Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 388: Running waterway

Wang Qianchen's heart suddenly "squeaked".

There is no doubt that the Eighth Prince is suspecting him!

That's right, it's just the two of them here. The Eighth Prince will definitely not leak the news. Who else besides Wang Qianchen is doing this?

If you want a mobile phone, you just want someone to steal and get it!

"Hurry up, give me your phone!" The Eighth Prince was anxious, as if he was about to come up and grab it.

"Okay, here it is!" Wang Qianchen took out his mobile phone and prepared to recruit Mr. Honglou.

He is going to fight the Eighth Prince.

He didn't feel that he was the opponent of the Eighth Prince, and the addition of a Mr. Honglou might be nonsense, not to mention how many monsters were hidden under the wide Fen River.

But he had no choice. At such a time, he had to save his own life first. Later, whether it was flying or escaping, as long as Wei Zihua and Du Hong came, they could turn the tide of the battle.

The Eighth Prince grabbed Wang Qianchen's mobile phone and smashed it with a "click".

"Huh?" Wang Qianchen was stunned.

"My mobile phone has an anti-location device. They can't find it. There must be something wrong with your mobile phone!" The Eighth Prince said firmly.

It turned out to be suspecting Wang Qianchen's mobile phone, not Wang Qianchen.

"We have to get out of here!" The Eighth Prince dropped the broken parts in his hand, grabbed Wang Qianchen again, and jumped into the water.

In fact, Wang Qianchen, as a monster slayer, for the sake of safety, his mobile phone also has an anti-location device. Otherwise, where would he need to send his location in person?

But when it's broken, it's broken.

"What are you afraid of, fight with them, there are monsters in the river..." Wang Qianchen shouted anxiously.

"These monsters in the river are not their opponents!" The Eighth Prince said quickly.


One person and one demon submerged in the water.

The huge carp also disappeared quickly, and the Monster Slayer will be here soon, who would dare to chatter nearby?

After a few minutes, a team led by Wei Zihua arrived. Du Hong, Tan Zuo, Nie Rong, Yin Luoluo, Bai Feiyang, and the demon slayer team from Dayuan City surrounded the river. Thatched cottage on the side.

But as you can imagine, it was empty.

"It's weird, what about people?" Du Hong ran in and out, and began to study the secret channel again.

However, there are no secret passages, no organs.

Wei Zihua squatted on the ground, looking at a pile of broken mobile phone parts, then turned to look at the water where he couldn't see the edge.

"Escaped from the water..." Wei Zihua said solemnly.

Since the eight princes are the first prince, the underwater kung fu is naturally quite good.

It's no pity not to be able to stop the Eighth Prince, but I don't know if Wang Qianchen is still safe?

Wei Zihua immediately condensed an air submarine and carried everyone into the water. He didn't expect this thing to catch the Eighth Prince, but if Wang Qianchen was killed, there should be bodies underwater.

Fortunately, nothing.


Several kilometers away, underwater.

The Eighth Prince returned to his true appearance, a huge old turtle, with his limbs at least ten meters long, he was a worthy overlord of Fenhe.

Where the Eighth Prince passed, all underwater species retreated.

Above the turtle shell, a thin film of air was formed, with sufficient oxygen, and Wang Qianchen was in it.

Wang Qianchen grabbed a raised tortoise shell, and complained secretly in his heart, and told the old guy to run away, the phone was also crushed, and the news could not get out.

"Eighth Prince, where are we going?" Wang Qianchen asked.

"Take the waterway and go to Luzhou!" The Eighth Prince replied.

"What are you doing in Luzhou?!" Wang Qianchen looked surprised.

"First, Dayuan City must not stay there, those guys are really pervasive; second, haven't you just killed all the monster slayers in Luzhou City? It's relatively safe over there, and it's still your territory, let's first Go there to settle down, and then contact other monsters..." The Eighth Prince swung his limbs, his speed was extremely fast, and he jumped hundreds of meters with every move.

In less than an hour, the Eighth Prince went from the Fen River to the Zhangze Reservoir and successfully entered the boundary of Luzhou City.

In another ten minutes, one person and one monster landed on the edge of a river bank in the Wetland Park.

Clean, fresh and refreshing, no water stains on the body.

Wang Qianchen's heart is full of bitterness. He was in Dayuan City more than an hour ago, and now he has come to Luzhou City. No matter how smart Wei Zihua's brain is, I'm afraid he can't think of it, right?

Or find a chance to get a mobile phone.

After making up his mind, Wang Qianchen said to the Eighth Prince, "Where are we going now?"

"Come with me!" The Eighth Prince didn't answer, he said and walked out, Wang Qianchen had to keep up.

Outside the Wetland Park, the Eighth Prince reached out and stopped a taxi.

After the two went up, the Eighth Prince said, "North of the city, Zhezhe Car Wash."

Wang Qianchen was silent, but his fists were secretly clenched.

In the "concept" of the Eight Princes, all the monster slayers in Luzhou City are dead, so the "Zhezhe Car Wash" is naturally uninhabited.

The more critical point is that it is impossible for anyone to think that the Eighth Prince would have such courage to settle down at the base of Luzhou City's Demon Slayer!

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