Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 424: its owner

Wang Qianchen put away the heart of the blue ocean and asked, "Where's Wei Zihua, who saw him?"

Only then did everyone realize that Wei Zihua was not there, and Sun Ming said strangely, "Yes, where's the captain of the guard?"

Wang Qianchen took out his mobile phone and called Wei Zihua.

But Wei Zihua didn't answer.

Wang Qianchen frowned. Huang Sanye was dead, and he wanted to know if Li Qianqiu and others were awake. Li Qianqiu and others were in a hospital in Dayuan City, and the captain of Dayuan City's Demon Slayer could directly contact him, but Wei Zihua disappeared. What happened?


At this moment, the loud laughter of the wild waves came from the top of the mountain again. The scarlet monster with a height of ten feet won a big victory and got the Qiankun Shovel. The Golden Eagle King of the Mountain Realm, relying on his wings and speed, has been able to hold up well now.

On the top of the mountain, only the scarlet monster was still there, and the Golden Eagle King disappeared. I don't know if he was dead.

As for the other monsters, they have long since disappeared.

No one knows who the scarlet monster is, but it should not be a monster in Daxia, and there is no such ugly monster in Daxia. Even if he is ugly, he will try his best to make himself look better when he becomes an adult.

Wang Qianchen remembered the experience of the training camp. Master Pan, the land god, once said that the strongest foreign monsters appeared on the borders of various places. The scarlet monster on the top of the mountain is very similar to the Yaksha Mara in Europe.

Although I don't know what Yasha Mara is doing to rob the Qiankun Shovel, but thinking of the treasures of Daxia, but being taken away by foreign monsters, no one feels uncomfortable.

But there is nothing to do, no one at the scene is the opponent of this Yaksha Mara.

Several captains reported it one after another, and the news was that the [Monster Slayer] executives already knew that someone was rushing over, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"He wants to take the Qiankun Shovel for himself!" Gao Heng raised his head and said worriedly.

Everyone also looked at it, and saw that Yasha Mara had bitten her finger and smeared blood on the Qiankun shovel. Everyone knows the magical effect of the Qiankun Shovel, which is equivalent to the free door in Doraemon. You can go wherever you want, and it is not limited by space and time. Even if the strongest of Daxia came, they would not be able to catch Yasha Mara.

"Is there any way to stop him?" Wang Qianchen asked with a frown.

Everyone is a monster slayer, and it is their duty to slay monsters and protect the country, but even if everyone goes together, they are not his opponents!

"It doesn't matter, you have to give it a try!" Gao Heng took the lead and charged towards the top of the mountain with the Demon Slayer Sword in his hand.

Everyone also followed in a swarm, no one hesitated, and they all moved forward.


on top of the mountain.

Yasha Mara still maintains his height of ten feet. This posture can be easily detected, but he doesn't care anymore. Anyway, with Qiankun Shovel in hand, he will leave here in minutes.

The Qiankun Shovel is indeed a treasure. After being grasped by Yasha Mara, it also grew larger and stretched to a suitable size.

Yaksha Mara smeared blood on the Qiankun Shovel, and then chanted an incomprehensible incantation. The Qiankun Shovel trembled slightly, as if it was establishing a connection with him.

At the foot, the mountain elf Kru rode on the goat and shouted loudly: "Lord Mara, a strong man is approaching, we must speed up!"

Yasha Mara also felt it. It was the breath of a powerful person in the realm. Although it was still far away, it was also approaching quickly.

"I don't know what's going on, this thing won't listen to me! The spell is right, and the way to sign the contract is right..." Yaksha Mara grabbed the Qiankun shovel, and there was some cold sweat on her forehead.

"Because this thing is not yours in the first place." At this moment, a voice sounded faintly.

Yasha Mara looked down and saw a lazy young man standing on the ground not far away.

At the same time, the Qiankun Shovel trembled even more.

"Who are you?!" Yasha Mara's nostrils exhaled two breaths.

"Its owner." Wei Zihua pointed to the Qiankun shovel in Yaksha Mara's hand, "Okay, give it back to me."

Wei Zihua stretched out his hand, and the Qiankun Shovel trembled even more, as if he really wanted to get out of Yaksha Mara's hand.

"What's going on?!" Yaksha Mara clenched the Qiankun shovel, and found that one hand could not be controlled, and stretched out the other.

Yasha Mara has the strength of the sublime, showing her true appearance, waving her hands, and has the ability to move mountains and seas. But at this moment, he couldn't even catch a Qiankun shovel!

The golden shovel really came out of his hands and flew towards Wei Zihua!

"What the hell?!" Yasha Mara shouted angrily, raised her huge soles, and stomped down on Wei Zihua.

Wei Zihua only has a rock boundary, and stepping on it is enough to make his soul fly away!

However, the Qiankun Shovel was one step ahead of Yaksha Mara's feet and reached Wei Zihua's hands.

Wei Zihua grabbed the Qiankun shovel. This golden light was bright, and at first glance, it was not a shovel of ordinary things. Suddenly, the layers fell off, the golden light faded, and it changed into a pitch-black pen.

Yes, it has become a pen, and it is still a writing brush.

Although the brush lost its golden shroud, it was even more extraordinary, exuding a deep aura.

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