Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1111: can i be a god

"It's the Five Mountains, Mount Tai, Mount Heng, Mount Hua, Mount Song and Mount Heng, as well as the Yangtze River and Yellow River!" Wang Qianchen, who had activated the [Landscape] skill, immediately exclaimed in shock.

It is not uncommon to be able to summon mountains and rivers by stepping on Kyushu. The magic weapon Fengyuebao fan he made by himself has this function.

But no one thought that he would be able to summon Daxia's five mountains and two mother rivers!

This is too scary...

Is this the true strength of the demon ancestor? !

This is the pinnacle of the state... the strength that can be shown? !

The majestic Five Mountains, the surging Yangtze River and the Yellow River almost covered the whole world, and the ensuing coercion filled the entire sky!

Who can beat it?

Who dares to fight?

Seeing this scene, Wang Qianchen and the others stood there, and even Song Anping, who was known as the reincarnation of a god, seemed to have never seen such a scene. His mouth was slightly open, and he could just shove a basketball.

"Damn it!" Dapeng scolded the Dharma Protector, fluttering his wings, turned around and ran!

It was a pity that it was too late, the Wuyue Mountains rushed out quickly, and the Yangtze River and the Yellow River also surrounded him, blocking all his paths.


The Dapeng protector shouted, his body suddenly shook violently, and he turned into a giant with a height of hundreds of meters. Then he held the Fang Tianji, which was also enlarged, and stabbed towards the surrounding mountains and rivers. .

But no matter how tall he is, he is not as tall as the Five Mountains.

No matter how fast it is, it is not as fast as the rushing Yangtze and Yellow Rivers.

"Boom boom-"


Five unreachable mountains, and two rivers that cannot be seen, all smashed down towards the Dapeng protector. For a while, the rocks splashed and the river flew, and the sound of "rumbling" could not be heard.

After an unknown amount of time, a golden figure suddenly fell.

The golden-winged Dapeng showed his true appearance, with black smoke "zi la la", his body fell to the sea surface, but it didn't sink to the bottom, it just floated like that, and those sea beasts and sea monsters also avoided.

Even if it was already dead, these monsters would not dare to bite its body.

Golden-winged Dapeng was dead, indeed dead, Wang Qianchen could hear it, he could hear it, he lost his breath, lost his heartbeat, and lost all his vitality.

Stepping on Kyushu at the peak of the top realm actually killed the protector **** beside the Tathagata, the golden-winged Dapeng bird!


The Five Mountains, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River completed their missions and flew towards the direction of Daxia quickly, completely disappearing into the darkness, and they must have returned to their original places.

And stepping on Kyushu, the complex lines on the cheeks, neck, and hands quickly receded.

The whole person became weak and weak, and a face was even bloodless.

"call out--"

Stepping on Kyushu, he took off his strength and quickly fell towards the sea.

Those sea beasts and sea monsters did not dare to eat the Dapeng protector, but all of them opened their mouths, waiting to fall on the Kyushu.

"Master Yaozu!" Wang Qianchen rushed up and grabbed him.

Everyone also gathered around, some shouting Yaozu, some shouting to step on Kyushu, and all of them looked solemn.

Wang Qianchen hugged and stepped on Jiuzhou, only to feel that his body was weak and weak, as if holding a ball of cotton, he gently exerted his force, and was shocked: "The meridians, bones, internal organs, and blood vessels are all broken!"

"Send to the hospital!" Song Anping immediately said solemnly.

"Don't bother, even if Hua Tuo is alive, it's impossible to save me..." Stepping on Jiuzhou couldn't open his mouth, so he could only make a sound from his throat.

The crowd fell silent for a while.

"How about it, which of us is more powerful?" Ta Jiuzhou looked at Chen Wanhe and said softly.

"I don't know, unless you stand up, let's fight again!" Chen Wanhe said solemnly.

Stepping on Kyushu wanted to laugh, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, but he still failed.

"I... would have known this trick long ago..." Ta Jiuzhou still used his throat to pronounce, and said weakly: "I call it [national strength], the stronger the national strength, the stronger my strength... I said that my current The strongest, you...you believe it?"

"I believe it, I believe it!" Wang Qianchen's eyes turned slightly red.

"Unfortunately, my body at the peak of the state can't bear this kind of move at all... That's why I want to become a **** and have a stronger body, so that I can better use this move..." Stepping on the eyes of Jiuzhou He was almost unable to open his mouth, and his voice was getting smaller and smaller.

"Master Yaozu..." Wang Qianchen's voice trembled slightly.

"I want to become a god, I really want to become a god... I have worked hard for so many years, and I just want to become a god... Is my achievement enough?" Ta Jiuzhou panted lightly and looked at Song Anping.

"Enough! Enough!" Song Anping's eyes were also red, and he gritted his teeth: "When the heaven restarts, I will help you reshape your body! You can definitely become a god! Whoever doesn't let you become a god, I'm going to be a **** Havoc in the Heavenly Palace, fight to the death with those old men!"

"Can you do it..." Ta Jiuzhou pouted softly.

"OK! OK! You believe me!" Song Anping held his hand and roared.

"Okay...Okay...Then I'll wait..." Ta Jiuzhou's face was full of relief, and then he closed his eyes with confidence, and then black smoke came out of his body, becoming a slightly scarred but complete The perfect summer map.

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