Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1090: still smart

"It's none of your business!" This question seemed to anger the real person Bai Xiang, and his expression became a little excited.

"Then go to hell!" Wei Zihua didn't have time to say anything to the real person Bai Xiang, and immediately clenched his soul pen and attacked him.

[Tian Prison] is a side effect of the wrestling between [Skynet] and [Tianshu], and it takes a little time to activate. Taking advantage of this time, Wei Zihua wants to kill Baixiang Zhenren as soon as possible, just like he killed Yasha Mara and the mountain elf Kru, Jiang Xiaoshu killed the "undead" Kosice, and Aunt Yang killed the giant Bart.

However, the real person Bai Xiang really didn't take Wei Zihua in his eyes, he just flicked his nose lightly and knocked him out.


Wei Zihua flew out directly and fell to the ground with a "bang".

"Cui Jue, Cui Jue, how could you possibly be my opponent?" Bai Xiangzhen said as he walked, "Follow Lord Heretic God, and when he succeeds in the old man's great way, let you rise one liter, how about being a King of Hell? You've been a judge for so long, don't you want to make a move?"

"Really or not, I can also be the King of Hell?!" Wei Zihua sat up from the ground with a bang, looking at the real person Baixiang expectantly.

"It shouldn't be a problem, I can tell the Evil God Lord." Bai Xiangzhen smiled slightly.

"Thank you so much for that!" Wei Zihua jumped up and attacked the real person Baixiang again with the Soul Evocation Pen in hand.

"I know you're not so easy to be soft..." Bai Xiangzhen was not surprised at all, still smiling, then he swung his long nose and slammed him again.

At this moment, Wei Zihua suddenly condensed an air RPG bazooka.


The air rockets rushed out quickly. Now that he is the strength of the super dust, the power of the rockets is naturally stronger. Real White Elephant was caught off guard and was hit in the chest, and his whole body turned back.

"Okay!" Wang Qianchen and the others couldn't help but cheer.

"Bastard..." Bai Xiangzhen got up from the ground, although there was some blood on his chest, but it didn't seem to be a problem.

However, it completely angered him.

Bai Xiangzhen was in a rage, and rushed towards Wei Zihua.


Ta Jiuzhou and He Jun shouted at the same time, and two things flew towards Wei Zihua at the same time, one was the Taiji talisman and the other was the Qingyun sword.

Wei Zihua stretched out his hand to catch it, shoved the Tai Chi talisman and the Soul Evocative Pen into his arms, and slashed towards the White Elephant Real Man with the Qingyun Sword in hand. Although the Soul Evocation Pen is also an artifact, after losing the teleportation effect, there is only Soul Evocation left, and its attack power is quite low.

At the same time, the attack of the White Elephant also arrived, and the long nose quickly flew in the air, not only perfectly evading the attack of Qingyun Sword, but also directly breaking the defense of the Taiji Talisman, and once again sent Wei Zihua out. !

Even with the Taiji talisman and the Qingyun sword, Wei Zihua is not a match for the real Baixiang.

"Wow—" Wei Zihua spat out a mouthful of blood and let go of the Qingyun Sword in his hand.

The real Baixiang rushed up again.

"Boom boom boom!"

Wei Zihua pressed the button of the air RPG rocket launcher again, and air rockets roared out one after another.

The White Elephant Master was prepared this time, his proboscis rolled up and down in the air, and then he shot all the rockets out. In just a few seconds, the real person Baixiang rushed to Wei Zihua's body, and his long nose quickly rolled towards his body.

"Xiaowei, the limbs are separated!" Wang Qianchen shouted.

The sound of "huhuhu" came from the air, and the air vortex seemed to have formed. Even if Wei Zihua was not killed by the real person Baixiang, he would be sucked away by the [Tian Prison].

Wei Zihua really listened to the persuasion, his limbs were immediately separated, the whole person entered a state of "suspended death", and his vitality quickly disappeared.

However, his head and limbs are not flying everywhere as before, but there are faint signs of lift-off, apparently still locked by [Tian Prison]!

Sure enough, it was the same as Wei Zihua had guessed before, he could deceive once, but not twice!

This [Tian Prison] is still smart!

"Damn!" Song Anping scolded again, and immediately rushed out, preparing to break through the super dust realm.

"Don't come here! Leave it to me! I can do it!" Wei Zihua shouted, and then his limbs reassembled, but his body still flew upwards involuntarily.

"You're about to be sucked away by [Tian Prison], what can you do? It's a big joke." Bai Xiangzhen stopped attacking, and watched the show with his arms folded, his long nose hanging in the air. Stop flying.

"I've been sucked away, don't think about it!" Wei Zihua suddenly shouted and grabbed the nose of the real person Baixiang!

"Fuck you! Let me go!" Bai Xiangzhen was shocked and tried to free his nose.

But Wei Zihua grasped it tightly and dragged him into the light shrouded in the air vortex.

"Ahhhhh! Let me go! You bastard!" Bai Xiangzhen shouted, but in this light, he couldn't exert much energy, and was dragged by Wei Zihua. Fly into the sky together.

On the ground, everyone was stunned to see this scene.

It turned out that Wei Zihua had this idea.

If you can't beat him, drag him away.


Song Anping rushed out immediately, raised his head and shouted at Wei Zihua, "You're leaving, but leave something behind!"

"Okay, okay!" Wei Zihua released his hand and threw down the Soul Evocation Pen and Tai Chi Talisman.

Song Anping grabbed the Soul Hooking Pen and the Tai Chi Talisman, and said loudly, "Find another chosen person to help him reach the top of the world!"

"Okay!" Wei Zihua agreed again, and then glanced over.

"He Jun, I'm sorry before, I'll help you!" Wei Zihua grabbed the real person Baixiang with one hand and slammed it in He Jun's direction with the other.

A beam of spiritual energy visible to the naked eye roared out and instantly enveloped He Jun.

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