Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 264: He Jun's position

The person who called was Wan Long.

Since Wan Long said that he was going to drive him out of Qingcheng Mountain, He Jun also stood firmly on Wang Qianchen's side, and he had no contact with the disciples in Qingcheng Mountain. What did Wanlong call at this time?

He Jun hesitated for a moment, but picked it up: "Hello?"

"Hey, Senior Brother He." On the phone, Wan Long's tone was very polite: "Have you finished the task over there?"

"It's done, what's the matter?" As the saying goes, don't slap the smiling face, Wan Long is so good-natured, and He Jun is embarrassed to be cold.

"Are you ready to come back?" Wan Long asked as if talking at home.

"Well, I'll be going back in two days."

Wan Long was silent for a while, then continued: "Senior Brother He, when we come back, let's have a good talk!"

"What?" He Jun asked cautiously.

"...Don't be so nervous, just chat casually." Wan Long said: "After the previous incident, I and a few junior brothers and I thought about it carefully, we really did a bit too much! Senior brother He, are we in the same school? , isn't the relationship better than those outsiders?"


He Jun looked up at Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua, who were still chatting and laughing beside him. To him, these two were not outsiders, but real partners.

"Senior Brother He, have you ascended to the soil realm? This talent is unusual, I am going to introduce you to the inner door!" Wan Long continued.

Inner door!

He Jun's heart thumped when he heard these two words. Like other sects, Qingcheng Mountain is divided into outer sect and inner sect. The outer sect is naturally composed of disciples with ordinary aptitude, and they usually don't enjoy much. Good resources, the inner sect is full of outstanding disciples, guided by some elders and senior brothers, and their status in the sect is far higher than that of the outer sect disciples.

Take He Jun for example, even though he has been in the mountains for many years, many people call him Senior Brother He, but when did those proud inner disciples look at him?

Being able to enter the inner sect is definitely the ultimate dream of every outer sect disciple!

"Really...really?" He Jun's voice was a little excited. If he could enter the inner door, it would not only be his honor, but the whole family would be blessed with him. Thinking of the news that his parents learned of the news With a look of joy, he felt that he was almost about to fly.

"Of course it's true. I promise you, can it still be fake?" Wan Long said with a smile.

This is true. Wan Long is the leader of the new generation of disciples in Qingcheng Mountain. He told the Sect Master that even a dog would have no problem entering the inner door!

"Then... then thank you..." He Jun stammered.

"Hehe, a small matter! Senior Brother He, just promise, I'm afraid you don't want it! Then wait, I'll apply for you now, and wait for my good news, our senior brothers will be in a good place in the future. , those bad things in the past will drift away with the wind." Wan Long smiled even more happily.

"Okay...Okay..." He Jun felt dizzy as if a big pie had fallen from the sky.

After hanging up, He Jun put away the phone, and immediately told Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua the good news.

"Hey, entering the inner door, congratulations!" Although Wang Qianchen didn't understand the difference between the inner door and the outer door, judging from the look of He Jun's dancing eyebrows, it must be a very happy event, so he congratulated him immediately.

"Haha, you kid invite us to dinner!" Wei Zihua put his arm around He Jun's shoulder.

"No problem, I'll treat you tonight!" He Jun rubbed his hands excitedly. Although he didn't have much savings, he certainly wouldn't lose the chain on this matter, so he would ask Wei Zihua about what's good in Gaoping City. hotel, went to the side to book a private room.

As soon as He Jun left, the expressions of Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua immediately sank.

"The previous incident was so turbulent, would Wan Long be so kind, not only not angry with He Jun, but also recommending him to the inner door?" Wei Zihua frowned.

"Although I shouldn't speculate on others with malicious intent, I also think this is a bit too strange... I hope Wanlong is sincere!" Wang Qianchen breathed softly.

"Anyway, be careful." Wei Zihua said quietly.

"Well." Wang Qianchen responded.


Time flies, and soon it will be night.

He Jun booked a box at a certain hotel. In addition to inviting Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua, he also called the entire demon slayer team in Gaoping City. However, Jiang Zhixue and others knew that he had no money and no friendship with each other, so they used various reasons. declined.

So in the end, it was only the three of them who sat together.

He Jun bought wine and ordered food. This table was considered a celebration feast. The stone crocodile was successfully completed, and he was about to enter the inner door. It was definitely worth a good drink.

However, during the banquet, He Jun showed an anxious look, and took out his mobile phone from time to time to take a look.

"Who are you waiting for?" Wang Qianchen asked softly.

"Well, Wan Long said that he recommended me to enter the inner door, but there is no news yet..." He Jun gritted his teeth and couldn't help but think about it.

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