Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 357: real body

Seeing this scene, Jin Chuan immediately hid to the side, protecting his own safety as soon as possible.

Even if Lao Yu recruited a bunch of monsters, Wang Qianchen still rushed over and slashed at him with a savage knife, as if he didn't take it seriously. Lao Yu was too lazy to do anything at all, he stepped back with his feet, put his hands behind his back, and handed it over to his group of men.

A group of monsters rushed forward, their hands either turned into sharp pincers, or waved curly water plants, and some sprayed black ink, or showed their turtle shells.

Hearing the sound of "click" and "pop", Wang Qianchen had no power to fight back, his hands and feet were tied, his eyes were blinded, his body was smashed by a turtle shell, and even his chest was pierced by a pair of pliers.

Wang Qianchen was lying on the ground, blood gushing out from his chest, and he was dying.

"Beautiful!" Although killing the Monster Slayer might have endless troubles, Jin Chuan who was not far away couldn't help but shouted hello when he saw such a neat and tidy attack.

"Oye—" A group of monsters also cheered loudly.

"It's not right." Only Lao Yu frowned, walked in front of Wang Qianchen's dying body, and said solemnly: "Even if we are very well prepared, a monster slayer in the rock realm can't be killed so easily! "

The next second, Wang Qianchen's body turned into a puff of blue smoke.

"Clone!" Lao Yu's expression changed immediately.

"What... what's going on..." Jin Chuan, who was not far away, was also stunned.

"Hey hey—" At the same time, a string of laughter sounded from the river bank, the car door opened again, and a figure walked out.

It is Wang Qianchen!

"You..." Lao Yu's eyes were startled.

Jin Chuan was also stunned, and the monsters were ready to fight again.

"It's really a good plan... I almost fell for it..." Wang Qianchen took off the suit he had put on for the reception before, revealing the black demon cape inside. Blowing loudly.

Then, the Demon Slayer Sword was pulled out.

"...How did you find out?" Lao Yu's face sank.

"Just your little trick, you want to hide from an experienced monster slayer like me, do you want to be blind?" When he said this, Wang Qianchen felt a little guilty. In fact, Lao Yu's plan was very good. It didn't respond at all!

One has been planning for a long time, one has just started to act, how can it be so easy to see through, Lao Yu is not an idiot with many loopholes, and Wang Qianchen is not Zhuge Liang who has a clever plan.

But Wang Qianchen has an advantage, that is, he is careful and cautious, especially after what happened to the third master Huang, he took every step carefully; and this is on the edge of the reservoir, Wang Qianchen knew that Lao Yu was a fish demon, and this was his The old nest, it is even more impossible to act rashly.

Therefore, after realizing that Jinchuan had stopped and stood by the reservoir and talked to people, Wang Qianchen also put out the fire early and overheard the conversation from afar.

On the empty and empty river bank, there is nothing to block it, coupled with the favorable wind from God, making Wang Qianchen's hearing to the extreme!

——The third master Huang only found out that Wang Qianchen has a strong sense of smell, but did not know that his hearing is also very good, which led to the lack of news about Lao Yu.

In this way, Wang Qianchen knew all the plans of Lao Yu and Jin Chuan.

So in the final analysis, it's not how smart Wang Qianchen is, or how clever he is. It's not because he has no last resort and no tricks. First, it is due to his hearing, and secondly, it is due to his prudence.

If there is a slight error, you may die on the embankment today.

However, in front of Lao Yu, Wang Qianchen definitely couldn't tell the truth. His sense of smell had already been exposed, and it would be stupid to expose his hearing again, so he deliberately pretended to be mysterious, as if he had seen through it long ago.

"So you condensed your avatar to test the combat effectiveness of my side?" Lao Yu said clearly.

"That's right." Wang Qianchen nodded.

"Are you sure you can beat me now?" Lao Yu asked again.

"My real body has appeared, what do you think?" Wang Qianchen raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, two cars drove up on the river bank again. It was Li Xian and Zhou Sheng who were called here by Wang Qianchen. The two also took off their suits, revealing the black demon cape, and clenched the demon slaying knife and ran towards them.

"Brother Chen, here we come!" The two shouted loudly, full of vigor and fighting spirit.

"One rock realm, two earth realms, can we fight against so many of us?" Lao Yu frowned again.

"Hey, don't you know if you try it?" Wang Qianchen took out the brick again.

Logically speaking, there are more than ten monsters on Laoyu's side, including rock, stone, and earth, and they are also near the reservoir. They have the advantage of playing at home. No matter what, they should not be afraid of one rock and two soil. Kill monsters.

But seeing Wang Qianchen's indifferent and calm appearance, Lao Yu felt a panic in his heart for no reason.

Jin Chuan, a businessman who has always been astute as a ghost, saw that the situation was not right, so he turned around and ran away!

No one cares about him, and he is not under the control of Monster Slayer.

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