Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 326: Dragon of the Red River

Somewhere in the East China Sea, along the coast.

The endless azure blue water covered the entire field of vision, layers of white waves swept in, the sky was extremely pure, a giant sun was reflected in the air, and it looked like an ordinary afternoon.

Song Cepeng stood on the soft sand, the black cloak behind him rattled. His piercing eyes looked straight at the sea. Although he hadn't seen the figure of "The Demon Ancestor" stepping on Kyushu, he had already sensed a strong aura.

coming soon.

Song Cepeng stretched out his hand and waved, and a pitch-black demon slayer appeared in his palm.

He doesn't know if he can beat Treading Kyushu, but if he can kill that guy, it's definitely worth celebrating!

"Drip Bell-"

Just then, his cell phone rang suddenly.

"Hello?" Song Chongjian picked it up immediately.

The next second, his expression changed again: "What?!"

"Okay, I see, I'll send someone over right away!"

Song Cepeng hung up the phone and immediately called Siyao.

"A monster with a body like a skeleton appeared in the South China Sea. Its whole body was crimson red, and its face was very ugly... It exudes a sublime atmosphere!"

"The most powerful monster in the country of Yue, the Dragon of the Red River!"

Siyao immediately named the other party's name.

"Yes, it's it, I'm too busy to go away, you quickly bring a few high-level officials to stop it from entering the summer!" Song Chongjian said quickly.

"Okay, I'll go now!" Si Yao hung up the phone without any hesitation, and immediately informed the other [Monster Slayer] executives of the situation.

On the shore, Song Cepian also retracted his phone, looking at the boundless sea and the gradually approaching powerful breath, a vague feeling of unease arises spontaneously: "Why is it so crowded into one day?"


Going to Beijing, the first training camp for Monster Slayer.

Because of the sudden interruption of the normalization ceremony, everyone was bored, some went back to the dormitory, and some went directly to the cafeteria to eat.

"Xiaochen, if you have the opportunity to come to my side, I will definitely entertain you." Nie Rong said with a smile.

"Okay, definitely." Wang Qianchen also laughed.

A small circle with Wang Qianchen as the core has been formed, and Wei Zihua, Du Hong, and Tan Zuo are all by his side. After the team temporarily disbanded, they did not go back to the dormitory, but stood on the playground chatting, and Nie Rong also came over.

Although he knew what Song Chongjian was doing, Wang Qianchen told Wei Zihua - not because he didn't believe others, but because he felt there was no need to say that the training camp didn't announce the news, and he didn't want to be a big mouth.

"Luo Luo doesn't know what's going on, but he suddenly ignored me. Even if I don't go to Kuncheng, I don't need to do this?" Du Hong rubbed his head in confusion.

"Do you want to check with your phone?" Tan Zuo pouted and said.

"Yes, check!" Du Hong was about to take out his mobile phone when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure, and immediately waved his hand and said, "Old Bai! Old Bai!"

Bai Feiyang brought a group of disciples from Longhu Mountain and was about to go to the cafeteria to eat. When he heard Du Hong calling him, he came over and called Brother Hong, and said hello to the others, but Wang Qianchen ignored him.

Of course, Wang Qianchen ignored him.

"We're about to separate, let's have a meal together later?" Du Hong said with a smile.

If we eat together, we cannot avoid being with Wang Qianchen. Bai Feiyang was silent for a while, but nodded and said, "Yes..."

Before he could finish speaking, he heard the crackling footsteps coming from the teaching building. It was actually Siyao who rushed out with a group of high-level [Monster Slayer] executives, all of them were solemn and serious, and there were even some In a hurry, a group of people went straight to the gate of the training camp.

"What happened?" Du Hong looked confused.

Wang Qianchen also frowned. He couldn't hear the sound in the teaching building, so he couldn't help but guess if there was something wrong with Song Chongjian?


Inside the faculty building, in a room.

"Why did he suddenly leave, what happened?" Elder Ma of Qingcheng Mountain stood by the window and looked outside with a puzzled expression.

Because of investigating the matter in the mountains, Elder Ma was called to the training camp. He prepared a lot of rhetoric for this. As a result, Song Chongjian didn't even show his face, so he sent him here.

"I don't know, I suddenly left a lot, and there are only some errand staff left... I heard someone say that Song Cepian has also left!" Behind Elder Ma stood four Qingcheng Mountain disciples, who he brought here specially to do the work. perjury.

All of these people have rock realms, and they are also his proud disciples. Wanlong would have become one of them!

"That is to say, if we want to do something, no one can control us?!" Elder Ma's eyes immediately lit up.

"...Elder Ma, this is a training camp after all. Even if there is no one to guard it, don't act rashly, right?" One of the disciples seemed to have guessed what he wanted to do, and immediately said worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm not that stupid, I won't kill people in this place... But if I don't do something, I always feel sorry for this great opportunity! Call Hu Yan and Zhang Quan over!" Elder Ma stood around the window. Looking around, he quickly thought of some plans in his mind.

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