Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 226: living together

Wan Long said so, and the other disciples didn't know what to say.

It's just that they thought their voices were very low, but in fact they all entered Wang Qianchen's ears.

No way, the cafeteria is really empty, although there are many people talking and the voices are noisy, but the people in Qingcheng Mountain are not far away, they still can't stop Wang Qianchen's compulsion.

But Wang Qianchen thought about it, and still didn't tell Wei Zihua and He Jun about it. First, it was too early to leave the training camp. Second, when he came to leave the training camp, maybe a few people's strength had already increased greatly, so he might not be afraid of them. Don't put pressure on them now.

So he pretended to be nonchalant and continued to eat and joke.

After eating, the three walked around the training camp again, familiarized themselves with the buildings in various places, and discussed "where is this place?", and finally came to a conclusion that no matter where they are, It could be the bottom of the lake, otherwise the sun shining overhead is inexplicable.

Like unlocking a new map in the game, the three went to the teaching building, the library, the gym, the audio-visual room... After a long walk, it was almost dark.

He Jun instinctively wanted to help the two wash their feet, but Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua refused, and the two educated him earnestly, saying that it was his brother's shoulders. In general, it's really not necessary.

"...I'm just used to it." He Jun touched his head, he was indeed still a little uncomfortable.

The three chatted for a while and then got ready to sleep.

Wang Qianchen originally wanted to ask He Jun why he could achieve what he wanted by emitting white light from his hands, and whether it was a kind of ability of a "sensible person", but after thinking about it, He Jun didn't take the initiative to say it, so there was no need to ask who There are no secrets, and he has not fully disclosed himself, so he is not qualified to ask others to tell the truth.

"The official training will begin tomorrow, everyone should go to bed early." Wang Qianchen turned off the lights, and the three of them lay on the ground and got into their respective beds.

Just then, the door of the dormitory was suddenly pushed open!

"Who?" The three sat up at the same time.

I saw a figure walking in dragging a lot of things.

"Who is it? Why?" Wang Qianchen stood up and turned on the light.

The bright incandescent light clearly illuminated it, it was Du Hong!

"What are you doing here?!" Wang Qianchen's voice instantly became heavy, and at the same time he reached out to touch the brick behind his waist, while Wei Zihua and He Jun condensed a long knife and pulled out a long sword.

"Come and help me!" Du Hong didn't notice the fierce looks of the three at all, he was still dragging his suitcase with humming, and he was holding a stack of thick quilts on his chest.

Of course no one helped him.

"What the **** are you doing?" Wang Qianchen frowned.

"Move here and live with you. Isn't that what friends want to live with?" When there were few people, Du Hong finally had the courage to say the word "friend", but he didn't have the embarrassment to face Wang Qianchen directly. He lowered his head and packed his luggage.

"Hey? No bed?" Seeing the layout of the bedroom, Du Hong was stunned for a moment, then looked at the three beddings on the ground.

"It turns out that you have already made a good place for me!" Du Hong was moved for a while. After all, it was a two-person room. No matter how spacious it was, the bed would take up too much space. In order to welcome him, Wang Qianchen moved the bed away!

Du Hong put down a pile of luggage and bedding, went straight to Wang Qianchen, took his hand and said, "This is the first time I have made friends, and I don't understand many things, I hope you can understand!"

"???" Wang Qianchen looked at him with a bewildered expression.

He Jun and Wei Zihua were also at a loss.

"By the way, there is also this." Du Hong took out another rough slab and stuffed it into Wang Qianchen's hand, "I originally wanted to give it to you after it was finished, but I don't know when it will be, so I'll give it to you first. The preparation is a bit rushed, I hope you like it!"

After delivering the gifts, Du Hong went to pack his luggage again, put toothbrushes, towels, etc. in the washroom, and then set up a floor next to He Jun.

"What does this guy mean?" Wei Zihua asked Wang Qianchen in a low voice.

"I don't know either, what kind of medicine does he sell in the gourd?" Looking at Du Hong's strange behavior, Wang Qianchen was also puzzled.

"But it doesn't seem to be malicious, just want to live with us?" Wei Zihua whispered again.

"Look at it and talk about it!" Wang Qianchen has never seen such a thing, so he can't make a conclusion, but if others don't take the initiative to find trouble, he can't speak evil words, so he can only observe and observe.

"Well, let's take a look then..." Wei Zihua muttered, still looking at Du Hong vigilantly.

He Jun instinctively went to help Du Hong, which made Du Hong feel warmer and kept saying thank you.

The dormitory was busy, and the door of the dormitory was suddenly pushed open again.

Another figure walked in with a suitcase and a bed roll.

"Wang Qianchen, I want to live with you!" Mao Shan Tan Zuo said solemnly.

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