Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 246: You don't know about love

"Commander Song, what's the matter with me?" Hu Yan looked surprised, and his words were full of anger. Where is the slightest weakness?

"I feel that I am so strong now that one person can beat ten cows..." Zhang Quan beat his chest, and he was quite energetic.

"It's not a serious injury, it's just a little more blood flow... Also, you two have stabbed others seriously, and you deserve to be stabbed in the back! Alright, hurry up and send them to the infirmary!" Song Cepeng waved his hand.

Wan Long immediately called a few Qingcheng Mountain disciples and carried the two of them to the infirmary.

The two still refused to be carried, insisting that they were fine, and also asked where there were ten cows, and they felt uncomfortable if they were not beaten. However, those spiritual powers are not theirs in the end, and the body is not compatible at all. It just passed through the skin for a while, and then dissipated without a trace.

And because they shouted that they were going to beat ten cows, they kept jumping and jumping, and the injuries were even worse.

When the two of them were sent to the infirmary, they became half-dead again. If the practitioners of the medical department hadn't hurried to take action, the two would have to die at the scene.

on the playground.

After solving the troubles of Nonsense and Zhang Quan, Song Chongjian looked at everyone with his hands behind his back: "Fortunately, there were no serious consequences, otherwise I would definitely not be able to spare you! The gravity suppression is set up, and they are still alive and kicking, it seems that they have already Get used to it...Come on, everyone put away the strong talisman, and then apply double the gravity to run a hundred laps around the playground for me!"

Siyao and a few high-level monster slayers worked together to put away everyone's powerful charms, and warned those Taoists not to make or sell them.

Immediately afterwards, the gravity really doubled, the sand realm bears 6 times the gravity, the earth realm bears 10 times the gravity, and the stone realm has 20 times the gravity!

The crowd was immediately crushed, and it took a long time for them to stand up, and then they ran around in circles. These 100 laps are generally completed in the middle of the night, and everyone is so tired that their parents don’t even know each other. No matter what the hatred is, it will disappear, at least now they don’t have the heart to make trouble again!

However, Song Chongjian was not really ruthless, and he gave them an unprecedented holiday the next day, so that everyone could rest in the dormitory.

Noon, room 312.

After Wang Qianchen woke up with 20 times the gravity, he immediately rubbed his sore legs, then turned his head to look left and right.

He Jun and Tan Zuo were still sleeping, and Du Hong had already sat up. He didn't know what he was checking with his mobile phone, and his brows were sometimes furrowed and raised.

"What are you doing?" Wang Qianchen asked. In the past so many days, he already knew that Du Hong was not malicious, but really wanted to make friends with him.

"Ah, I'm trying to find out how to chase girls. Didn't I say that I want to marry Yin Luoluo as a wife..." Du Hong didn't raise his head.

"Why do you want to marry her as a wife?!" Thinking of that fierce girl, Wang Qianchen felt a chill behind her.

"Hey, don't you think she is very good and suitable to be a wife?" Du Hong smiled.

"...I don't think so!" Wang Qianchen shivered again.

"Hehe, chickens and ducks talk, you don't understand love!" Du Hong shook his head.

Naturally, Wang Qianchen thought of Qi Yan. The girl said that she would wait for him. Whether this was impulsive or thoughtful, it made him feel warm.

"Yes, yes, I don't understand, all I know is that I'm hungry and I'm going to the cafeteria to eat. Are you going?"

While talking, He Jun and Tan Zuo also woke up. After they cleaned up and washed, they walked to the cafeteria together.

When I got to the cafeteria, I saw that it was sparse, and most of the people were still sleeping in the dormitory. The ones who could get up at this point were already among the dragons and phoenixes. Several people were eating when Du Hong suddenly jumped up and hurriedly said, "My wife is here, I'll go first..."

Several people looked up, and sure enough they saw Yin Luoluo walking in with a group of people, including men and women, who were dressed in similar clothes and served. When they walked, there was a jingling sound, which was obviously from the Yin family in southern Yunnan. children.

"You are sick, go as far as you can!"

After a while, Yin Luoluo's irritable scolding sounded, and then Du Hong returned with his head down.

"What's the matter?" Wang Qianchen asked with a look of surprise.

"I checked on the Internet. If you want to pursue a girl, you have to do whatever you want and give her her favorite gift! She is a [Ling Hair] Awakener. I guess she must love her long hair the most. So I gave her shampoo products, and she was scolded... sigh, some things on the Internet are inaccurate, isn't this a misunderstanding?" Du Hong shook his head in pain.

"What did you give her? Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. Even if you don't like it, you won't scold you like that..." Wang Qianchen looked puzzled.

"This, we in Putuo Mountain use this to wash our hair!" Du Hong took out a piece of yellow soap.

Several people fell directly!

"That...that...monks wash their hair, it's different from ordinary people..." Wang Qianchen rolled around with laughter.

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