen, who is mediocre, or even has no talent, it can be called a heaven and earth.


"Where have you seen A Ping? How is he now?" Song Xiujie asked tentatively.

"We've met many times, he's fine now, uncle and auntie, don't worry!" Wang Qianchen forced a smile.

"That's good, that's good." Song Xiujie and Zhuang Mei looked at each other.

Although Wang Qianchen's answer was a bit perfunctory, it was not easy for them to ask more.

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