Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 261: The Eighth Prince's Optimism

"I...I..." Wang Qianchen couldn't speak at all, but his mind turned rapidly, and he instinctively replied: "I don't know, the stone crocodile was killed before he had time to tell me!"

This answer makes sense.

Although Dashan looked at him with a light frown, he did not continue to come over.

"Did you find anything?" The Eighth Prince looked at Dashan in confusion, he knew that this subordinate had always been careful.

"I just find it strange, if the stone crocodile was killed, why would they be fine?" Dashan said, pointing to Wang Qianchen and the others.

At this time, Wang Qianchen had completely calmed down, and immediately said, "Stone Crocodile asked me to meet here, but when I came, he was already killed!"

"Who killed him?" The Eighth Prince asked again, his eyes gradually becoming sharper.

"No." Wang Qianchen shook his head again.

"It must be the demon slayers from Gaoping City. They discovered the whereabouts of the stone crocodile, and there was an encirclement and suppression operation on the Phoenix Mountain!" Killing them is unbearable or unbearable! Since we have come to Gaoping City, we can't stand idly by and take them away!"

"Yes!" Dashan immediately bowed his head slightly.

"No...not the demon slayer team in Gaoping City..." Wang Qianchen quickly replied when he heard this.

"No?" The Eighth Prince frowned.

"No!" Wang Qianchen said immediately: "When I came here, those people had just left. I'm fairly familiar with the Demon Slayer Team in Gaoping City, so I'm sure it's not them!"

"Who is that?" Dashan asked with a sullen face.

"I don't know either..." Wang Qianchen said bravely.

Da Shan walked to the stone crocodile's body and squatted down, observed it carefully for a while, and said, "There are sword wounds, knife wounds, and traces of fire, but the fatal wound is the head, as if it was hit hard by some square object. hit..."

While talking, Dashan turned to look at the brick in Wang Qianchen's hand, his sharp eyes narrowed slightly.

Wang Qianchen's heart thumped.

"It shouldn't be him." The Eighth Prince put his hands behind his back, and also analyzed meticulously: "First, there is no blood on the brick in his hand, and it is reasonable to say that it will not be cleaned so quickly; second, he does not have a sword; Third, if it was the stone crocodile that he killed, why did you cry so sadly?"

The bricks in Wang Qianchen's hands were indeed clean, and the blood on them had been absorbed by it long ago.

"I always feel that something is wrong..." Dashan stood up, stared at Wang Qianchen and his party and said, "Are you guys really monsters, show me the cost of recovery!"

This time, the Eighth Prince didn't say anything, and stared straight at a few people. He also wanted to see what happened to these guys.

Mr. Honglou and the others were originally monsters. Of course, there was no problem. They either turned into books or cars, brooms and data cables. And when it was Wang Qianchen's turn, thanks to his [False Shape] skill, of course he turned into a white dog, and after entering the stone realm, his ability to change was also enhanced. Too long, it only lasts half a minute.

Fortunately, Dashan was not interested in letting them show their true faces all the time. He waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's change back!"

Wang Qianchen, Mr. Honglou and the others changed back respectively.

"Are you all right now?" The Eighth Prince said with a smile.

"...Eighth Prince, why have you been talking to this kid since just now?" Dashan confirmed the identities of Wang Qianchen and others, and his alertness disappeared a lot, but he still asked inexplicably.

Indeed, since the appearance of the Eighth Prince, he seems to have a green eye on Wang Qianchen, and his attitude has always been very polite, even friendly.

It was the first time the two of them met!

Don't say that Dashan finds it strange, even Wang Qianchen is a bit baffled, and those who don't know think he and the Eighth Prince have known each other for many years.

The Eighth Prince didn't change his expression, still smiling like a kind and kind old man: "I just think that the stone crocodile died, and he could cry so miserably, it is enough to show that this is a good monster who values ​​love and righteousness! In this group of monsters, it is really not easy to have such a quality, and I just happen to lack such subordinates and confidants!"

Dashan suddenly understood.

He knew that the Eighth Prince had also cried bitterly for the deceased eldest brother, and he should have remembered when he was young, so he felt close.

Although he is still a little confused, he will definitely not talk any more.

Having said that, the Eighth Prince walked in front of Wang Qianchen, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Young man, I am very optimistic about you, but unfortunately you are only in the stone realm! Work hard, get to the rock realm early, and I recommend you to join the Wan Yaohui. The place in Gaoping City can also be handed over to you!"

Wang Qianchen was completely stunned.

It turned out that he was spotted by the Eighth Prince!

"Why, you don't want to?" The Eighth Prince asked with a smile.

"Wish... I am willing! Thank you for the support of the Eighth Prince!" Of course Wang Qianchen hated these monsters, especially the Eighth Prince was Li Qianqiu's mortal enemy, but under such circumstances, what else could he say?

"Hey, I also think you would like it!" The Eighth Prince laughed even more happily.

"If you can join the Ten Thousand Demons Association, you can also get the respect of your old man. Which monster do you want to put on it?" Dashan said sourly beside him.

"Hey, okay, you remember my mobile phone number. When you ascend to the rock realm in the future, you must come to me!" The Eighth Prince patted Wang Qianchen on the shoulder again, and then reported a series of numbers.

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