Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1114: my wife is a fairy

"What are you laughing at?" Song Anping looked confused.

When introducing Qi Yan's true identity, Song Anping kept observing Wang Qianchen's expression. After all, he is just an ordinary person, but Qi Yan is the eldest daughter of the Jade Emperor, the Nine Heavens Fairy aloof!

The identity difference between the two people is destined to be impossible for them to be together!

Song Anping thought that after Wang Qianchen realized this, he would be in more or less pain, so he could only say something to comfort him. Anyway, he was doing well in the world. He couldn't find any woman he was looking for. There was no need to stare at the Jade Emperor's daughter, right?

As a result, Wang Qianchen not only was not sad, but laughed!

This made Song Anping very puzzled.

"My wife is an immortal, one of the seven fairies, and the eldest daughter of the Jade Emperor. Can I **** stop laughing? If it wasn't for Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng hadn't been killed, I would have laughed out loud!" He is still holding the map of Shanhe Sheji in his hand, otherwise Wang Qianchen would have already started rubbing his hands excitedly!

"..." Song Anping was speechless.

"Hahahaha, my wife is an immortal, one of the seven fairies, and the eldest daughter of the Jade Emperor! I'm so **** developed!" Wang Qianchen finally couldn't help it, and really laughed out loud.

"..." If Jiuling Yuansheng hadn't been killed, Song Anping really wanted to yell in his ear to wake him up!

The two of them spoke in a low voice before, and no one else could hear them.

Wang Qianchen laughed out loud, and everyone turned around and asked him what happened?

"That's my wife! Her name was Qi Yan, and she was a nurse in my hometown, but now she's awakened. It turned out to be a fairy..." Wang Qianchen excitedly introduced to everyone.

"Fuck, then you're so arrogant, you want to be the son-in-law of the Jade Emperor! I used to wonder, you always said that you had a girlfriend, but you never saw you lead it out, thinking that there was something wrong with your orientation, no I’m so embarrassed to tell us, it turns out that Jin is really hiding Jiao, and it’s also a fairy girl Jiao’e! I envy you so much, if I didn’t become a monk, I would be the son-in-law of the Yin family now!” Du Hong immediately followed excitedly. stand up.

"Okay, Xiaochen, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply!" He Jun looked surprised.

"Good guy, I used to think that Xiao Wei was amazing, but Xiao Chen is the most awesome one among us!" Tan Zuo shouted loudly.

"I haven't had a fairy's wedding wine yet, it seems that I have a good time this time!" Chen Wanhe smiled.

"Xiaochen, as the son-in-law of the Jade Emperor, remember to promote us in the future!" Even Siyao couldn't help but tease.

Because it is a matter of time to kill Jiuling Yuansheng, everyone's mood is very relaxed, and everyone is elated.

"That's for sure, one person can get a dog and go to heaven. In the future, I will officially become the Jade Emperor's son-in-law, and none of the people present can run away. I will get you a real person, an Arhat, and a god." Wang Qianchen himself was even happier, Mouth grinned to eyes.

"Good! Good!" Everyone cheered together.

"Can you wake up, that's the Jade Emperor's eldest daughter, you're just an ordinary person, you can't be together!" Hearing that everyone even started to celebrate in advance, Song Anping finally couldn't help it and shouted loudly. .

He didn't deliberately attack Wang Qianchen, and he wasn't so idle, just wanted him to recognize the reality and avoid greater hope and greater disappointment.

The scene suddenly quieted down, and only the sound of "Boom Boom" could be heard incessantly, mixed with the painful mourning of Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng from time to time.

Everyone immediately realized that the identities of Wang Qianchen and Qi Yan are indeed very different. One is an ordinary person on earth, the other is a fairy in the sky, or the eldest daughter of the Jade Emperor...

It must be difficult to be together!

"Listen to your nonsense." Wang Qianchen was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "Can't gods and mortals fall in love? The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, Dong Yong and the Seven Fairies, Liu Yanchang and the Three Madonnas... Are these all made up? "

"Ah, these stories are not made up..." Song Anping touched his head.

"Since it's not a nonsense, why can they be together, and Qi Yan and I can't be together?" Wang Qianchen asked back.

"Since you've heard these stories, you should know how difficult they were at the beginning, right?" Song Anping gritted his teeth.

"I know, but do you think I will be afraid of difficulties?" Wang Qianchen raised his head and looked at the dark and boundless sky.

"Okay, even if you're not afraid, you have the courage to face any difficulties..." Song Anping paused, as if determined, and then continued: "Before Qi Yan was willing to be with you because she has not awakened, and Knowing her true identity... Now that she's awakened, are you sure she still treats you the same as before?"

As soon as these words came out, it was like a heavy hammer, hitting Wang Qianchen's heart hard.

Yes, Qi Yan was a mortal before.

It is natural for mortals to be together with mortals. Now that she has awakened, she has become a nine-day fairy who is aloof. Does she still maintain her original feelings for Wang Qianchen?

Wang Qianchen is not Qi Yan, so of course she doesn't know what she's thinking.

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