Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1109: stronger backer

On the sea near the border of Daxia.

"The Dapeng Protector is catching up!" Wang Qianchen looked back and said solemnly.

Everyone flew first, and the Dapeng Dharma Protector also talked to Qingshi Zhenren for a while, but his speed was extremely fast, his wings fluttered, and he was not far from Wang Qianchen.

Although Wang Qianchen has a soul hook, he can't bring so many people at one time, and everyone is humble to each other, and no one is willing to leave first.

"Only Dapeng protects the law, can the Seven Killing Formation still be activated?" Song Anping asked immediately.

"Try it!" Wang Qianchen took the lead in the Tianshu position, and the others also stood in the Tianji, Tianxuan and other positions, clenching the artifact in his hand, and quickly activated his spiritual power.

The seven artifacts flashed brightly, but before they could be assembled, Blind Toutuo suddenly made a "wow", spurted a large mouthful of blood, and the whole person quickly fell.

"Blind man!" Chen Wanhe roared, and immediately stepped on the rain sword and leaned down, scooping up the blind head.

"Severely injured, I can't hold it anymore! Xiaochen, take him away first!" Chen Wanhe threw the blind head over.

Blind Tuo was already in a coma, no one was fighting this time, he must have left first.

Wang Qianchen grabbed the blind head, and with a flick of his body, he disappeared.

In the next second, Wang Qianchen came back, his hands were empty, and he had obviously taken the blind head to a safe place.

"Who will go next, hurry up!" Wang Qianchen shouted.

"Xiao Jiu and Lao Bai, they are also injured!" Ta Jiuzhou gave a sudden push, throwing Feng Jiujiu and Bai Kuanghai away.

Wang Qianchen grabbed one and disappeared, and then grabbed another to disappear. When he came back, Jinpeng with wings on his ribs had already arrived, and he ran directly to Wang Qianchen, obviously knowing that he had a soul-eating pen in his hand.


The Dapeng Protector slammed his wings and slapped Wang Qianchen's body. The feathers on the wings stood upright, like sharp blades, instantly cutting him into countless pieces of meat.

The skill of [Disintegration] was activated quickly, and Wang Qianchen's body closed in an instant, but the ghost pen disappeared.

Wang Qianchen quickly looked around, trying to retrieve the Soul Ecstasy Pen, that was their only chance to escape.

"Don't look for it, it fell into the sea! When the heaven restarts, Judge Cui will take it back! You go first, I will kill this guy!" Song Anping flashed before him, and was about to break through the super dust realm.

"What should I do if I break the plan that day?" Wang Qianchen asked anxiously immediately.

"Maybe other immortals will come!" Song Anping replied through gritted teeth.


These two words are too casual!

But Song Anping can't help it, he can't just watch the chosen person in trouble, right?

In the sky, the dark clouds rolled and the wind was blowing, and the aura of the super-dust world gradually appeared in Song Anping, and the air vortex gradually and slowly began to form.

The Dapeng protector also noticed his presence and immediately responded with concentration.

"Can you become a **** after death?" Ta Jiuzhou suddenly asked him.

"What?" Song Anping was taken aback.

"I ask you, can you become a **** after death?!" Ta Jiuzhou increased his volume.

"...It depends on the merits. If the merits are big enough, they can be conferred after death!" Song Anping didn't know why he asked this, but he answered quickly.

"Okay, leave this guy to me to deal with!" Ta Jiuzhou immediately flew towards the Dapeng Protector.

"What are you doing, you can't fight him..." Song Anping was a little surprised.

"I can fight, but I have to pay some price... You stay and continue to implement the Tianpo plan!" Ta Jiuzhou looked calm and stood in front of Dapeng Dharma Protector.

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

Treading on Kyushu is known as the strongest monster in Daxia, but no matter how strong he is, he is the peak of the top realm, how can he possibly beat the super dust realm?

But I don't know what's going on, everyone thinks that he is not lying, he seems to be able to kill Dapeng Dharma Protector!

The gust of wind gradually subsided, the dark clouds returned to silence, and even the air vortex disappeared. Song Anping gave up the plan to ascend to the super-dust realm, and looked at Ta Jiuzhou with a solemn expression.

"I know you..." The Dapeng Protector tilted his head slightly, "The strongest monster in Daxia for nearly a thousand years, created the [Wan Yaohui], and fought with the [Monster Slayer] for many years."

"It's an honor to be known by you." Stepping on Kyushu and wearing a white shirt, he was slightly injured in the battle with the Yaqi Orochi before, and the blood was like a plum blossom blooming in the snow.

"Of course, you can be considered the pride of the demon clan... It's a pity that the promotion channel has been blocked, otherwise your achievements will be much greater than now... It's not at the right time!" Dapeng sighed softly. .

"So I don't understand. You have already become a god, why are you betraying the heavens?"

Become a god, but what he has dreamed of for thousands of years, is now abandoned by the Dapeng Dharma protector!

"Because I have a stronger backer..." Dapeng Protector smiled.

A stronger backer?

The superior of Dapeng's Dharma protector is the Tathagata Buddha, what kind of backer can be so big as the Tathagata?

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