Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 172: get up to eat

Luzhou City, Zhezhe Car Wash.

After Zhong Xin got up, she immediately went to Zhou Weiguo's room and continued to help him heal the stab wound on his chest until his forehead was slightly sweaty and his spiritual power was exhausted.

"Xiaoxin, thank you for your hard work!" Zhou Weiguo lay on the bed and sighed softly.

"It's okay, I should do it!" Zhong Xin smiled, observed Zhou Weiguo's injury again, and then said, "I will treat it again tomorrow morning, and I will basically recover!"

"Well, tomorrow morning, we will open Gaoping City!" Zhou Weiguo nodded.

"Brother Zhou, take a rest." Zhong Xin staggered to his feet and walked out staggeringly, as if his body had collapsed.

Zhou Weiguo saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart, but there was nothing he could do, he had to get better as soon as possible, everyone was still waiting for him!

another room.

Li Qianqiu got some breakfast, served it on a plate, and brought it to Fool East.

Fool Dong was tied with hemp rope and could not move his hands and feet. When he saw the dinner plate coming, he threw himself to the ground.

Li Qianqiu didn't speak, sat cross-legged on the ground and looked at him quietly.

In less than three minutes, Fool East finished eating, and looked at Li Qianqiu with a "hehehe" smirk.

"You don't have to pretend to be stupid in front of me." Li Qianqiu said solemnly: "Last night, you took the initiative to attract my attention and make time for the old beggar to escape, which is enough to show that you are not really stupid. Talk about it. , where is your accomplice?"

"Hehehe..." Fool East still smirked, his saliva kept dripping down.

Li Qianqiu frowned slightly, and slowly pulled out the Demon Slayer Sword behind him, and stabbed it on the back of Fool East's hand.

"Hehehe..." Fool East still smiled, as if he could not feel the pain at all.


Gaoping City.

In the blink of an eye, it was noon, and another inconspicuous car came to the gate of Aihua Community, and it was another group of demon slayer team members who arrived.

"How was the situation last night?" Brother Jin asked on the walkie-talkie.

Wei Zihua talked about the situation last night, but changed it a little in the middle of the way according to Wang Qianchen's wishes. He didn't talk about [invisibility]. Only escaped in the crack in the middle of the seat.

"At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, I even checked the car at the entrance of the community. This third master Huang is really cautious... If this is the case, we can't stay outside the community. In this way, there is a hotel opposite, and we can also observe the situation in the community. Although the distance is a little farther, it is not a big problem to use the telescope. You go back first, let's open a room in the past." Brother Jin observed the surrounding environment and made a quick decision.

From this, it can be seen that even without Jiang Zhixue's deployment, the demon slayer team members in Gaoping City can all be on their own.

"Okay, then we'll go back first!" Wei Zihua started the car and left with Wang Qianchen.

The two returned to Xinxin Logistics Park and ate some fast food as usual. On the way, they received a call from Jiang Zhixue, saying that they would also bring some back to Liu Xianzi. This guy has not eaten all day and night.

Wei Zihua casually packed some rice bowls and returned to Express Logistics with Wang Qianchen.

There was no one in the store, and everyone went out to do tasks. It wasn't that no one looked at Liu Blind, but Liu Blind really didn't need to watch. On the second floor, in Jiang Zhixue's room, Liu Blind had been tortured to the point of being inhuman. His body was covered in blood, with a hole on the left and a hole on the right. He was lying on the ground dying, his eyes still covered with black cloth.

Wei Zihua walked over and patted Liu Blind on the head.

"Hey, wake up, get up and eat!"


Liu Blind responded weakly and raised his head gently.

"Eat!" Wei Zihua shouted again, then opened the lunch box, dug out the rice with a spoon, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Little brother, can you loosen the black cloth on my eyes, I'm a little breathless..." Liu Blind said softly while chewing on the rice.

"Grass, it's your eyes, not your neck, how can you be out of breath, your eyes are out of breath? Also, do you think I don't know that you are good at mental attacks? I'm young, it doesn't mean my brain Silly! Hurry up to eat, don't play these fancy tricks, don't force me to slap you in a big fight." Wei Zihua kept stuffing Liu Blind's mouth with rice, no matter whether he chewed it or swallowed it or not, he was choked up. Liu Blind almost passed out.

After feeding, Wei Zihua packed the lunch box, checked Liu Blind's black cloth and rope, and made sure that everything was fine, so he asked Wang Qianchen to go to bed together.

"Captain Jiang definitely didn't come out, otherwise there's no need to stay until now, Tian Qi's guy is really hard to deal with..." Back in his room, Wei Zihua took the initiative to lie on the sofa, holding a pillow in his hand and gently Turn in circles.

A minute later, Wei Zihua fell asleep.

Wang Qianchen thought for a while, left the room gently, came to Jiang Zhixue's room, and walked in front of Liu Blind.

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