Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 340: my territory

As a monster that has survived in Daxia for thousands of years, no one knows the strength of those monster slayers better than him.

"So, it's really a lucky thing to meet you." One of the Orochi Yachi smiled slightly.

"Lucky? Why are you lucky?" Ta Kyushu looked puzzled.

"Because we can join forces." Orochi said: "I know, you have hated those demon slayers for a long time, and this time, if we join forces, we will be able to catch them all in one go!"

"What benefits can I get?" asked after stepping into Kyushu.

"From now on, the entire Great Xia is your world, and no one can stop your steps!" Orochimaru laughed even more cheerfully.

"No one can stop me in the first place!" Ta Kyushu laughed.

"But you will be freer than before." Orochimaru continued.

Treading Kyushu thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I think it's better not to. It's fine now."

"You don't want to join forces with me?" Orochimaru stopped smiling.

"Yes." Ta Kyushu replied.

There was silence on the sea, and the atmosphere became a little weird.

I don't know how long it took before the Orochi Baqi said slowly: "Okay, you are the strongest monster in Daxia, you are a little arrogant, and it is normal that you don't want to cooperate with me. Then I will go by myself, let's well water. Don't break the river."

After speaking, the Orochi Yachi continued to swim forward.

"Wait." Ta Kyushu suddenly stopped it.

"Is there anything else?" The eight heads of the eight-headed snake all turned back.

"You can't go further forward." Ta Jiuzhou said quietly.


"Because that's my territory."

"...I have no intention of infringing on your territory, just to help you solve some troubles." Orochimaru seemed a little speechless.

"No need, go back." Treading Kyushu slowly drew out his sword and pointed directly at the head of the eight-headed snake.

"You don't need my help?" Orochimaru was a little puzzled.

"Of course." Ta Jiuzhou replied without hesitation.

"Have you hated those demon slayers for a long time?"

"That's my own business."

The eight-headed snake let out a long breath.

"There seems to be something wrong with you." Orochimaru said slowly: "I don't want to do anything to you, but I want to warn you, I want to stop my way, but I have to pay a price."

"Then you can try it out." Ta Jiuzhou said, "Actually, I've always wanted to know, who is stronger between the two of us."


The eight-headed snake seemed to be finally angry, and slammed one of its tails.

Stepping on the long sword in Kyushu's hand and sweeping gently, the monstrous waves were chopped into pieces, and fell down with a "crashing", like a heavy rain.

"It's hopeless!" The eight-headed snake roared, and eight heads and eight tails rushed out at the same time, rolling up storms on the sea!

Treading Kyushu sneered, with no fear on his face, and stabbed straight with his long sword.


dozens of miles away.

Song Heavy Sword, who was flying, was surprised because he heard the rumbling sound of battle, as if the existence of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, the two powerful demonic energy seemed to be fighting!

what happened?

Song Cepeng was startled in his heart and accelerated again.

His speed was very fast, and in just a few minutes, he arrived at the battle scene.

The battle has subsided, and the sea is still choppy, apparently still lingering on the aftermath of the previous terror. One of the monsters disappeared, only Ta Kyushu was still standing in the air.

Treading Kyushu was holding a long sword, and his body was covered in blood, but he had an indifferent expression on his face.

"Who did you fight with?!" Song Chongjian asked in surprise.

"Baqi Orochi." Stepping on Kyushu, he said lightly.

"One of the strongest monsters in the Cherry Blossom Country, Orochimaru?!" Song Epee became more and more surprised. If he had been suspicious before, now he can be sure that this was definitely a premeditated and organized attack. The top yokai cannot appear on the frontier at the same time!

"Where did it go?" Song Chongjian asked again.

"He was seriously injured and escaped from the bottom of the sea." Ta Jiuzhou paused and continued: "I shouldn't come again in the short term."

Song Cepeng looked at him with a solemn expression.

"It's okay, it doesn't affect the decisive battle between us." Ta Jiuzhou slowly raised the sword in his hand.

"But you are injured." Song Chongjian looked at the body that stepped on Jiuzhou, Yin Yin's blood was still oozing out, and there were at least dozens of blood holes all over his body.

Although Orochi was frightened away, he was also seriously injured when he stepped on Kyushu!

"I said, it doesn't matter!" Ta Jiuzhou said with a sneer: "And I was injured, isn't that very good, you just happened to get rid of me, a monster of a big trouble!"

Song Chongjian didn't answer this question, but asked, "Why did you fight with the Orochi Baqi?"

"It's none of your business, you can't have grudges?" Ta Jiuzhou snorted disdainfully.

Song Chongjian was silent for a while, and said: "No matter what your purpose is, but you solved a problem in Daxia! Just rushing to this, I can't attack you, let's make an appointment to fight another day."

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