Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 409: The head of the house appears

"Zibu [Qingming Space]!" Guo Zizhen shouted loudly: "He was still here just now, and he definitely won't run far!"

Guo Zizhen recalled the previous scene, unless Wang Qianchen was a clone from the beginning - but this is obviously impossible - then the time period when he used his clone was only when the group of demon slayers was besieging, only a few seconds away. within his line of sight.

The sky above the urban village trembled slightly again, and a virtual space quickly formed.

Guo Zizhen's eyes quickly looked forward, scanning the house, the alley and the sky. This is different from the search last night. I didn't know if Wang Qianchen was there last night, but now I know that Wang Qianchen is definitely there, and it's not far away!

Guo Zizhen drew out his sword and swept forward sharply.

A huge sword energy pierced out, covering almost the entire road, the house and the air. Everywhere it passed, it fell apart and rolled up huge smoke and cracks.

With a "click", a figure flashed out of the void, it was Wang Qianchen who used [Invisibility] and [Royal Wind]!

Wang Qianchen had to draw his sword to resist, otherwise he would be smashed to pieces by this sword energy.

But even if he resisted, he couldn't hold it at all. The Demon Slayer Sword was completely knocked into the air, and a blood hole was ripped open in his chest. His body was like a kite with a broken string. of blood foam.


Wei Zihua and Nie Rong rushed up together.

But Guo Zizhen's speed was faster, his footsteps swayed slightly forward, and he jumped in front of Wang Qianchen and picked him up.

No one could stop him at all, Wang Qianchen was also seriously injured, and the whole person was unconscious.

After catching Wang Qianchen's real body, Guo Zizhen didn't stay at the scene, and immediately let people take the Qingming Space, ready to leave this place of right and wrong. Just at this moment, there were a lot of footsteps all around, at least hundreds of men in black clad around them, blocking the front, back, left and right, all of them had a block letter "Nie" on the chest of their clothes. Character.

The Nie family has arrived!

Guo Zizhen grabbed the unconscious Wang Qianchen, looked left and right with suspicious eyes, and finally landed on a young man with sword eyebrows and star eyes.

"Master Nie, what do you mean?" Guo Zizhen asked with a frown.

"Ah, Sect Master Guo, it's nothing else, this is my brother's friend, you can't let you take him away." Nie Jiao touched his nose and showed a somewhat embarrassed smile.

"Brother, why are you here?" Nie Rong looked surprised.

Nie Jiao waved his hand, meaning to talk about it later.

"Master Nie, do you two brothers do this, does Patriarch Nie know?" Guo Zizhen's face sank, becoming more and more unhappy.

"Master Guo, to be honest, my dad asked me to come." Nie Jiao cupped his hands with a smile.

The voice fell, the crowd automatically separated, and a middle-aged man walked out, and it turned out to be Nie Gang, the current head of the Nie family.

If Guo Zizhen felt that Nie Jiao might have passed the imperial edict in a false way, but now that Nie has just arrived in person, it cannot be false.

"Patriarch Nie, what does this mean?" Guo Zizhen asked calmly.

"Master Guo, let me ask you first, why do you want to arrest Wang Qianchen?" Nie Gang, as his name suggests, has thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a hard face, like an indestructible iron plate.

"He is a major suspect in the murder of Wan Long!"

"Is there any evidence?"

"..." Guo Zizhen fell silent.

"You can't arrest him without evidence. In other words, you can't arrest him in Jinling City." Nie Gang sighed and said, "This kid is my son's friend, and my son invited him to Jinling City. Take him away like this and spread it out, it seems to be a set set by my family. It's hard to say it or not. Who would dare to communicate with our Nie family in the future? Sect Master Guo, I absolutely cherish the friendship between the Nie family and Qingcheng Mountain, but here I really can’t make concessions on this matter, I hope you can understand. Let’s just let him go for my sake today, and if you arrest someone else in the future, I promise not to ask half a word!”

Guo Zizhen's eyebrows moved slightly.

Nie Gang's remarks are well-founded and without leaks, blocking all his paths. If Wang Qianchen is forcibly taken away, it will be his fault.

Besides, you can't take it with you. This is the Nie family's territory, and there are people from the Nie family.

It's better to push the boat with the flow and be a personal favor instead of tearing it apart, being tough to the end, and not winning in the end.

Thinking of this, Guo Zizhen smiled and said, "According to this, I didn't think it through. Okay, since Patriarch Nie speaks in person, I won't say anything. I'll catch this kid when I have a chance in the future."

"Thanks!" Nie Gang cupped his hands.

Guo Zizhen picked up Wang Qianchen, saw that he was still in a coma, and said with a cold snort: "Boy, you are lucky, for the sake of the Nie family, I will let you go this time, and I will play with you next time. !"

After finishing speaking, Guo Zizhen left Wang Qianchen behind and bowed to Nie Gang before leaving with the group.

Nie Rong and Wei Zihua immediately rushed to Wang Qianchen, and the Nie family had enlightened people who were good at medical treatment, and they went to heal him immediately.

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