Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 279: energetic duo

Demon Slayer first training camp.

Except for Wan Long, who was sent to the infirmary to recuperate, everyone else was locked up.

It's the same sentence, small-scale fights, the training camp really turned a blind eye, but they made too much trouble every time, and it was really unreasonable to not punish them.

The confinement room is located in a row of small bungalows on the south side of the training camp. The environment is good. There are flowers and grass around, but the feeling of losing freedom is not very good. Everyone has a small independent house, and is blocked by iron gates and iron fences. .

With their strength, they could knock the iron door flying with one palm, but no one dared to do so, so they sat on the ground in the dark and damp house.

It's just that some people live in it and it's quiet, and some people live in it and it's still noisy.

For example, Bai Feiyang and Du Hong.

"If it weren't for the inappropriate place, you would definitely not be my opponent."

"You can pull it down, if you hadn't been flying into the sky, you would have been beaten by me until my grandma didn't know it!"

"Hey, do you think I used all my strength?"

"Hehe, I didn't use all my strength..."

The two were yin and yang with each other, and they looked like they didn't obey the other.

Some conversations are peaceful.

"Why do you keep having trouble with Wanlong?" Nie Rong asked inexplicably. He and Wang Qianchen lived next door.

"Have you understood the cause and effect?" Wang Qianchen asked rhetorically.

"That's not true, he didn't tell me, just let me help! You know, the relationship between Qingcheng Mountain and the Nie family, I really can't help myself..." Nie Rong sighed softly.

"I'm sorry, I made you embarrassed..." Nie Rong helped Wang Qianchen several times, which made him feel guilty now.

"That's fine, you didn't hurt me..." Nie Rong said with a smile: "What's the reason, tell me, I'll be a peacemaker! We'll all be monster slayers in the future, maybe we'll have to work together. , is there anything you can't say?"

"It can't be said, and he is not qualified to be a monster slayer..."

"I know!" Before Wang Qianchen finished speaking, Bai Feiyang's voice sounded: "Wanlong told me."

Then, he repeated the version described by Wan Long. Naturally, it turned black and white and confuses the public. He said that He Jun disappeared inexplicably during the mission, and Wang Qianchen and others insisted that Wan Long did it, and so on.

"Fuck your shit!" Du Hong scolded directly: "It was Wanlong who did it, that kid doesn't look good at first glance!"

"You saw it with your own eyes?"

"No! But I know Xiaochen definitely won't lie!"

"I didn't see it, what you said was a fart, and I said Wanlong wouldn't lie!"

The two were on the hook again.

Soon, Wei Zihua and Tan Zuo also joined the battle. Both of them also said that Wan Long did it, and scolded Wan Long to the point where Bai Feiyang couldn't quarrel with three people, and said anxiously: " Nie Rong, you also help to say something!"

"This..." Nie Rong said with an embarrassed expression, "I didn't see it with my own eyes, I really don't have the right to say..."

"You and Wan Long have known each other for so long, yet you don't believe him?" Bai Feiyang asked in surprise.

"Well, we know the person and the face, but not the heart... We've known each other for a long time, but we haven't been together every day... And even if we're together every day, we don't necessarily know what the other person is thinking... Anyway, I don't know anyone anymore. I don't believe it, I don't believe in Wanlong, and I don't believe in Wang Qianchen, unless someone puts the evidence in front of me! Before I helped Wanlong, it was purely because of a good relationship..." Whether it is the middle way or maintaining neutrality, Nie Rong is like this people.

"Then you can't do it, I will unconditionally believe in Wan Long!" Bai Feiyang said carelessly, his relationship with Wan Long was obviously unusual.

"I'm waiting for the day when you are slapped in the face!" Du Hong snorted.

"Hehe, if I get slapped in the face, I'll kowtow to you one by one!" Bai Feiyang was also very disdainful.

"Then it's settled!"


Bai Feiyang and Du Hong seemed to be at odds with each other, and they were always arguing endlessly.

In contrast, Wang Qianchen and Nie Rong were much more peaceful.

"I'm very grateful if you don't believe anyone." Wang Qianchen said softly.

"I only believe in myself." Nie Rong said with a smile.


In a flash, the night passed.

On the second day, the recruits all returned to the team, and daily training resumed in the training camp. Theory in the morning, practice in the afternoon, and gravity suppression were of course arranged. Wang Qianchen and others were still locked in the confinement room.

Song Chongjian didn't say how long it would be closed, as if it depended on the mood, so everyone had to endure it like this.

In addition, in the confinement room alone, the gravity suppression has increased again, before it was twenty times, and now it is thirty times.

"Aren't you guys full of energy, keep jumping!" This was Song Epee's original words.

Seeing them being crushed to the ground one by one, Song Cepeng left with satisfaction.

"Hehe, it's not heavy at all, but it looks very comfortable."

"Yeah, I think so too, it's more comfortable than a hot spring."

No matter what they do or say, Bai Feiyang and Du Hong must fight each other, and they must compare everything with each other.

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