Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 254: I'm numb

After carefully identifying the voice, I realized that it was from Wei Zihua, who was saying things like "don't hit me" and "please please". Obviously, Wei Zihua had another nightmare. If he guessed correctly, his hands were condensed again, and various swords, spears, swords and halberds kept flashing.

It was not the first time for Wei Zihua to do this. Wang Qianchen had asked him what was going on before, but he avoided talking about it and never asked again. Whenever Wei Zihua had nightmares, if Wang Qianchen happened to be by his side, he would pat him and comfort him, and his emotions would quickly calm down.

If it's not there, there's nothing you can do.

For such a trivial matter, Wang Qianchen wouldn't run to Wei Zihua's room, thinking that he might be fine in a while. But this time, Wei Zihua's nightmare seemed to be extraordinarily long, and the screams became louder and louder. Even He Jun was awakened and sat up in confusion.

Wang Qianchen finally couldn't take it any longer, got up and went to Wei Zihua's room, and saw that he was lying on the bed with a pale face, his hands were constantly condensing various weapons in the air, and his forehead was covered in cold sweat.

Wang Qianchen walked over, patted his shoulder lightly, Wei Zihua opened his eyes suddenly, and sat up with a bang.

"Are you okay?" Wang Qianchen asked softly.

"...It's okay." Obviously knowing what happened to him, Wei Zihua turned his head and looked out the window. The sun hadn't risen yet, but the sky was already slightly bright.

"It's still early." Wang Qianchen said, "It's only after five o'clock."

"Oh, it's a bit early to go to Shi Crocodile..." Wei Zihua seemed to be avoiding something, reached out and touched under the pillow for a while, took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and "snapped" again. A click.

"You know Zhong Hao?" Since Wei Zihua didn't want to talk about the nightmare, Wang Qianchen cooperated with him to change the subject.

"How do you know?!" Wei Zihua looked at him in surprise.

"Just guess." Wang Qianchen said: "Yesterday when you mentioned his name, there was a strange look in your eyes, which happened to be seen by me. You asked a few friends and classmates, and you easily learned about his current situation. It means you live in the same circle. But you didn't mean it, so I didn't ask."

"Why can't I guess what happened to you?" Wei Zihua looked helpless.

"If you want to talk, I'll just listen. If you don't want to talk about it, forget it." Wang Qianchen didn't ask more about others before, but this time it's related to the mission goal. Zhong Hao is a very key person among them, because the stone crocodile is very likely Robbed Zhong Hao's company.

If Wei Zihua and Zhong Hao are indeed old acquaintances, no matter what their relationship is, it may affect this mission.

The stone crocodile is a monster in the rock realm and a member of the Ten Thousand Demon Society, so he can't be careless!

"Actually, there's nothing to say, it's just a bit embarrassing..." Wei Zihua hesitated, obviously knowing the stakes, and said directly, "Zhong Hao and I are high school classmates, and we had a conflict before because of a girl. Well, Zhong Hao, you already know, he was the son of a rich man before, not to mention how many scumbags, so I was very miserable at that time, and I was dragged out and beaten every three days... Later, the girl didn't follow him, Are you saying it's funny?"

Wei Zihua laughed "hahaha".

Although Wei Zihua's tone was relaxed, as if he was telling a joke, Wang Qianchen's face became solemn, and he couldn't help but wonder if his nightmare was related to Zhong Hao?

He was dragged out and beaten in three days and two ends, and it seemed that he only had a few words that were light and fluttering, but if you think about it carefully, it can definitely become a shadow in your life!

"Later you awakened your ability and didn't go back to take revenge?" Wang Qianchen asked seriously.

With Wei Zihua's ability, if you want to get Zhong Hao, why not chop melons and vegetables?

"No, we are demon slayers, we want to slay demons and eliminate demons, how can we hurt those mortals!" Wei Zihua still smiled, as if nothing happened, and he didn't know if he was covering up something.

"We're not officially demon slayers yet." Wang Qianchen said word by word: "If you want, when the stone crocodile is cleaned up, I'll accompany you to get him."

Wei Zihua was silent for a while, but still shook his head: "Forget it, how many years have passed, it seems that I am so narrow-minded."

Wang Qianchen opened his mouth, but he still didn't speak. He was already in his twenties, and he was still brooding about his teenage years. He felt a little petty, but he knew that Wei Zihua's "forget it" was not a real forgiveness, but a helplessness and remorse for the past. A powerless compromise.

"See for yourself." Wang Qianchen could only say such words.

"It won't affect the mission, we are removing the stone crocodile, and it has nothing to do with that Zhong Hao." Wei Zihua said with a smile.

The two chatted for a while, the sky gradually brightened, and He Jun also got up. After the three washed and washed, they went out to eat some food, and then set off to Gaoping City.

Wang Qianchen recruited Bumblebee, which attracted He Jun for a while.

"I'm already numb, this kid has more secrets than lice on a homeless man!" Wei Zihua was not surprised at all.

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