Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 321: Vice Captain Battle

"You want to go to Luzhou with me?!" Wang Qianchen looked at him in surprise.

"Yeah...Are you so surprised? We are buddies. Of course, we share the blessings and share the difficulties! You are burdened with such a thing, shouldn't we help you? And we are together a few rocks and clean up. There must be no problem with the third master Huang's wall! Also, aren't we looking for He Jun, it would be easier to act together!" Du Hong said eloquently, obviously already thinking about the future.

"But I'm guessing that the above won't let all of our rock realms go to a fourth-tier city..." Tan Zuo said worriedly.

"Yes, I think so too. The standard configuration of a fourth-tier city is one stone boundary and four soil boundary. We have four rock boundary, which is not allowed?" Wei Zihua also expressed concern.

"The top scorers can freely choose their work place within their ability. This is the training camp's regulations. We haven't violated the regulations, so why not allow it?" Du Hongyang is proud of himself. Sometimes the words are not in tune, but this time it is really clear thinking!

"Yes, as long as it doesn't violate the rules, why don't they allow it?"

"In front of so many recruits, they can't slap themselves in the face!"

Tan Zuo and Wei Zihua nodded.

"Hey, that's right, just do it!" Du Hong said cheerfully: "Tomorrow I will tell my wife, let her go to Luzhou City with her, our five rock formations happen to be in a team! Of course, then, the captain must Let me be, I am the strongest and most experienced..."

"No, how come you are the strongest, and we have never competed before?" Tan Zuo immediately expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Yo, then let's practice a game?"

"Practice, practice!"

The two immediately opened up, and it seemed that they were going to fight in the bedroom. If they really fight, the entire dormitory will suffer. Wei Zihua hurriedly dissuades them, and scolded unceremoniously: "You two are considered the strongest of Mao, can you be stronger than Xiaochen?!"

Both Du Hong and Tan Zuo fell silent. They were indeed not sure that they would be able to beat Wang Qianchen. Those dazzling methods were a headache, not to mention that this guy was carrying a few monsters in the rock realm with him!

It's a ghost if you can beat it!

"Also, Luzhou City is Xiaochen's hometown. He is very familiar with the customs there. Who doesn't listen to him when fighting? I think this captain is Xiaochen." Wei Zi Hua said seriously.

"You are right! I have no problem with him being the captain, but the vice-captain must be mine!" Du Hong said, patting his chest.

"Don't talk nonsense, why is the deputy captain yours?" Tan Zuo expressed his dissatisfaction again.

The two opened up again, ready to fight in the bedroom!

"You two should stop..." Wei Zihua discouraged again: "The vice captain must be me. In terms of relationship, Xiaochen and I are the best. In terms of geographical advantages, Gaoping City is not far from Luzhou City. Half the host, in terms of strength, I'm the second, no one has any opinion..."

It used to be two people arguing, but now it's three people arguing. The dormitory is in a mess, and Wang Qianchen's head is big when he hears it. The three quarreled for a while, but there was still no result, so they asked Wang Qianchen, the captain who had not yet taken office, to decide the candidate for the vice captain.

"Xiaochen, isn't it the best relationship between us?"

"Xiaochen, I gave you a brick, do you still remember?"

"Xiaochen, I can send you a few zombies..."

Several people looked at Wang Qianchen eagerly, hoping that the position of vice-captain could be spent on their own.

"Ah..." Wang Qianchen, who was silent for a long time, finally said, "Are you really going to Luzhou City?"

"My dear, we have been fighting here for a long time, do you still doubt our determination?" Several people were furious.

"No, I just think that you are all rock realms. It's a bit of a waste to go to Luzhou City. It always feels like a drag on you. Besides, my monsters and I are all rock realms, so we may not be able to fight against the third master Huang..." Seeing the eyes of several people gradually getting sharper, Wang Qianchen quickly changed his tune and said: "Of course, you are willing to be with me, I am still very happy and very happy! But whether you can go or not depends on the arrangement of the training camp. We have been talking here for a long time, the captain and vice-captain have been settled, isn’t it embarrassing to be rejected in the end? So, let’s talk about it together!”

This proposal is reasonable and reasonable, and everyone has stopped and waited for tomorrow with peace of mind.


In this night full of cheers and excitement, a few people were actually unhappy.

For example, Ding Songran and Bai Feiyang.

As soon as the two returned, they were called by Song Cepeng to the office to investigate the incident that they had attacked Wang Qianchen during the assessment process.

Ding Songran had been prepared for a long time, claiming that he had not received any instructions or entrustment from anyone, but only estimated that it would be no problem to pass the assessment, and wanted to discuss with Wang Qianchen.

Bai Feiyang didn't mention Elder Ma, but only said that he wanted to find out about Wanlong. He was besieged by monsters after a few words, and then he went to kill the monsters.

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