Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 208: good, go down

It's simply shameful to show a humiliation after a bad fight!

No wonder Zhou Weiguo always criticized him for being too far behind, but this time he finally recognized the reality and recognized himself!

Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth and hurriedly punched again, trying to save some face. The sound of "bang bang bang" sounded. It was the set of punches that Du Hong had played before. It was fierce and domineering and powerful. It was learned after just watching it once, and it was even better than Du Hong. After all, there are "demon" Angry" to help him.

"How's it going?" After finishing this set of punches, Wang Qianchen wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked nervously at the crowd.

No one spoke, no one was there, and needles could be heard at the scene.

Now everyone believes that he is not an enlightened person, because no enlightened person can awaken swordsmanship, swordsmanship and **** at the same time.

Now everyone believes that he is just an ordinary talent... just...

"Come again!" Du Hong suddenly roared, seeming to be more and more unconvinced, and then waved his hands violently, two clusters of flames appeared in his palms, and the surrounding area was suddenly steaming hot.

In fact, Du Hong is not an enlightened person, but Putuo Mountain has some secret techniques that are not passed on, so he can manipulate the flame so easily and freely.

"I can do this too!" Wang Qianchen, who thought he had lost two games in a row, didn't care about covering up the secret of [Seventy-Two Changes]. He just wanted to get back a game quickly, lest Song Chongjian would be embarrassed by himself and immediately "huh" ” spit out a flame from his mouth, because he was eager to press Du Hong’s head, and even used one-third of his spiritual power, causing the flame to appear thick and strong, and it almost burned to the bottom of the stage, causing everyone to retreat.

"..." Du Hong looked at Wang Qianchen dumbfounded.

Everyone in the audience even looked at Song Epee, and wanted to ask the commander-in-chief of the [Monster Slayer], is this also ordinary...is it just a talent?

"Calm, calm, just a little magic..." Song Chongjian smiled and waved his hand slightly towards the audience.

Then, he turned to look at Du Hong again, and said with a smile, "Is it even better?"

"No...not to compare..." In fact, Du Hong still has a lot of skills, but he suddenly didn't want to compare at this moment, there was already a shadow in his heart, and he never wanted to compare with Wang Qianchen again...never...never again. Compare with this man!

Du Hong turned his face stiffly, and flew off the stage with a "huh".

"Commander Song, how's it going..." Wang Qianchen immediately turned his head to look at Song Cepeng. Judging from Du Hong's reaction, it seemed that he had made a comeback?

"It's good, let's go down!" Song Chongjian said with a smile.

"Okay." Wang Qianchen finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then flew off the stage.

"Okay! Wang Qianchen is awesome!" In the silence, Wei Zihua took the lead in applauding vigorously, and some applause broke out sparsely at the scene. Everyone was not jealous of the virtuous and stingy to call this good, but he had not left the shock. come out.

Of course, even those who have sobered up, there are some who are disdainful and disobedient. They are either from famous schools, from prestigious families, or from high-skilled Awakeners, but they are not like Du Hong, and they will not be in the This situation manifests itself.

The turmoil has come to an end for the time being, and even if there are people who want to compete with Wang Qianchen, it will be a matter of the future. After Wang Qianchen and Du Hong returned to the team, Song Chongjian also continued his long-winded speech. Naturally, no one had any more opinions this time, and listened quietly from beginning to end.

After the recruit meeting was over, Song Cepeng counted the number of sensible people. The information was actually in everyone's data, but he still asked it in public so as not to overlook who, who was missed, or who it was. Suddenly woke up again.

About one-third of the people raised their hands, and Wei Zihua also raised his hand proudly.

From this point of view, there are quite a lot of Awakeners, no wonder Zhou Junxian said that after joining [Monster Slayer], he would inevitably have to deal with Awakeners. Wang Qianchen looked around with some anticipation, trying to remember the faces of those who were aware, not knowing which one would be involved in his fate.

"Hey, don't you raise your hand, you know so many things..." Wei Zihua lightly poked Wang Qianchen's arm.

"I'm not an Awakener..." Wang Qianchen shook his head. No one knew what was going on with him better than him. Awakeners were people who naturally awakened certain abilities, and the magical powers he exerted were all from [Seventh] Twelve changes].

He Jun, who had been silent next to him, hesitated and did not raise his hand, because his ability was not attacking, and he was still ineffective at times. Besides, the people in Qingcheng Mountain didn't know, so he should continue to hang on and follow the big one. By the side of the cattle, sooner or later, one day will come to the fore!

Yes, he is now very sure that there is no mistake in his ability. Although Wang Qianchen is very inconspicuous now, judging from the few hands he showed just now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with developing with this person!

Must, must hold this thigh!

He Jun secretly swore in his heart.

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