Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1118: meet the evil spirits

And Guxi, Guai, and Sakura Kingdom can be the origins of other widely circulated myths. Naturally, they agree with the statement that "building a temple to worship" is the highest etiquette. They promised to discuss with their monarchs after returning to A national temple came out to praise the merits of these people.

"Even if it is to build a temple, it must be divided into priority and secondary. I think Wang Qianchen is the most credited." Prince Latt from India continued.

"That's for sure, he is the commander-in-chief of this operation." Headmaster Jiguli nodded.

"The main hall is dedicated to him, and the side hall is dedicated to others." High Priest Luo Ni agreed.

"Okay, then I'll contact Daxia now to find out Wang Qianchen's name and appearance!" The Zhaode monarch made a final decision.

Daxia, Sianyuan.

"Building a temple?! Offering worship?!" The boss was shocked when he received a call from the monarch Zhaode.

After getting a positive answer from the other party, the words "we are all virtuous enough to build temples after we pass away" were never spoken. After all, there is one custom in one place, and at the same time, I feel a little gratified, so that these countries can take the initiative to remember The achievements of Wang Qianchen and others are also a good thing for the entire Daxia.

In the end, the boss agreed and sent all the information of some people who had participated in the operation before.


"call out--"

Amidst the ice and snow, a man in a black robe flew by quickly, and behind him was a burly middle-aged man with a big beard.

Because of the proximity to the Arctic Circle, the climate is getting colder and colder, and the middle-aged man's stubble has a layer of frost.

"What's your name?" The middle-aged man suddenly asked softly.

"If I go back to the Qingshi God General, I'm called the Aries God Envoy." Bai Feiyang said respectfully while flying.

"I already know this. I'm asking about your name before you became a divine envoy." Qingshi Zhenren gasped lightly. He was indeed seriously injured in the previous battle in the East China Sea.

"Bai Feiyang."

"Is it from Daxia?"

"Yes, I used to be a disciple of Longhu Mountain, but I went abroad after being wanted by Da Xia." Bai Feiyang continued to answer.

"So that's how it is..." Qingshi Zhenren sighed and continued: "Thank you for this time. In the future, when Lord Heretic God becomes the master of the Three Realms, I will at least give you a real person or a **** to do it."

"Thank you Qingshi God General!"

"No thanks... it's here, get ready to land!"

Bai Feiyang didn't know where the evil **** lived. He relied on Qingshi real person to guide him along the way.

Hearing that it was finally here, Bai Feiyang immediately leaned down and landed.

According to the instructions of Qingshi Zhenren, Bai Feiyang landed on a white snow-capped mountain, and the sight was a rock wall that was unattainable and smooth like a mirror. This is almost the northernmost part of the entire earth, not to mention monsters, just There are very few living beings.

Below the rock wall, there is a cave, which does not look majestic, but gives people an indescribable sense of oppression.

Qingshi Zhenren stumbled over, and Bai Feiyang followed behind.

"Lord Evil God!" When he came to the entrance of the cave, Qingshi Zhenren did not go in, but stood outside the door and shouted loudly.

"You're back..." A gloomy voice came from the cave.

Bai Feiyang recognized this voice as the evil god, the leader of the [Guangfuhui]!

He and the evil **** have not met many times. Every time the evil **** is covered with a black robe, he never shows his true face, but he still recognizes his voice. There are also many residences of the evil gods. Except for Daxia, they are almost all over the world, but most of them are in the wilderness. Care about, just find a cave or a valley as a base.

So Bai Feiyang often thinks that this is not a fairy, but a monster.

This time, I went straight to the far north!

"Lord Evil God, I'm back... The action failed!" Qingshi Zhenren stood at the door with his head lowered, looking dejected.

"Well, I've counted it all." The Evil God said solemnly.

"Thank you, Lord Cthulhu, for saving me. If Dapeng didn't take action, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come back! Then, I would like to thank this little brother, who brought me back... Lord Cthulhu, when you become the master of the Three Realms, I will also give this to you. Little brother, let's have a chance. He is an angel of Aries, his original name is Bai Feiyang, and he happened to come out of Daxia." Qingshi real person introduced seriously.

Bai Feiyang, who was standing beside him, couldn't help but move in his heart.

When Qingshi Zhenren promised him that he would become a real person or a **** in the future, he still felt that he was just talking about it casually, but he didn't expect it to be a matter and said it in front of the evil god.

However, the Heretic God obviously did not care about these trivial matters, and still said solemnly: "You are back, but Dapeng and Jiuling Yuansheng are dead... and the white elephant who was dragged to the sky by Judge Cui before, the four of you **** generals have already Three dead!"

"What, Dapeng and Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng died?!" Qing Shi Zhenren was naturally stunned when he heard about this.

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