Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 145: buy your life

At the same time, on the road outside the community.

Nightshade drove a Honda Fit at a gallop, and there were still two kilometers to the hiding place of Mr. Huang.

At this moment, a middle-aged man suddenly crossed the road, so startled that Nightshade hurried to slam on the brakes.


The tires rubbed long marks on the ground, and the air was also filled with the smell of burnt stench.

"What are you doing, don't you have eyes..." Nightshade put down the car window, stuck her head out and couldn't help scolding, but before she finished speaking, she closed her mouth.

Because the other party is really blind.

He was in his forties, wearing an ordinary jacket, suit trousers, a pair of black sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and holding a guide stick in his hand, tapping on the road "da-da-da".

Nightshade held back the swear words at the back and waited patiently for the middle-aged man to pass by.

But he was walking very slowly, taking every step carefully, and there were cars whizzing by constantly on both sides.

Even if she was in a hurry to encircle and suppress the third master Huang, Solanum nigrum couldn't ignore it, so she drove the car to double dodge, then got out of the car and supported the middle-aged man's arm.

"Brother, let me help you over there!" Solanx said softly.

"Little girl, thank you, you have such a good heart!" Liu Blind smiled softly.

"It's alright, let's go!" Solanum nigrum ruffled her hair, wanting to send the middle-aged man over as soon as possible.

"Girl, you have such a good heart, your heart must be delicious, can you give it to me?" Liu Blind smiled even more happily.

"What did you say?!" Nightshade was startled, and immediately noticed that something was wrong with the blind man. While stepping back, he immediately reached behind his shoulders and drew the knife.

"Girl, you are going to scare me!" Liu Blind reached out and removed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, revealing a pair of white eyes emitting a dim light.

Nightshade's body shuddered, and her eyes changed quickly. The long road disappeared instantly, replaced by a rushing river. The waves beat frantically on the shore, and the river was flowing over her feet, calves, and waist. It was about to drown her!

And Liu Blind, standing on a flat boat, no matter how the wind and waves blowing on the left and right, his figure remained motionless, instead exuding a dazzling golden light, like a **** from the sky coming to the world!


On another road.

Zhong Xin was driving a red Chery QQ, speeding at the same speed. Although she was only seventeen years old, because of her status as the [Monster Slayer], the upper management authorized her to drive, and she was also issued a driver's license. However, on the wide and flat road, there was a sudden "bang" explosion, as if something broke, and her car was thrown into the air!

The car rolled several times in the air and fell towards the side of the road.

Before the car hit the ground, Zhong Xin pushed open the car door, lightly tipped her toes, her body floated lightly on the roadbed like a butterfly.

"What's going on?" Zhong Xin looked at the smooth road in confusion, but didn't realize that she had hit anything.


At this moment, an extremely sturdy young man walked slowly towards Zhong Xin with open arms, his eyes were a little dull, and his mouth was still drooling, as if he was a fool.


Li Qianqiu's car was also attacked.

He happened to be driving at the end of the road, and the garbage cans on the side of the road suddenly flew up and smashed straight at his windshield!

Li Qianqiu narrowed his eyes slightly, turned the steering wheel quickly, avoided the trash can, and then parked the car on the side of the road.

With a "bang", the yellow trash can fell to the ground, beverage bottles, snack bags, bento boxes, and a mess of juice spilled all over the floor.


A beggar in rags dragged a woven bag and walked to the **** on the floor, shaking his head while picking it up.

"People are really incompetent now, how can garbage be thrown around?" The beggar sighed softly, without even looking at Li Qianqiu.

"Enlightened person?" Li Qianqiu stared straight at him and silently pulled out the knife behind him.


"I'm here to kill you." Ah Fei put his hands in his pockets, put his hands in his pockets, put on a cool pose, and said to the telephone pole by the roadside.

"That... I'm here..." Zhou Weiguo raised his hand and couldn't help saying.

Just now, Ah Fei stopped three or four cars in a row, and finally stopped Zhou Weiguo's car.

"Of course I know you're there! My eyes are a little slanted, but I'm not blind!" Ah Fei turned his head aggressively and said to an old man selling cotton candy on the side of the road.

"What's up with me?" The old man selling cotton candy looked confused.

"Fuck it, I didn't talk to you!" Ah Fei cursed, pulled out a dagger from his waist, and stabbed it in the direction of Zhou Weiguo.

Although his eyes were not right, the knife was precise and ruthless!

Zhou Weiguo had just explored Ah Fei's strength and knew that he was a practitioner of the stone realm, so he did not dare to neglect, and immediately pulled out the Demon Slayer Sword.


The Demon Slayer Sword blocked Ah Fei's dagger, sparks flying everywhere.

"Why did you kill me?" Zhou Weiguo asked solemnly.

"Someone spends money to buy your life." Ah Fei smiled.

"Who?" Zhou Weiguo frowned, as if thinking of someone.

"Not revealing the identity information of customers is our professional ethics!" Ah Fei drew his knife and stabbed again, his skills were very neat.

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