Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 212: let's see

Wang Qianchen didn't want to get involved in other sects. Before he came, Jiang Zhixue reminded him not to offend those famous sects and aristocratic families, but these Qingcheng Mountain disciples were too much to take He Jun as a person!

Even putting aside the identity of the roommate, when he was "dealing" with Du Hong in Putuo Mountain before, He Jun also stood by him without hesitation. Now that he was bullied like this, how could Wang Qianchen stand by?

"Shut up your fart..." Zhang Quan turned his head suddenly, then froze.

When these Qingcheng Mountain disciples came to look for He Jun before, no one noticed who his roommate was. He shouted at the door and it was over. It was not until now that Zhang Quan walked into the dormitory and saw Wang Qianchen's face clearly.

Isn't this the guy who made the limelight at the recruit meeting and made the first genius disciples of Putuo Mountain disgraced? !

At this moment, Zhang Quan was still a little flustered. After all, Wang Qianchen's ability is obvious to all. Although he is only in the soil realm, the future is definitely limitless. If he is not dizzy, or his own strength and background are strong, no one is willing to take the initiative to offend him.

"No... It's none of your business, right?" Thinking that he came from Qingcheng Mountain, and his background is quite deep, Zhang Quan said something bravely, hoping that Wang Qianchen would retreat.

As it happened, Wang Qianchen also wanted to calm down, so he said softly: "You are all from the same family, He Jun is still your senior brother, there is no need to treat him like this, right?"

Zhang Quan thought about the reason, what do you know, if he hadn't replaced one of our friends, who would have the leisure to spend the whole day with him? In the final analysis, He Jun was just a servant in the outer sect, and usually couldn't get along with their inner sect disciples at all.

But I couldn't say this clearly, and it's not good to lose my temper at Wang Qianchen. Zhang Quan said yin and yang to He Jun, "It's okay, Brother He, this is climbing up Gaozhi'er!"

At this time, it was called "Senior Brother He", but unfortunately it was full of ridicule.

"No, I..." He Jun's face was a little red, because he was really poked in his mind.

"Anyway, you can figure it out for yourself, the juniors and brothers are still waiting for you to cook, unless you are ready to go back to Mount Qingcheng..." Zhang Quan felt that as long as he did not have a head-on conflict with Wang Qianchen, he finished saying this. Then he went outside.

But he really underestimated Wang Qianchen's affection for his friends, and immediately shouted: "You don't have hands, can't you cook by yourself?"

"No, what does this have to do with you..." Zhang Quan was also a little annoyed, and stood at the door of the dormitory and said something.

"Don't make a noise, don't make a noise, I'll help you cook..." He Jun stood between the two, for fear that they would fight.

"What's wrong..." At this moment, a figure rushed over, and it was Wei Zihua who heard the movement in dormitory 305. In fact, it's not just him, many people heard the movement and stood in the corridor and looked this way.

Wei Zihua saw the situation at the scene. Although he didn't understand what was going on, he also saw that someone had quarreled with Wang Qianchen. He immediately waved his hands and condensed a long air knife out.

"Bullying our brothers has no background, right?" Wei Zihua scolded and slashed at Zhang Quan with a fierce knife. When he saw someone quarreling with Wang Qianchen, he went to the top. As for Jiang Zhixue's reminder, he must have forgotten it. .

"Don't fight, it's not there yet!" Wang Qianchen shouted quickly, he and Zhang Quan just quarreled a few words, and it was indeed not enough to do it.

When Wei Zihua heard this, he quickly put away the knife.

Unfortunately it's too late.

Seeing that he was about to start, Zhang Quan also drew out a sword and stabbed at Wei Zihua. He didn't dare to fight with Wang Qianchen, didn't he dare to fight with Wei Zihua?

Wei Zihua put away the sword, Zhang Quan's sword was still stabbing forward, and it was about to pass through his shoulder.

At the critical moment, Wang Qianchen kicked Zhang Quan directly and flew out, and his whole body fell to the ground with a bang.

"Okay, okay, you really have the seeds, let's see!" Zhang Quan got up angrily, turned around and walked to the other side.

"Grass, who the **** are you scaring? We always have seeds, let's see now!" Wei Zihua couldn't hear such words, and waved his hands again, condensing a stream of air AK47, and he was about to go Zhang Quan was hit.

Wang Qianchen quickly reached out to stop him, shook his head at him, and pulled him back to the bedroom.

"What's going on?" Wei Zihua asked inexplicably.

Wang Qianchen told what happened just now, and Wei Zihua became angry again when he heard it, and said to He Jun, "Why do you let them play with it, you are a person, not a thing!"

He Jun lowered his head and said nothing.

"He Jun, you said before, we are all buddies! If you really treat me as a buddy, just talk about what's going on?" Wang Qianchen felt that there must be something wrong, otherwise he couldn't bully one of his senior brothers like this.

"It's all right. I was originally a sweeper in Qingcheng Mountain. I was used to working for them for a long time. This is my job. Well, I'm going out for dinner. You can come over later." He Jun bowed his head and walked out of the bedroom.

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