Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 202: proud of him

In the process of walking to the playground, although He Jun didn't say a word, but seeing Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua talking, laughing, and fighting, he couldn't tell the envy in his heart, although he came from Qingcheng Mountain. Famous family, but he didn't get along very well. He had no friends in the mountains, and no one liked him. He had never experienced this kind of friendship.

He couldn't help thinking to himself: "Even if Wang Qianchen is not the big bull in his imagination, it would be nice to be friends with him, at least he won't be so lonely."

As the radio kept reminding that more and more recruits were walking out, Wei Zihua suddenly pursed his lips, pointed his chin forward, and said, "See, that's Du Hong, his nostrils are pointed at the sky when he walks, no Is it from Putuo Mountain, and I don’t know what the arrogance is?”

Wang Qianchen followed Wei Zihua's gaze and saw a tall figure walking through the crowd. His face was indeed full of arrogance. He didn't pay attention to the people next to him, let alone the people next to him. He just met the same family. His apprentice brother didn't even see him lower his head.

Wang Qianchen could see clearly that there were several monks who were wearing the same clothes as Du Hong and were about to greet him, but Du Hong didn't even look at them, he looked arrogant.

"Are all of your famous people so aloof?" Although he felt that He Jun was a little taciturn, and his attitude was a little different from the one he had just entered the dormitory, Wang Qianchen still made a joke with him, trying to narrow the distance between each other.

He Jun pondered for a while and said: "Being from a famous family, the mentality will definitely be different, but most people will not be so straightforward, after all, it is a human society, even if everyone hides pride in their hearts, they will not show it on their faces. Come out... to be able to look like him, either his own strength is very strong, and he doesn't need to be condescending with others at all, or his brain is not enough, and he doesn't understand interpersonal relationships at all... Look at the respectful attitude of other monks in Putuo Mountain when they saw him , it should be the former."

"What the former, I think he just doesn't have enough brains!" Wei Zihua gave a fierce "bah". As a roommate, he was deeply affected. Thinking that he had helped make the bed cheaply before, he wanted to be ruthless. Slap himself hard.

No matter what the reason was, Wang Qianchen consciously drew Du Hong out of the camp that could help him, and he didn't want his fate to be involved with such a person!

Whether it is a friend or a brother, the shoulders need to be on the same level. No matter how strong he is, Wang Qianchen will not consider him. Who wants to serve such an uncle?

Of course, having said that, Wang Qianchen was still very excited when he thought that he could meet a partner who helped him in the first training camp. He kept looking left and right, guessing who would be involved in his destiny.

But there are too many people in the first training camp. In previous years, there were at least a few hundred people. This year, because Song Epee gave a class in person, the number was directly approaching a thousand people. If you want to find a few partners, it is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack.

Fortunately, Zhou Junxian said that even if they don't look for them deliberately, they will intersect with themselves. This is something that no one can change.

Thinking of this, Wang Qianchen's heart calmed down a little, so just wait.

Not long after, a few people came to the playground. The rostrum had been set up here. The recruit meeting had not yet officially started. The crowd was in twos and threes, and the scene was chaotic.

After another ten minutes, several people walked to the rostrum. One of them had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and was not angry and arrogant. It was Song Epee, the commander of [Monster Slayer]. Wang Qianchen had met at Zhezhe Car Wash in Luzhou City before. After passing him, the two also made an appointment to eat donkey meat dumplings together next time, but they never had the chance to meet again later.

Standing next to Song Chongjian was a woman in her early thirties, with a mild complexion and elegant makeup. She looked like a big sister next door. After hearing the discussion from the people next to her, she knew that she was the deputy commander of [Monster Slayer] Siyao.

As for the others, they are all high-levels of [Monster Slayer], and each exudes a tyrannical aura, which makes people naturally look up.

The scene finally quieted down.

Song Chongjian sat on the rostrum, first tried the microphone twice with "Hello", and then spoke in an orderly manner. As long as leaders, there is no non-nagging, especially in the occasion of the recruit meeting, they are more open to talk, first introduce the history of [Monster Slayer], and then describe the glory and pride of this job, and then Then I mentioned that all the recruits are good seedlings selected from various places. We must cherish this training opportunity and strive to pass the assessment at one time.

Although everyone yawned, because Song Chongjian was the idol in the hearts of all monster slayers, everyone still listened patiently, knowing that this was a passing scene, and it would be fine after walking with it.

Just at this moment, an untimely voice sounded from the crowd: "There is no end, we are not here to listen to you."

"Who?!" Song Chongjian frowned immediately, his eyes swept down.

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