Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 252: your ability

"Dove occupies a magpie's nest? How do you say it?" He Jun asked immediately.

Wang Qianchen did not answer, because he already knew that Wei Zihua was speaking to He Jun alone now.

"The chairman of Like Group died of illness a month ago. Of course, we can't verify whether it was because of illness. In short, after the chairman's death, there was a lot of disputes on the board of directors. Who will be the new director? Long, the company is divided into several hilltops, and the loudest voice is the son of the former chairman, named Zhong Hao..."

Speaking of the word "Zhong Hao", a trace of complexity flashed in Wei Zihua's eyes, but he quickly returned to normal and continued: "After the previous chairman passed away, Zhong Hao inherited all his shares, and the ability to Yes, there are connections, and many high-level executives support him. Logically speaking, the hope is the greatest. But for some reason, Shi Crocodile was finally made the chairman... This Shi Crocodile was originally only the manager of one of the divisions of the Like Group. Logically speaking, it would never be his turn, but those high-level executives were like lard blinded by their hearts. They tried their best to promote, protect and recommend him to be the new chairman, and even Zhong Hao was defeated in front of him. Come!"

"He must have used means!" He Jun said immediately.

"Well, he's a monster. It's too easy to threaten those high-level officials with force." Wei Zihua nodded and said.

"More than that." He Jun said clearly: "I've seen his profile card before, he's already in the rock realm, but he has endured humiliation and has not done much, and he has only let go of his hands and feet and started to work hard in the last month. I heard you say that Mo Xiao dominated Gaoping City before? So I guess, after Mo Xiao died, Shi Crocodile was reused by the Ten Thousand Demons Association. He felt that he was supported, so he dared to be so presumptuous! , If we want to get rid of him, we must be quick, don't delay, otherwise it is very likely to attract the pursuit of the Ten Thousand Demon Society!"

Wang Qianchen was stunned for a moment, he didn't even eat, and glanced at Wei Zihua.

Wei Zihua smiled and nodded at him.

"You kid is usually quiet, but I didn't expect you to think very carefully..." Wei Zihua said with a smile.

"No, I've been thinking a bit more about being with you two. It's called near Zhu Zhechi." He Jun touched his head embarrassedly. There were no Du Hong and Tan Zuo by his side. He really let go a lot. , at least dare to speak.

"You're right, Stone Crocodile used to hold back, but now it's a big fanfare, someone must support him, so we must make a quick decision, the longer the delay, the worse it will be for us. After arriving in Gaoping City, let's find out what he haunts. location, and then formulate plans and plans to kill him." Wang Qianchen finally made a conclusion.

There is no direct high-speed train from Shangjing to Gaoping, so a few people arrived in Luzhou first.

When they arrived in Luzhou, it was already late, and a few people were tired from their journey. Wang Qianchen took them to Zhezhe Car Wash, ready to rest for a night and then go to Gaoping the next day.

After not coming back for more than half a month, another layer of dust fell in Zhezhe's car wash shop. Wang Qianchen immediately started to clean it up, He Jun and Wei Zihua also helped him, and quickly cleaned the whole shop.

After finishing the work, Wang Qianchen let them both rest in the store, while he bought a meal and sent him to the hospital to visit his father.

Two hours later, Wang Qianchen returned and saw He Jun and Wei Zihua sitting on the sofa, each with a solemn expression.

"What happened to you two?" Wang Qianchen asked strangely.

"Xiaochen... We will definitely help you take down the stone crocodile and find out the whereabouts of the third master Huang!" He Jun said with red eyes.

As soon as Wang Qianchen heard it, he knew that Wei Zihua had told him everything, so he smiled and said, "Well, let's work hard together."

The matter of Li Qianqiu and others has always been a stone in Wang Qianchen's heart. He can pretend to be nothing in front of people, and only he knows how desolate the mood behind people is.

Now, he puts all his hopes on the training camp, hoping to find those people who are involved in his own destiny as soon as possible.

Whether Wei Zihua, He Jun, Du Hong, and Tan Zuo are these people, he doesn't know, but he does treat everyone who has an intersection with him with sincerity. bright.

"It's definitely possible!" He Jun continued with red eyes and said, "Even if you risk your life, I will help you!"

"Hey, do you really think so?" Wei Zihua reached out and hooked his shoulder.

"Of course!" He Jun's eyes were firm: "We are buddies!"

"Then tell us your abilities!" Wei Zihua continued with a smile.

"What...what ability..." He Jun panicked for a moment.

"It's still pretending, I've noticed it several times. Every time you mumble, something magical happens... Honestly, isn't this your ability?" Wei Zihua was still smiling. .

It turned out that Wei Zihua also found out.

"This...this..." He Jun stammered, as if he didn't know what to say.

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