Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 328: Elder Ma is crazy

"Like Nie Rong, you've all betrayed..." Elder Ma was expressionless, but he couldn't understand, where did Wang Qianchen's personality charisma come from, why did everyone rely on him?

"So many people, it's a little troublesome..." A rock-level disciple frowned.

Elder Ma calmly took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Xiao Ding... It's okay, I'm coming to the training camp... Well, didn't I promise you before that I'll give you a heart of blue ocean... Yes, yes, I brought it, you can come directly to get it..."

Elder Ma hung up the phone and said solemnly, "Start your hands in a while, if the others don't intervene, it's fine... If you do, you will come!"

"Okay!" Several rock realm disciples agreed immediately.

Immediately, Elder Ma turned around and walked out, and several disciples in the rock realm immediately followed.


On the way to the cafeteria, Wei Zihua, Du Hong and others still felt a little puzzled.

"Commander Song and the others are gone. We are the strongest in the entire training camp. What are you afraid of those people from Qingcheng Mountain?" Du Hong said carelessly.

"I'm not afraid, I always feel that something is not right..." Wang Qianchen frowned slightly, Wan Long was already dead, Hu Yan, Zhang Quan and others were scared to pee when they saw them before, why are they suddenly so confident?

Is there someone behind them who wants to do something while Song Epee and the others are away?

"It's definitely not right, but there are so many of us, we really don't need to be afraid of them..." Wei Zihua also rubbed his palms, still eager to move.

Wang Qianchen stopped talking, and still didn't change his inner thoughts.

"Wang Qianchen!" At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from behind.

Wang Qianchen turned his head abruptly, and saw a middle-aged man exuding the atmosphere of the wall, with four disciples exuding the atmosphere of the rock, walking towards them quickly.

"It's Elder Ma from Qingcheng Mountain, and Wan Long is his direct disciple... How did they come to the training camp?!" Nie Rong whispered immediately.

There were no witnesses at all, it was indeed their trap!

"Go!" Wang Qianchen let out a low voice, turned around and walked towards the dormitory building.

His movements were already fast, but Elder Ma's movements were even faster. He was still 100 meters away before, and suddenly he rushed to Wang Qianchen with a stride!

"Let's go, let's talk in another place!" Elder Ma would definitely not commit murder in public, grabbing Wang Qianchen's collar and running towards the back of the teaching staff building.

"Elder Ma—" The crowd was startled and chased after them.

In another instant, Elder Ma caught Wang Qianchen into the open space behind the teaching building.

"Say, did you kill Wanlong?!" Elder Ma pinched Wang Qianchen's neck and pushed his entire body against the wall.

Wang Qianchen was pinched until his entire face turned pale!

"Elder Ma, don't do this!"

"Elder Ma, this is a training camp, so the EQ is too low!"

"Elder Ma, have something to say!"

Tan Zuo, Du Hong, Nie Rong and others went to pull him, and even Bai Feiyang joined the ranks. Although he and Wang Qianchen didn't deal with it, he couldn't just watch Elder Ma do this kind of thing.

Wei Zihua directly condensed a long knife in the air, and slashed at Elder Ma with a ruthless knife.

"Go away!" Elder Ma scolded and kicked Wei Zihua out.

Wei Zihua rolled twice on the ground, and managed to stabilize his body. Just as he was about to stand up, Hu Yan, Zhang Quan and the others rushed over and surrounded him.

"Fuck you, a bunch of stinky fish and rotten shrimps!"

Wei Zihua scolded viciously, directly condensing two air AK47s, and punched these guys with a "da-da-da", but there are several stone realms among them, and they may not be so easy to deal with!

"There are others!" Elder Ma said irritably.

"Don't take care of these things..." Several disciples standing behind him went to La Du Hong, Tan Zuo, Nie Rong and Bai Feiyang.

Once pulled, physical contact is indispensable.

Once there is physical contact, a fight will inevitably occur!

Bai Feiyang didn't want to have a dispute with Qingcheng Mountain, but somehow he was also involved.

A melee quickly unfolded in the open space behind the faculty building. Although both sides were in rock formations, geniuses were geniuses. Basically, from the very beginning, Du Hong and others fought against each other, but it was not enough to kill them in an instant. It's easy, so no one of the few people has time to help Wang Qianchen for the time being.

"Tell me, did you kill him!" Elder Ma's face was grim, his eyes were red, and one hand was still pinching Wang Qianchen's neck, and he was getting harder and harder.

Wang Qianchen's face quickly turned white, and then quickly turned blue, and his eyes were almost protruding.

"Fuck you!" Brick scolded angrily, jumped out from behind Wang Qianchen's waist, and hit Elder Ma's head hard.

The bricks have not yet been repaired into a human shape, but the texture is getting harder and harder, and the elder Ma was smashed to the ground in one fell swoop.

"Hahaha, the blood of the strong in the wall is delicious!" Brick couldn't control it, sucking the blood on his body in a big mouth, suddenly thinking that Wang Qianchen was still dying, and hurriedly smashed it towards Elder Ma again.

"Bang bang bang!"

After slapping the brick several times in a row, Elder Ma finally reacted and slapped it out with a slap in the face.

"Did you kill Wanlong!" Elder Ma roared again, grabbed Wang Qianchen's head, and slammed into the wall next to him.

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