Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 284: Wang Qianchen, how are you?

Seeing this text message, Wang Qianchen's eyes narrowed, and he quickly dialed the phone without saying a word.

But the other party didn't answer, and after hanging up, he sent another text message: Don't call, just say it here.

Wang Qianchen replied: What do you think?

The other party: If you want to see He Jun's words, follow my instructions and walk to the trash can next to you.

Wang Qianchen looked up and there was indeed a trash can beside him.

This shows that he is within the monitoring range of the other party!

Wang Qianchen quickly glanced around and found no suspicious people, but there are countless streets, alleys, buildings and shops in Gusu City, and anyone can hide people in any corner. I don't know where the other party is hiding?

After hesitating for a while, he still walked to the edge of the trash can, and was ready to jump at any time. If there was a bomb hidden in it, his life would be thrown here.

The other party soon sent another text message: there is a black plastic bag inside, take it out.

Wang Qianchen's expression became more solemn, and he said in a deep voice, "Azhuan, go and see what it is."

If it is a bomb, the bricks can also be pushed up to help take the damage.

"Damn it, you're still not human, you think of me every time like this..." Brick scolded, but still flew out and plunged into the trash can.

After a while, the brick came out again, returned to Wang Qianchen's waist and said, "It's okay, there's just a headset inside."

Only then did Wang Qianchen put his hand in and took out the black plastic bag. There was indeed an earphone inside. Wang Qianchen already understood what the other party wanted to do, so he put the earphones in his ears. After the current sound of "Zi La La", a mechanical voice sounded: "Wang Qianchen, hello!"

"Who are you?" Wang Qianchen asked in a deep voice.

"Hehe, don't care who I am, just ask if you want to see He Jun?"

"What if you want, what if you don't want to?" Wang Qianchen looked around with his peripheral vision as he spoke, trying to find out who he was talking to. The other party could see his every move. .

Instructor Chai obviously noticed Wang Qianchen's abnormality and was gradually approaching.

"Hey, if you want to see He Jun, then listen to me."

"Listen to you, if you let me die, I will die?" Wang Qianchen sneered disdainfully.

"It seems that you don't want to see He Jun anymore, so be it!" The other party seemed to be about to cut off the line.

"Wait..." Wang Qianchen said immediately: "Anyway, let me hear He Jun's voice!"

Wang Qianchen definitely didn't want He Jun to die, but if He Jun really died, and he was still being played by the other party, it would be really stupid.

"Haha, you still made a request? You have no choice. If you want to see He Jun, you have to listen to me. You only have three seconds to think about it! Three, two, one..."

"Tell me, what do you want me to do." Wang Qianchen really had no other choice. He knew that this was the other party's trick, so he could only jump in.

"Hey..." A smug smile came from the earphones, and then he said, "Now, throw your phone in the trash first!"

Wang Qianchen took out the phone and threw it into the trash can.

"Okay, turn around now and get on the bus immediately!"

As soon as Wang Qianchen turned his head, he saw a bus approaching. This happened to be a platform, and the crowd went up and down.

Wang Qianchen glanced at Instructor Chai who was not far from him, and then stepped onto the front door of the bus. Instructor Chai quickly followed and got into the bus as well.

With Instructor Chai with him, Wang Qianchen's thoughts calmed down a little.

But soon, another voice came from the earphone: "Go down the back door now, hurry up! Within three seconds, I won't be able to see you, and I will kill He Jun immediately!"

In fact, until now, Wang Qianchen didn't know whether He Jun was dead or alive, and he didn't even hear He Jun's voice, but he didn't dare to bet on this probability, so he rushed down the back door immediately.

Instructor Chai was obviously stunned for a moment, and hurried to follow, but the bus had already started.

"Quick, get on that taxi in the back!" The moment Wang Qianchen got out of the car, another voice came from the earphones.

The bus slowly left, and a taxi approached.

Wang Qianchen turned to look at Instructor Chai who was trapped in the bus, and could only grit his teeth and get into the taxi.

The taxi was carrying him, and he quickly turned around and ran in the other direction. When Instructor Chai broke the door and got off the bus, the taxi had completely disappeared.

Instructor Chai frowned, walked to the trash can next to him, fumbled inside for a while, and took out Wang Qianchen's phone.

Wang Qianchen didn't lock the screen, so the content on the phone was unobstructed.

After figuring out what was going on, Instructor Chai quickly made a phone call and said, "Quick, help me find a mobile phone number... Also, check the whereabouts of a taxi!"


Inside the taxi.

The mechanical voice came from the earphones again: "Wang Qianchen, don't embarrass the driver, he doesn't know anything, I just paid for it."

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