Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 384: beheaded

After sending off Lang Baibai and the other monsters, Wang Qianchen seemed to remember something, and immediately walked to the table, picked up the specialties of Luzhou City, and sent them to the Eighth Prince.

"Eighth Prince, if you have a little heart, don't dislike it!" Wang Qianchen said with a smile, he was really happy, the person who got in the way has finally left, and now he can carry out the plan with confidence and boldness!

"Oh, you are the sworn brothers of Lord Langling, and you gave me something, how can I take it!" The Eighth Prince joked, but he still took the thing.

"Eighth Prince, don't bury me. If it weren't for you, how could I have entered the Ten Thousand Demons Association? The kindness you gave me is like reborn parents, I will never forget it!" Wang Qianchen blushed and said Even if you feel nauseous.

"Hey, you can remember it!" The Eighth Prince put his arms around Wang Qianchen's neck, his attitude was even more enthusiastic than yesterday.

The two entered the cave, and Wang Qianchen glanced at Wei Zihua again.

Wei Zihua was still lying on the ground, unable to move, and Brick was muttering beside him, not knowing what to say.

The Eighth Prince also noticed it, frowned and said, "Little dog, I just wanted to say yesterday, why do you keep putting this weapon next to that monster slayer?"

Wang Qianchen took three steps and took two steps, ran to Wei Zihua, picked up the bricks, opened his bow and fanned twice, and said viciously: "What the **** do you want to do, collude with the demon killer to harm me?"

"Master, I'm wronged, I just want to drink two mouthfuls of blood!" There was indeed some blood on the brick.

"This guy really likes to drink blood." Wang Qianchen said back.

Monsters like to eat meat and drink blood, which is not unusual. The Eighth Prince nodded and didn't take it seriously.

Just now while Lang Baibai was waiting for the demon to leave, Banzhuan hurriedly told Wei Zihua about the current situation, and while he was talking, he was sucking blood from his body.

After Wang Qianchen put Banzhuan into his waist, he heard Banzhuan say in his consciousness, "Xiaowei doesn't want us to save him, saying it's too risky."

"What nonsense, how could I not save him?"

"I said the same thing, and said that we are ready, let him rest assured."

While Wang Qianchen was talking to Brick in his consciousness, he quietly put his hand into his pocket and sent a message to Sun Ming, Du Hong and others, informing them that they were ready to start.

After such a long time, Lang Baibai and other demons should have flown far away.

The Eighth Prince didn't know what Wang Qianchen was thinking, and said happily, "Little dog, eat more, don't you like meat the most?"

Wang Qianchen didn't know what kind of meat it was, "hmmm" perfunctorily, picked up a piece, but didn't put it in his mouth.

At this moment, Wang Qianchen's face suddenly became solemn.

"What's wrong?" The Eighth Prince asked immediately.

"I seem to have heard a human voice." Wang Qianchen raised his head and looked out of the cave.

The hearing ability of dogs is second to none in the animal kingdom. The Eighth Prince had no doubts, and immediately said: "The deputy captain of Dayuan City's Demon Slayer is here, and I expected them to come! Dashan, go check the situation!"

"Okay!" Dashan responded from outside the cave, and immediately returned to his true form as a mountain eagle, and then flew to the sky with a "swoosh", overlooking the ground from a commanding height.

Because of the needs of hunting, the mountain eagle's eyesight is very good, and if there is any trouble, it must be hidden from its eyes.

Just at this moment, a white figure rose into the sky, and then a sword light flashed above the sky.

Seeing that something was wrong, the mountain eagle immediately flapped its wings a few times, but was still swept away by this sword, and a blood mist exploded in the air, and large pieces of feathers fell from the sky.

Just this sword, Wang Qianchen couldn't help but applaud in his heart: "Bai Feiyang's hand is really beautiful!"

But for other monsters, it was a horror. The entrance of the cave was in a panic, and a monster shouted loudly: "It must be the Demon Slayer!"

At the same time, the mountain eagle also flew down from the sky. It wasn't dead, but was injured a little bit. It flapped its wings and shouted loudly, "Eighth Prince, it's a monster slayer, dozens of them!"

"Dozens?!" The Eighth Prince was astonished. In his original plan, at most, the demon slayer team from Dayuan City found this place, and there were only seven or eight people. Cleaning them was like chopping melons and vegetables. How come there are so many?

At the same time, there were shouts of killing all around. Du Hong, Tan Zuo, Nie Rong, and Yin Luoluo took the lead, and Sun Ming led the demon slayer teams from various prefecture-level cities in Western Shanxi Province. It is holding a demon slashing knife and wearing a black cloak, that is called a mighty and domineering one!

A white-clothed Bai Feiyang stood in the air, the long sword in his hand shone cold in the sun, specifically to stop the monsters trying to escape from the air.

This time not only to save Wei Zihua, but also to slaughter all the monsters of the Eighth Prince!

"Quick, catch that vice-captain!" Realizing that the situation was not good, the Eighth Prince turned around immediately.

Needless to say, Wang Qianchen had already rushed into the cave, grabbed Wei Zihua and ran out.

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