Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 257: count up

"Wait." Wei Zihua finally spoke.

"Is there anything else?" Zhong Hao stopped, turned his head and looked at him puzzled.

Wei Zihua took a long breath, put the past behind him temporarily, and said, "Don't go, you can't beat him."

"...What do you mean?" Zhong Hao frowned.

"I said, if you can't beat the stone crocodile, it's no use if you go." Wei Zihua continued.

"..." Zhong Hao looked surprised: "How do you know..."

"Don't care how I found out, you really can't beat him!" Wei Zihua looked around, suddenly slammed his leg towards the poplar tree beside him.

The poplar tree is at least the thickness of an adult's thigh. After Wei Zihua's leg crossed, he heard a "click", and the poplar tree folded and slammed into the Porsche next to him!

Wei Zihua rushed forward again, hugged the poplar tree that weighed at least several hundred kilograms, and then threw it into the green grass next to it with a "hooh".

Zhong Hao: "..."

A group of partners: "..."

They couldn't believe it, what the consequences would be if Wei Zihua's leg was slapped on him!

When did Wei Zihua become so powerful?

All of them were dumbfounded, dumbfounded, and stared at him motionless.

"Oops, this is pretending..." In Bumblebee, Wang Qianchen couldn't help laughing and crying when he saw the whole process.

"It's quite happy!" He Jun also laughed.

outside the car.

"To be honest with you, I can't beat Shi Crocodile one-on-one. Why do you think you can kidnap him?" Wei Zihua swept over Zhong Hao and the others coldly.

"...Then what do you say?" Zhong Hao asked with a complicated expression. Now he is very glad that he apologized just now, instead of continuing to show off his might in front of Wei Zihua!

Otherwise, the one who was thrown into the green space was himself, right?

"Can you make an appointment with the stone crocodile?" Wei Zihua asked softly.

"Yes, Shi Crocodile has always wanted the shares in my hand. As long as he asks him, he will definitely come out..." Zhong Hao said honestly, speaking more politely than before.

"Okay, ask him out, I'll ask a few friends to take him down." Wei Zihua said immediately, compared to the previous ones, serious tasks are more important.

"Okay, ask him where to go, you say!" Zhong Hao was very excited, after seeing Wei Zihua's ability, he had no hesitation, and immediately took out his mobile phone and said: "Xiaowei, if you can kill him, I will I'll give you one million... oh no, two million! Or, if you want the company's shares, this company will be ours in the future!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't like the things in your house..." Wei Zihua said slowly: "Ask him to Phoenix Villa."

Phoenix Mountain Villa is located in Phoenix Mountain, on the outskirts of Gaoping City.


Like Group, Chairman's Office.

Shi Crocodile received another call from the Eighth Prince.

"I'm looking for someone... um, I'm almost done. A few monsters in the stone realm will definitely kill all the demon slayers in Gaoping City... No, no, how dare I lie to you..."

After talking for more than ten minutes, Shi Crocodile hung up the phone, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and sighed: "In a fourth-tier city, how come there are so many monsters in the stone realm!"

Now he has no choice but to delay one day.

Just then, the phone rang again.

"Yo, Young Master Zhong, what's the matter with me?" Shi Crocodile picked up with a smile, "Talk about the shares? Okay, come to my office... Phoenix Villa? What are you doing so far... Okay, Phoenix Villa Just Phoenix Villa, you also have the contract and official seal ready, we can sign it at any time... Hahaha, don't worry, if you can't treat you badly, you can pay as much as you want..."

After hanging up, Shi Crocodile threw the phone on the table and said with a sneer, "I'm going to go to Phoenix Villa. It's probably because I called a group of people to get me? Hey, I'm really not afraid of you!"

Yes, how could a rock monster be afraid of some mortals?

I know it's a set, and it doesn't matter at all!

"I'll play the game with you, and take all the shares in your hand!" Shi Crocodile stood up, put the phone back in his pocket, and put on his coat to go out.


Downstairs car park.

"You really don't have to go?" Zhong Hao asked in disbelief.

"No, you're a hindrance when you go, just leave it to me and my friends!" Wei Zihua pretended to be arrogant and turned around to Bumblebee.

At the same time, the stone crocodile's seat drove out of the building.

"Let's go, get ready to work!" Wang Qianchen smiled, stepped on the accelerator and followed, leaving Zhong Hao and his party in place.

"Xiao...Xiaowei has changed so much..." One of the partners said in cold sweat.

"Kicking a tree with one foot is so powerful that I want to work as a stevedore in Xinxin Logistics Park!" said another partner.

"...Well, it's my fault that I apologized first, otherwise all of us would have to fall here!" Zhong Hao also wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his heart was nervous and excited.

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