Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 244: why is it him

Song Cepeng's appearance was neither domineering nor unrestrained. He seemed to be just passing by, and he slashed casually, without seeing how hard he tried. invisible.

Then, he roared angrily: "Stop it all for me!"

His voice echoed over the playground, making everyone's ears buzzing, and the scene fell silent in an instant. Everyone stopped and looked up at Song Epee standing in mid-air.

"What are you doing, how can you use this trick casually in the training camp?" Song Cepeng raised his head and shouted angrily at Bai Feiyang.

"No, he and I just now... eh? Where's the person?" Bai Feiyang was sweating coldly on his forehead, and quickly reached out to Wang Qianchen, only to find that Wang Qianchen was gone.

In the crowd, Wang Qianchen hid in a corner and murmured: "Song epee has come, don't hurry up, you are also a tiger..."

"No, I just wanted to ask, what did you think, why did you throw me into the air..." Brick was still angry.

"You're tough, I thought about letting you carry it first, and then letting me carry the rest..." Wang Qianchen whispered, and put the bricks into the Qiankun bag.

Wan Long and Tan Zuo naturally also stopped and hid themselves in the crowd. Du Hong and Yin Luoluo were fighting vigorously. There was a lot of broken hair and the smell of burning in the air. Song Chongjian suddenly shouted, scared. Both are a thrill.

At that time, Yin Luoluo was jumping into the air and was so shocked by Song Cepeng, his center of gravity was not well controlled, and his body fell down quickly. Du Hong quickly reached out and hugged her, and turned around twice like in an idol drama, and then said softly. :"Are you OK?"

"Go away!" The girl from the ethnic minorities was Biao, and she slapped her directly.

Du Hong immediately ducked, jumped back two steps, and said inexplicably, "I helped you, why are you still beating people?"

"You were the one who fought!" Yin Luoluo was furious. She didn't get any favors from the fierce battle with Du Hong just now, but she also burned a lot of hair. It would be a lie to say that she was not angry. The other party also pretended to be concerned, his anger value soared to the top, and he rushed towards Du Hong again.

"Have you had enough trouble?!" Song Cepeng shouted again in the air.

Yin Luoluo didn't dare to move immediately, but still stared at Du Hong fiercely.

In Putuo Mountain, Abbot Huiguang always wanted to shave his ordination for him, saying that he had a predestined relationship with the Buddha and would definitely become a monk in the future. Du Hong refused repeatedly. In order to block the idea of ​​Abbot Huiguang, he always wanted to start a family and start a business, and quickly married a wife, so that no one would let him become a monk.

It's a pity that he has not met the girl who closed his eyes for several years. Today, seeing Yin Luoluo's heroic and sassy temperament, his heart was suddenly hit, so he took the initiative to fight with her, the original intention was to let the other party see his own Charming, but seems to be self-defeating, making the other person hate him even more.

Looking at Yin Luoluo's malicious eyes, Du Hong was so anxious, he immediately lowered his head and searched: "How do you pursue girls?"

"What are you still doing, showing off that you can fly?" Song Cepeng looked up at Bai Feiyang, who was still standing in the air, with a fierce tone.

Bai Feiyang quickly flew to the ground and hid in the crowd.

Song Cepeng also fell to the ground and looked at everyone with gloomy eyes. After the chaos just now, the scene was a mess, many grounds collapsed, several trees were uprooted, and of course a considerable number of people were injured. , there are also the smells of various elements floating in the air.

"It turned out to be like this. If you don't fire a few people, it's really your family! Whoever picks it up, bring it out to me! Whether you're a genius disciple or a nobleman, get out of here, [Monster Slayer] I don't need you!" Song Chongjian cursed fiercely, his eyes full of anger.

Really getting fired!

Everyone trembled in their hearts, realizing that Song Chongjian was really angry, and he must be going to take a few typical operations, and then they all turned to look at Wang Qianchen.

Everyone has seen it before, it was Wang Qianchen's first choice, and with the addition of Wan Long, Du Hong, Tan Zuo, Yin Luoluo, and Bai Feiyang, it became more and more troublesome.

The faults of these few people may have their own seriousness, but if they really make trouble to the point of expulsion, Wang Qianchen will definitely bear the brunt!

Standing beside Wang Qianchen, He Jun also looked at him worriedly, and couldn't help but think if he was really fired, what should he do?

Seeing that everyone was looking at Wang Qianchen, Song Chongjian was also slightly taken aback.

Is it him?

How come it was him?

To be honest, among all the talented disciples and the sons of the aristocratic family, Song Cepeng doesn’t feel a pity to dismiss anyone. The most important thing these days is genius. Any old man who sells marshmallows on the street may wake up, regardless of whether you are Longhushan or Putuo. Mountain, only Wang Qianchen...

The hope for the future rests on him.

Anyone can drive it, but he can't drive it!

But the ruthless words have been released, Song Cepeng can only bite the bullet and walk towards Wang Qianchen.

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