Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 241: Bai Feiyang shot

"I'm coming!"

There was a voice in the crowd, and then a young man in white flew over. Yes, it was really flying, not jumping or leaping, and as soon as it appeared, it caused bursts of exclamations.

"It's the little uncle Bai Feiyang of Longhu Mountain!"

"So Wan Long and he are good friends!"

"Of course, Longhushan and Qingchengshan have always been on good terms, and both of them are talented disciples in their respective sects. Isn't it normal to help each other?"

"Even Bai Feiyang has taken action, the excitement is worth watching!"

The crowd was chatting and talking, and the excitement was beyond words. It was not uncommon for private fights to happen in the training camp. First, everyone was still young, and it was the age of vigor. Everyone is considered a good seedling in their own sect, family, and city. They have long developed a arrogant and domineering personality, and it is normal to be dissatisfied with each other. For the first time since!

Dressed in white, the spotless white Feiyang also had a strong talisman attached to his shoulders. He landed with a "Den" sound, and then asked, "Who am I hitting?"

Bai Feiyang watched in the crowd for a long time, and wanted to do it for a long time, but Wan Long and Yin Luoluo had the upper hand at first, so he did not intervene. As a result, Du Hong and Tan Zuo appeared together, which made him feel itchy. , I couldn't hold it anymore, Wan Long shouted and flew over immediately.

"That—" Seeing that Wang Qianchen was going to talk nonsense again, Wan Long pointed with his chin while dealing with Tan Zuo.

"Okay, it's exactly what I want!" Bai Feiyang grinned, then pulled out the long sword from his waist, and flew to Wang Qianchen in a blink of an eye.

Previously, Wang Qianchen made a big splash at the recruit meeting, which attracted many talented disciples to want to compete with him. Bai Feiyang was also one of them, and this time he finally had a chance.

"Look at the sword!" Bai Feiyang held a long sword and stabbed Wang Qianchen everywhere.

Wang Qianchen had no choice but to fight back with a brick, and the sound of "ding ding dong" kept ringing. Unfortunately, the weapon is one inch long and one inch strong. Although the hardness of the brick is unparalleled, it has no advantage at this time.

Just when Wang Qianchen was considering which skills in [Seventy-two Transformations] to deal with Bai Feiyang, He Jun suddenly shouted: "Xiaochen, take the sword!"

Then, a long sword flew in the air.

"Good job!" Wang Qianchen stretched out his hand to take the long sword, put the bricks back into the Qiankun bag, and fought with Bai Feiyang again.

With a long sword in hand, Wang Qianchen is like a fish caught in water. In [Seventy-two Transformations], he already has the skills of [Swordsmanship], making the sword really easy for him. Many swordsmanships can be learned without a teacher, and Inferences from one case, one to ten, and the sword qi condensed in the air.

In Longhu Mountain, Bai Feiyang was considered a good swordsman, otherwise he would not be able to afford the title of "Genius Disciple". Not only does he use his lightsaber well, he also learns the magic of Longhu Mountain well. The "Sound Thunder Sword" of Longhu Mountain is famous all over the world. Every time he stabs a sword, there is thunder and lightning flashes, which makes many monsters feel horrified.

And after reaching a certain level, the power of "Sound Thunder Sword" is even stronger than the exclusive lightning-inducing technique of [Monster Slayer]!

The thousand-year-old heritage of Longhu Mountain is known as the head of thousands of sects. Of course, it is not a joke.

But now, Bai Feiyang does feel a little tricky.

Under Wang Qianchen's fierce swordsmanship, Bai Feiyang actually retreated step by step, and had to turn back and shout: "Wanlong, I can't beat him!"

"Impossible, he just entered the stone realm..." Wan Long was very surprised.

"On swordsmanship alone, I really can't beat him! If I want to use other means, I'm afraid it will cause irreversible consequences!" Bai Feiyang looked helpless.

"Then you protect our disciples from Qingcheng Mountain, just that nonsense and Zhang Quan!" Wan Long knew that Bai Feiyang was so powerful, and the consequences would be unimaginable if he really made a fuss.

"Okay!" Bai Feiyang had no opinion this time, and quickly flew towards Hu Yan, then towards Zhang Quan. After grabbing the two, he flew high into the sky with a bang.

"Wow—" Everyone in the training camp raised their heads and exclaimed.

Wang Qianchen also raised his head and looked at Bai Feiyang in the sky with a surprised expression.

It turns out that this man can fly!

Is this what Li Qianqiu said, the enlightened person who has mastered the art of flying?

There is also a flying skill in [Seventy-two Changes], which is called [Roading the Wind], which is the technique of riding the wind. Unfortunately, it can only fly one meter high in the sand, and five or six meters in the soil, and the stone is still high. I haven't tried it, but it is estimated that it is only ten meters high.

At such a low distance, it is easy to scare people if he really wants to fly, so Wang Qianchen rarely shows it.

"How's it going, is there no way?" Bai Feiyang, who was at least tens of meters in the air, held Hu Yan and Zhang Quan in his left and right hands, bowed his head and smiled at Wang Qianchen.

Hu Yan had already passed out, but Zhang Quan was still awake, and he immediately cried out "Ahhhh". His scream woke Hu Yan up, and then the two of them screamed "Ahhhh" together.

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