Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 233: Many friends, many ways

"I didn't expect these guys to give up..." Wei Zihua didn't have any joy after victory, but was worried.

He Jun was silent next to him, because he caused all this, but he didn't know how to clean up this mess.

"Well, I didn't expect them to be so daring enough to attack me in the teaching building... Are they not taking the training camp into consideration, or do they think Song Cepeng will not fire them?" Wang Qianchen said with a frown.

"The latter, these disciples of the famous sects are proud of each other, thinking that they are from Tianlong!" Wei Zihua snorted disdainfully.

Both Du Hong and Tan Zuo coughed lightly, as if they were being shot while lying down.

"But I didn't seem to see Wanlong just now?" Wang Qianchen recalled the previous scene.

"Perhaps you think you are alone and don't need him to appear?" Wei Zihua said.

Wang Qianchen was silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Anyway, since those guys haven't given up, they have to be on guard. In the future, we will be together after class, go to the cafeteria, and go back to the dormitory!" Wei Zihua said to Tan Zuo, Du Hong, and He Jun.

"Why bother with those things, just hit them until they don't dare to come again?" Du Hong said through gritted teeth.

"I agree—" Tan Zuo smiled brightly.

"I don't mind..." Wei Zihua turned his head to look at Wang Qianchen. With Du Hong and Tan Zuo, it was not a problem to clean up the disciples of Qingcheng Mountain, but he knew that Wang Qianchen didn't like this feeling of "fake tiger power" and his ability was not good enough. I only call people, and it's a little embarrassing to say it out.

"I'll think about it again, you go back first." Wang Qianchen was thoughtful.

"Okay, let's go first, be careful yourself and call if you have anything." Wei Zihua was not surprised.

Seeing that class was about to begin, everyone left one after another, and Wang Qianchen also returned to the classroom.

He walked up to Nie Rong for the first time and said thank you.

Without Nie Rong's help, maybe he could have escaped, but it was only "maybe". It was more likely that he would be caught and beaten.

"It's okay, it's a class!" Nie Rong smiled lightly.

Wang Qianchen nodded and returned to his seat.

"Brother Rong, why do you think about helping him?" After Wang Qianchen left, a Nie family disciple asked inexplicably.

"Many friends have multiple paths, and I just stopped it, and I didn't offend Mount Qingcheng, did I..." Nie Rong said with a smile, he didn't know whether Wang Qianchen could hear these conversations, so he just said vaguely. .

"Haha, even if they offend you, they don't dare to do anything to you!" All the children were happy.

after class.

Everyone went out of the teaching building and went to the cafeteria one after another. Only Wang Qianchen went against the crowd and came to the third class.

He waited here for a while, and then saw a familiar person come out.

"Wanlong!" Wang Qianchen waved his hand.

Wan Long frowned, but still walked towards Wang Qianchen.

"What's the matter?" Wan Long asked. As a genius disciple of Qingcheng Mountain, he doesn't really want to oppose Wang Qianchen, but it doesn't mean he has to deal with this person. After all, everyone can see the gap between the two sides. Felt ashamed.

"It's nothing, Zhang Quan went to the tenth class to sneak attack on me before, I'll ask you if you know about it..." Wang Qianchen explained what happened before, because he heard clearly in the cafeteria a few days ago, Wan Long It was planned to leave the training camp and take revenge.

"I don't know..." Wan Long felt a little angry when he spoke, and these guys actually did this kind of thing behind his back!

"I guess you don't know either..." Wang Qianchen was about to say something when the phone suddenly rang. It was Wei Zihua who called and asked him if he was going to dinner.

"I have something to do, you go first." Wang Qianchen didn't want Wei Zihua to know that he came to find Wanlong, worried that the other party would come over if he couldn't hold back the fire, and if they quarreled, it would be over.

"Okay, then I'll go first, be careful yourself, don't be targeted by those guys." Wei Zihua hung up the phone and walked towards the cafeteria alone. Without Wang Qianchen's bond, he didn't look for Du. Hong, Tan Zuo and He Jun.

Wang Qianchen hung up the phone and continued to say to Wan Long: "After the incident, a few of my friends were very angry and planned to go to them. I thought about it and let it go. After all, the two sides didn't fight much. That's how I am. Think about it, what kind of hatred do we have, let’s talk about it when we leave the training camp, don’t make trouble here, if you get fired, no one will be able to please you, right?”

"Yes." Wan Long nodded, already full of anger in his heart, and wished he could immediately go to Zhang Quan and others to settle the account.

"Sure, then I'll go first, and I'll talk about it later." Wang Qianchen turned and left.

Wan Long was irritable, lowered his head and took out his mobile phone, and sent a message in the WeChat group: "After dinner, come to my dormitory!"


Somewhere in the training camp.

"Wanlong must know about this, and he will definitely scold us when he goes back. What should I do?" Zhang Quan said worriedly, holding his mobile phone.

"It's not worth getting scolded if you don't make it!" Hu Yan gritted his teeth.

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